Ultralight aircraft

Ultralights are planes that, unlike "big" planes, can be built with your own hands. Flying on your own differs from flying on "adult" planes mainly due to the significantly lower price. Ultralights have the highest performance of all sports flying devices and enable tourist travel over distances of thousands of kilometers.

Acquisition costs: acquisition costs are highly dependent on whether you build the aircraft yourself or buy a new factory-built aircraft. The cost of own construction is in the order of hundreds of thousands (the largest item is a suitable engine, which can be obtained by modifying a car engine at relatively affordable costs) if you do not count several thousand hours of own work. The price of factory-produced aircraft ranges from 1 to 2 million CZK.

Flying with an ultralight is probably the most expensive of all sports flying devices. Operating costs depend on whether you own the aircraft or fly a chartered aircraft. Currently, there are a number of rental operators that rent aircraft to pilots. The price of a flight hour varies from 1 to 2 thousand CZK, depending on the type and operator. The cost of operating your own aircraft depends on several factors. The first and not always the most important factor is the consumption of operating materials. This ranges from about 7 l/hour for single-seater ultralights to about 13 (but in some cases up to 20) l hour for two-seaters. Another item is the cost of storing the aircraft. The annual rent of space in the hangar ranges from 15 to 30 thousand CZK. Units up to tens of thousands amount to the cost of service inspections (depending on the type and intensity of traffic).

There are a number pilot training center, which provides flight training on a professional basis. Training is the longest of all SFDs and unfortunately also the most expensive, with the exception of ultralight helicopters.

Modern ultralights have surprising performance and reach cruising speeds comparable to higher categories of sports and tourist aircraft. They are even capable of foreign flights if equipped with the appropriate equipment. They are the least weather-dependent of all SFDs and enable year-round operation.
The biggest disadvantage is the high acquisition and operating costs, the dependence on take-off and landing areas and the possibility of storing aircraft at airports.