Type certificates

After clicking on the certificate number, the relevant Type Certificate will open. Clicking on the Name will open a window with more information about that type - if available.

Ultralight aircraft

Number Name Issued on Download
Number: 03/2023

M-8 Eagle

Two-seater, single-engine, aerodynamically controlled ultralight high-wing aircraft of all-composite construction."

Issued on: 3. 11. 2023 Certificate
Number: 02/2023

Dynamic WT9 600 NG

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft with side-by-side seats"

Issued on: 4. 7. 2023
Number: 01/2023


Two-seater ultralight all-metal low-wing aircraft with side-by-side seats"

Issued on: 3. 3. 2023
Number: 06/2022

FM250 Vampire 600

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft with side-by-side seats"

Issued on: 6. 6. 2022
Number: 05/2022

DV1 Skylark

Two-seater ultralight aircraft of all-metal low-wing construction"

Issued on: 1. 6. 2022
Number: 04/2022

Shark 600

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft with tandem seats"

Issued on: 19. 4. 2022
Number: 01/2022

P92 Echo MKII

Two-seat mixed-structure strut high-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 15. 1. 2022
Number: 05/2021

Skyper GT9-600

Two-seat strut high-wing aircraft of all-metal construction"

Issued on: 29. 12. 2021
Number: 03/2021

Dynamic WT9/600

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft with side-by-side seats"

Issued on: 21. 9. 2021
Number: 02/2021

Dynamic WT-9 OK Edition

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft with side-by-side seats"

Issued on: 21. 9. 2021
Number: 01/2021

Legend 600

Two-seater ultra-light all-composite strut-type high-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 1. 7. 2021
Number: 06/2020

Atec 321 Faeta NG

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft with side-by-side seats"

Issued on: 16. 11. 2020
Number: 05/2020


Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft with tandem seats"

Issued on: 5. 11. 2020
Number: 02/2020

Ellipse Spirit

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 24. 6. 2020
Number: 06/2019

Bristle LSA

Two-seater ultralight aircraft of all-metal low-wing construction"

Issued on: 30. 10. 2019
Number: 05/2019

TL3000 Sirius/600

Two-seater ultralight all-composite high-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 11. 7. 2019
Number: 04/2019

TL2000 Sting S4/600

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 11. 7. 2019
Number: 02/2019


Two-seater all-composite aircraft with retractable landing gear"

Issued on: 8. 4. 2019
Number: 01/2018

Skyper GT9UL

Two-seat strut high-wing aircraft of all-metal construction"

Issued on: 7. 3. 2018
Number: 01/2017


Two-seater aerodynamically controlled all-metal self-supporting low-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 6. 10. 2017
Number: 03/2016

SD1 – Minisport

Single-seater aerodynamically controlled self-supporting low-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 16. 12. 2016
Number: 02/2016


Two-seater aerodynamically controlled all-metal self-supporting low-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 16. 12. 2016
Number: 01/2016

Merlin 100

Single-seater aerodynamically controlled all-metal self-supporting high-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 29. 3. 2016
Number: 02/2015

TL2000 Sting S4

Two-seater ultralight all-composite low-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 11. 12. 2015
Number: 02/2014

Skylark ELSA

kit, two-seater UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 7. 4. 2014
Number: 01/2014


kit, two-seater UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 7. 4. 2014
Number: 07/2013

Harmony ELSA

kit, two-seater UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 18. 12. 2013
Number: 04/2013

GP One

two-seat UL, self-supporting high-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 16. 4. 2013
Number: 02/2013


single-seat UL, mid-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 16. 4. 2013
Number: 01/2013

Sparrow ML

two-seat UL, low-wing, crew behind, all-composite"

Issued on: 1. 3. 2013
Number: 05/2013


Two-seater all-composite UL with crew sitting behind"

Issued on: 1. 3. 2013
Number: 11/2012

Legend 540

two-seat UL, strut high-wing, composite"

Issued on: 19. 12. 2012
Number: 02/2012

Bristle ELSA

kit, two-seater UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 14. 12. 2012
Number: 01/2012

TL 3000 Sirius ELSA

kit, two-seat UL, strut high-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 14. 12. 2012
Number: 10/2012

SR01 Magic

two-seat UL, low-wing, crew behind, all-composite"

Issued on: 7. 11. 2012 Certificate
Number: 04/2012

Pipistrel Taurus 503

two-seat UL, mid-wing, all-composite, retractable landing gear and propellers"

02 / 2010 "

Issued on: 17. 5. 2012 Certificate
Number: 06/2012

JA 100 Colibri Basic

single-seat UL, low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 10. 4. 2012 Certificate
Number: 03/2011

Bristol UL

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 21. 12. 2011 Certificate
Number: 01/2011

Viper SD – 4

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 31. 3. 2011 Certificate
Number: 05/2010


two-seat UL, upper wing welded and tubular construction"

Issued on: 16. 7. 2010 Certificate
Number: 01/2010

TL 3000 Sirius

two-seat UL, high-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 2. 4. 2010 Certificate
Number: 04/2009

Skylane v. IV

two-seat UL, high-wing, composite, wood"

Issued on: 25. 11. 2009 Certificate
Number: 03/2009

FM – 250 Vampire

two-seat UL, low-wing all-composite"

Issued on: 25. 11. 2009 Certificate
Number: 02/2009


two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 3. 8. 2009 Certificate
Number: 01/2009

JK – 05 Junior

two-seat UL, high-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 14. 5. 2009 Certificate
Number: 03/2008


two-seat UL, high-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 12. 12. 2008 Certificate
Number: 09/2008

Alto TG

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 15. 7. 2008 Certificate
Number: 08/2009


two-seat UL, high-wing composite, wood, tilting propeller"

Issued on: 13. 7. 2008 Certificate
Number: 05/2007

Aeroprakt A 22

two-seat UL, high-wing all-metal construction"

Issued on: 30. 4. 2007 Certificate
Number: 03/2007

P – 92 Echo Super

two-seat UL, high-wing combined metal construction"

Issued on: 30. 4. 2007 Certificate
Number: 02/2007

P – 2002 Sierra

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 30. 4. 2007 Certificate
Number: 01/2007

VL – 3

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-composite, retractable landing gear"

Issued on: 4. 4. 2007 Certificate
Number: 02/2006

MD – 3 Riders

two-seat UL, high-wing, all-metal construction + composites"

Issued on: 31. 5. 2006 Certificate
Number: 04/2005

Atec 321 Faeta

all-composite low-wing aircraft"

Issued on: 19. 10. 2005 Certificate
Number: 05/2005


two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 1. 10. 2005 Certificate
Number: 03/2003

P – 96 Golf

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 15. 9. 2005 Certificate
Number: 01/2005

WT 9 Dynamic

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 14. 6. 2005 Certificate
Number: 02/2004

Samba XXL

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 29. 3. 2004 Certificate
Number: 01/2004

KP 5 ASA (Rapid 500)

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-metal"

change 28/11/2005"

Issued on: 29. 3. 2004 Certificate
Number: 07/2003

Sports star

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 18. 12. 2003 Certificate
Number: 05/2003


two-seat UL, low-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 17. 7. 2003 Certificate
Number: 04/2003

Banjo MH

single seat UL midplane, composite, wood, tilting propeller"

Issued on: 17. 7. 2003 Certificate
Number: 02/2003

Trainer UL/K, D

two-seat UL, all-metal lower wing"

Issued on: 18. 2. 2003 Certificate
Number: 01/2003

Zenair CH 601 XL Zodiac

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 19. 12. 2002 Certificate
Number: 03/2002

TL 2000 Sting

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 19. 12. 2002 Certificate
Number: 05/2001

Zephyr 2000

two-seat UL, low-wing, composite - wood"

Issued on: 12. 4. 2001 Certificate
Number: 07/2001

Zenair CH 601 Zodiac

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 9. 3. 2001 Certificate
Number: 04/2000

Qualt 200L

two-seat UL, low-wing, composite, wood"

Issued on: 20. 11. 2000 Certificate
Number: 05/2000

Allegro 2000

two-seat UL, high-wing, composite, metal"

Issued on: 17. 10. 2000 Certificate
Number: 03/2000

UFM – 10 Samba

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 17. 10. 2000 Certificate
Number: 021/98

UFM – 11, 13 LAMBADA

two-seat UL, mid-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 22. 12. 1998 Certificate
Number: 01/99

J – 03 YETTI

two-seat UL, high-wing, welded and tubular construction"

Issued on: 15. 12. 1998 Certificate
Number: 020/98


two-seat UL, low-wing, composite - wood"

Issued on: 15. 12. 1998 Certificate
Number: 019/98

TL – 96 Star

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 15. 12. 1998 Certificate
Number: 013/98

D – 10 Toucan

two-seat UL, high-wing, composite, wood"

Issued on: 15. 12. 1998 Certificate
Number: 012/98


two-seat UL, high-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 23. 9. 1998 Certificate
Number: 08/98

P – 92 Echo

two-seat UL, high-wing, combined metal construction"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998 Certificate
Number: 07/98

Tramp, crew behind

two-digit UL"

extension 01/97"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998 Certificate
Number: 03/98

EV - 97 Eurostar

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998 Certificate
Number: 01/98


two-seat UL, high-wing, composite, metal"

supplement 17/10/2000"

Issued on: 12. 3. 1998 Certificate
Number: 06/97

TST – 7 Junior

single-seat UL, mid-wing, all-wood"

Issued on: 23. 9. 1997 Certificate
Number: 05/97

KP 2U – Owl (Rapid 200)

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-metal"

change 28/11/2005"

Issued on: 23. 9. 1997 Certificate
Number: 02/97

P – 220 Koala

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: 26. 2. 1997 Certificate
Number: 17/96

ZENAIR CH 701 / Kappa

two-seat UL, high-wing, all-metal"

change 8/11/2000"

Issued on: 16. 7. 1996 Certificate
Number: 15/96

TST – 1 Alpin

single seat UL, glider, all-wood"

Issued on: 16. 7. 1996 Certificate
Number: 10/96

EOL – 2 Seagulls

two-seat UL, high-wing, all-composite"

Issued on: 21. 5. 1996 Certificate
Number: 12/96

ST – 4 Aztecs

two-seat UL, high-wing, tubular construction"

Issued on: 13. 5. 1996 Certificate
Number: 08/96

LK – 3 Nova

two-seat UL, high-wing, tubular construction"

Issued on: 22. 3. 1996 Certificate
Number: 02/97


two-seat UL, high-wing, welded fuselage, wooden wing"

Issued on: 21. 2. 1996 Certificate
Number: 06/96


two-seat UL, high-wing, composite, wood"

Issued on: 21. 2. 1996 Certificate
Number: 03/96


two-seat UL, high-wing, welded and tubular construction"

Issued on: 17. 1. 1996 Certificate
Number: 05/95

Mini-max, Hi-max

single seat UL, wooden construction"

Issued on: 26. 4. 1995 Certificate
Number: 10/94

TL-132 Condor

two-seat UL, high-wing, welded construction"

amendment No. 1/17.1.96"

Issued on: 7. 12. 1994 Certificate
Number: 09/94


two-seat UL, high-wing, composite, wood"

Issued on: 7. 11. 1994 Certificate
Number: 08/94

SBS Skyboy

two-seat UL, high-wing, tubular construction"

Issued on: 7. 11. 1994 Certificate
Number: 16/93

D – 8 Stratton Moby Dick

two-seat UL, high-wing, wooden structure"

Issued on: 21. 10. 1993 Certificate
Number: 14/93

D – 7 Straton mini, fiTORESI

single-seat UL, high-wing, wooden structure"

Issued on: 25. 7. 1993 Certificate
Number: 11/93

TL – 32 Typhon

two-seat UL high-wing aircraft, tubular construction.

Issued on: 11. 5. 1993 Certificate
Number: 005/92

D – 7 Straton mini

single-seat UL, high-wing, wooden construction.

Issued on: 24. 6. 1991 Certificate
Number: 02/2011

JA 600 (Rapid), Skyleader 600

two-seat UL low-wing, all-metal"

Issued on: - Certificate
Number: 04/2007

D4BK Fascination

two-seat UL, low-wing, all-composite, retractable landing gear"

Issued on: - Certificate


Rescue systems

Number Name Issued on Download
Number: 03/2022


Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 4. 4. 2022
Number: 04/2020


Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 1. 9. 2020
Number: 03/2020


Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 1. 9. 2020
Number: 06/2013


Parachute for the rescue of persons on board sports flying equipment."

Issued on: 6. 5. 2013
Number: 03/2010

GRS 4/250

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 21. 9. 2010
Number: 02/2008


Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 25. 2. 2008
Number: 07/2004


Issued on: 6. 10. 2004
Number: 02/2000

USH – 35

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 22. 4. 2000
Number: 10/98

GRS 5/525

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998
Number: 09/98

GRS 5/450

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998
Number: 03/97

USH – 520

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: 26. 2. 1997
Number: 06/94

GRS 3/320 Galaxy

Rocket Parachute Rescue System"

Issued on: 26. 8. 1994
Number: 04/94

GRS 500 Galaxy

Rocket Parachute Rescue System"

Issued on: 16. 5. 1994
Number: 03/94

Magnum 450

Rocket Parachute Rescue System"

Issued on: 16. 5. 1994
Number: 03/93

Plus - 34

Rescue Parachute System"

Issued on: 6. 4. 1993
Number: 02/93

Plus - 31

Rescue Parachute System"

Issued on: 6. 4. 1993
Number: 01/93

Plus - 25

Rescue Parachute System"

Issued on: 6. 4. 1993
Number: 004/92

GBS – 2

Rescue Launch Parachute System"

Issued on: 30. 6. 1992
Number: 003/92

GBS – 1

Rescue Launch Parachute System"

Issued on: 30. 6. 1992
Number: 003/91

GP – 3

Rescue Pilot Ejecting Parachute"

Issued on: 24. 10. 1991
Number: 002/91

GP – 2

Rescue Pilot Ejecting Parachute"

Issued on: 24. 10. 1991
Number: 001/91

GP – 1

Rescue Pilot Ejecting Parachute"

Issued on: 24. 10. 1991
Number: 02/99

450 Magnum Speed

Extension 03/94"

Issued on: -
Number: 23/96

GRS – 200/500

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: -
Number: 22/96

GRS – 200/450

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: -
Number: 21/96

GRS – 200/320

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: -
Number: 20/96

GRS – 200/270

Missile Rescue System"

Issued on: -



Number Name Issued on Download
Number: 04/2021


Three blade propeller for Rotax 912, 914, 915"

Issued on: 25. 11. 2021
Number: 01/2020

P3 TL Ultralight

Pusher propeller of similar layout as type P1"

Issued on: 1. 9. 2020
Number: 01/2019

P4 DuoMax

Double-bladed, composite in-flight adjustable propeller, diameter 1700 mm"

Issued on: 7. 1. 2019
Number: 09/2012

KW-20; KW-21

Two- and three-bladed propellers hydraulically adjustable in flight with a diameter of 1750 mm"

Issued on: 26. 9. 2012 Certificate
Number: 08/2012


Two- and three-blade composite fly-adjustable propellers, diameter 1750 mm"

Issued on: 26. 9. 2012 Certificate
Number: 04/2010

KA – 4

Three-blade propeller, composite in-flight adjustable propeller, diameter 1750 mm"

Issued on: 21. 9. 2010
Number: 11/2008

DA – 2/3, 2/2

Two- and three-bladed propeller, composite, adjustable on the ground, diameter 1700 mm"

Issued on: 4. 12. 2008
Number: 10/2008

Propuls AE, Propuls AES

Three-blade propeller, composite, adjustable on the ground, diameter 1700 and 1740 mm"

Issued on: 3. 12. 2008
Number: 07/2008

At 218B UL

Three-blade composite propeller adjustable in flight, diameter 1625 mm"

Issued on: 9. 6. 2008
Number: 06/2008

V 332 – 3C

Three-blade composite propeller adjustable in flight, diameter 1625 mm"

Issued on: 9. 6. 2008
Number: 05/2008

V 332 – 3B

Three-blade composite propeller adjustable in flight, diameter 1720 mm"

Issued on: 9. 6. 2008
Number: 04/2008

KA – 2/2, 2/3, 3/2

Two- and three-blade composite propeller adjustable in flight, diameter 1720 mm"

Issued on: 4. 6. 2008
Number: 01/2008


Type series of two-bladed wooden propellers, diameter 800 - 1800 mm"

Issued on: 12. 12. 2007
Number: 01/2006

Fiti Competition D

Composite propeller 2 or 3 blades, non-adjustable, collapsible diameter"

Issued on: 12. 4. 2006
Number: 08/2005

SR 3000 – J/2, J/3

two-leaf, three-leaf"

Issued on: 13. 12. 2005
Number: 07/2005

SR 200 – J/2, J/3

Two-blade or three-blade propeller adjustable on the ground, diameter 1620 mm"

Issued on: 13. 12. 2005
Number: 05/2004

Fiti Eco Competition

Three-blade propeller, composite in-flight adjustable, diameter 1710 mm"

Issued on: 6. 10. 2004
Number: 04/2004

SR 3000

Three-bladed propeller adjustable in flight, diameter 1700mm, wooden blades"

Issued on: 6. 10. 2004
Number: 06/2003

V 331 – 3NS

Adjustable three-blade propeller on the ground, wooden blades, diameter 1620 mm"

Issued on: 1. 10. 2003
Number: 03/2001

KA – 1/2, 1/3

Composite propeller 2 and 3 blades, adjustable in flight, diameter 1620 mm"

Issued on: 12. 4. 2001
Number: 02/2001

V 230 E – UL

Two-blade wooden propeller, diameter 1625 mm"

Issued on: 12. 4. 2001
Number: 01/2001

In 534 AD - UL, BD - UL

Two-blade wooden propeller, diameter 1613 mm"

Issued on: 12. 4. 2001
Number: 01/2000

V 331 – R9V 3NC

Adjustable three-blade propeller on the ground, wooden blades, diameter 1650 mm"

Issued on: 6. 4. 2000
Number: 05/99

Direct 136

Three-blade propeller, composite, adjustable on the ground, diameter 1360 mm"

Issued on: 15. 11. 1999
Number: 04/99

VARY 165

Double-leaf composite, adjustable in flight, diameter 1700 mm"

Issued on: 5. 5. 1999
Number: 018/98


Three-blade propeller, composite, adjustable on the ground, diameter 1810 mm"

Issued on: 15. 12. 1998
Number: 017/98

Sports Prop 1360, 1650

Three-bladed propeller, composite, adjustable on the ground"

supplement 15/11/1999"

Issued on: 15. 12. 1998
Number: 016/98

V 331 – 3 MQA

Adjustable three-blade propeller on the ground, wooden blades, diameter 1700 mm"

Issued on: 16. 11. 1998
Number: 015/98

V 331 – 3 NH

Adjustable three-blade propeller on the ground, wooden blades, diameter 1625 mm"

Issued on: 16. 11. 1998
Number: 011/98

SR – 2000

Three-blade propeller adjustable in flight, diameter 1700 mm, wooden blades"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998
Number: 06/98

V 331

Type series of propellers on the ground adjustable, wooden blades"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998
Number: 05/98

Sports Prop 160, 170

Composite propeller, 3 blades on the ground adjustable"

supplement 15/11/1999"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998
Number: 04/98


Wooden propeller, diameter 1700 mm, adjustable on the ground and in flight"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998
Number: 02/98

Fiti Eco Competition – 2

Composite propeller, diameter 1600 mm, adjustable on the ground"

Issued on: 24. 3. 1998
Number: 14/96

V 230 C

Wooden propeller, diameter 1625 mm"

Issued on: 4. 4. 1996
Number: 09/96

NAV 234

Wooden, two-blade propeller, diameter 1800 mm"

Issued on: 4. 4. 1996

SR 116

Wooden two-blade propeller, diameter 1600 - 1700 mm"

Issued on: 17. 5. 1995
Number: 03/95

SR 200

Wooden three-blade propeller, diameter 1600 - 1700 mm"

Issued on: 17. 5. 1995
Number: 07/94


Composite propeller, adjustable on the ground and in flight"

Issued on: 16. 5. 1994

SR – 23

Two-bladed wooden propeller, Trabant engine"

Issued on: 16. 5. 1994
Number: 02/94

SR – 15

Two-bladed wooden propeller, Trabant engine"

Issued on: 16. 5. 1994
Number: 001/92


Wooden Propeller"

Issued on: 10. 4. 1992
Number: 03/99

Fiti Eco Competition extension

extension 02/98"

Issued on: -


Wooden Propeller"

Issued on: -


Wooden Propeller"

Issued on: -


Wooden Propeller"

Issued on: -


Wooden Propeller"

Issued on: -



Number Name Issued on Download
Number: 08/2003

QD 1400

two-cylinder, four-stroke"

Issued on: 4. 11. 2003
Number: 04/2001

Alta Prag TP 422

four-cylinder, four-stroke"

change 21/11/2005"

Issued on: 12. 4. 2001
Number: 07/96

M - 115

two-cylinder, two-stroke"

Issued on: 17. 1. 1996
Number: 014/98

SVS – 1400

two-cylinder, four-stroke"

Issued on: -