What is LAA CR?

Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic is a civil association authorized by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic to perform administrative activities in the field of sport flying devices (SFD). The principle of the duality of our association implies that the activities of the Administration are under the permanent supervision of the members, or rather the elected Council of the LAA CR, which leads to requirements for the efficiency of work, the performance of the Administration and the efficient use of funds for its activities.
The basis of our Association's activities is non-commercial, recreational and sport flying.

What is SFD?

SFD Means sport flying devices, includes paragliding, powered paragliding, hang gliding, autogyros, helicopters, center of gravity controlled aircraft, aerodynamically controlled aircraft, amateur built ultralight aircraft up to 600 kg takeoff weight (ELSA), ultralight gliders and ultralight balloons.

How many members does LAA CR have?

Currently, the LAA CR has approximately 6,400 members and registers 7,900 aircraft and 10,000 pilots. In this respect, it is one of the largest organisations of its kind in Europe.

How many employees does LAA ČR have?

Currently, the LAA CR has 12 staff members who manage and work with activist - volunteer traffic inspectors and technicians of various disciplines who operate throughout the country.

How is the LAA CR organised?

Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic As a civic association, it has four Unions, each of which is governed by its own board, elected at general meetings. Representatives of the associations work as members of the seven-member Council of the LAA CR, with the number of representatives of the association in the Council being determined by the number of its members. The meetings of the Council are of fundamental importance for the work of the association in a given period. The Council meetings are chaired by the President of the Association. The Council of the LAA CR monitors the fulfilment of the objectives and tasks set by the delegates of the LAA CR Conference and the long-term Strategy for the Development of the LAA CR. It decides in particular on the management of the association, including the distribution of funds for sports representation, ensures the efficient use of funds for the benefit of the members of the association and the activities of the headquarters and the Administration of the LAA CR.

Unions LAA CR

Hang Gliding Association
Members of Union HG are pilots and builders of hang gliders - hang gliders
Paragliding Association
Members of Union PG are pilots and builders of paragliders
Powered Paragliding Association
Members of Union PPG are pilots and builders of powered paragliders
Ultralight Flying Association
Members of Union UL flying are pilots and builders of powered hang gliders, "classic" ultralights and ultralight gliders. The Ultralight Flying Association also has groups of pilots and builders of ultralight vortices and ultralight helicopters, and its membership also includes pilots and builders of ultralight replicas of historic aircraft

Pilot licences

Do I have to be a member of the LAA CR to obtain a pilot licence (PP)?

No. Since the LAA CR is authorized by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic to perform administrative activities in the field of sport flying equipment (SFD) it is not necessary to be a member of the LAA CR. However, membership in the LAA CR is advantageous because it allows you to arrange more advantageous insurance SFD etc.

How long can a pilot's licence remain expired?

It can remain expired for 90 days (not 95 - or 91 🙂 ). After that time, you need to have yourself reexamined by an LAA inspector. It is not possible to fly as PIC while the licence is lapsed.

Do I have to send a photo every time I renew my PP?

No, the photo is stored in the DB for each pilot.

Do I have to send the original Certificate of Medical Eligibility to renew my PP?

No, a copy (e.g. offset on the reverse side of the extension request) is sufficient.

Will I receive a deposit slip from the LAA after I submit my extension request?

No, you need to pay concurrently,
either by wire transfer or "C" draft.


I want to take out the same liability insurance as last year. Will it be enough if I send the payment and the insurance will be extended?

No, it's not enough. You must send a written application for insurance, stating who the policyholder is, what they want to insure, which policy - variant they want and the date of insurance.

Can I take out liability insurance from May to May next year?

No. All liability insurance ends on 31.12. of the year.

I sent in a payment for liability insurance. However, I did not receive any confirmation

Payment alone is not enough, you must send in a completed application form.

If I want to insure a SFD - do I need to fill in the number plate on the application form even if I only own one SFD?


I want to insure a tandem, can it be insured per person?

No. You must specify the name and serial number of the tandem.

I want to insure the tandem for higher coverage.

In this case, you can choose the options according to Regulation 785/2004.

I want to insure MPK for higher coverage.

In this case, you can choose the options according to Regulation 785/2004.

I insured my MPK. Is the free-flying canopy automatically insured?

Yes. But only the canopy that is listed in the TP and duly registered on the register. If you have another canopy, you must insure it separately.

Can I take out insurance as a non-member of the LAA?

No. LAA ČR provides insurance as a premium service only for its members.

Can I insure SFD, which was loaned to me by a friend and for which I am not listed as either the owner or operator?

Yes. The only condition is membership in LAA ČR.

Where can I find the travel insurance application form?

You do not send any application form for this insurance.

Where can I find the accident insurance application form?

You do not send any application form for this insurance.

Is it possible for an authorised representative to carry out the necessary action on my behalf?

Yes, it is possible, as long as he has all the documents from you.

Online services

I have signed up for online services and my account has been blocked.

After three invalid attempts - e.g. wrong password - the account will be blocked.

I signed up for the online service. I created an insurance policy there, which I paid for, and to date I have not received any confirmation.

In that case, you did not specify "printing in LAA ČR" when you created this service. You can then print this document yourself on the online service.

I have a blocked account on online services, what should I do.

Call or email to request an unblock.

I signed up for the online service and I can't log in.

Are you really on online services? My LAA is not an online service!

I can send payment for membership and insurance together.

No, don't combine payments.

What should I enter as the variable symbol when making a payment?

In the case of a natural person it is the birth number, in the case of a legal person it is the registration number.

I received a money order for the membership fee. What should I enter the variable symbol?

In this case, you will enter the variable symbol as it appears on the bill.

Can I use the variable symbol from the membership card for the next year's dues or other fees?

No, this variable symbol is only for this one payment.

ELSA - new category SFD

What is ELSA?

ELSA is a category of amateur-built aerodynamically controlled aeroplanes - essentially an "amateur-built LSA" of take-off weight up to 600kg meeting the conditions of Annex II paragraph (c).
For their piloting, operation and maintenance the existing regulations for SFD issued by the LAA CR apply.

How is ELSA different from SFD?

Simply put, the new ELSA category differs from the existing SFD category only by a different building code and for everything else uses the already established LAA CR management system.

What are the rules governing ELSA?

Two new regulations are introduced:


  • Building Code, for the purposes of the ELSA category, the UL-2 Code is replaced by the ELSA-A Code.


  • complements the ELSA-A regulations, indicating the differences between the ELSA category and the regulations for SFD.
  • This regulation is issued in the form of a Supplement to the existing regulations SFD, mainly to gain sufficient experience with ELSA while not wanting to disrupt the existing structure of the regulations.
  • In other words, if the practice brings problems, these problems must not affect the existing SFD.

All other regulations applicable to SFD are also applicable to the ELSA category.

How can I obtain ELSA regulations?

The ELSA-A and ELSA-D regulations are approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and will be published on the LAA website and in the Pilot magazine.
The ELSA-A building code includes our definitions and special requirements, but refers to the relevant worldwide ASTM standards, similar to EASA's proposed CS-LSA.
Because ASTM standards are paid standards and cannot be freely distributed, LAA CR entered into negotiations with ASTM International management and negotiated favorable pricing for CR, including a Czech translation of the relevant ASTM standards.
For more information on the consolidated Czech version of the ELSA-K Building Code, contact ULL's Chief Inspector of Engineering.

How is the ELSA category defined?

  • ELSA is not identical to the US LSA.
  • It allows the use of retractable landing gear and adjustable propellers.
  • The exact definition of the category is given by the ELSA-A code, which is based on ASTM F2245, which is the code used in the USA for the LSA category.
  • The regulation also takes into account the CS-LSA regulation proposed by EASA.
  • The ELSA-A airworthiness requirements may be applied to aerodynamically controlled SFD built by an individual builder to his own design or from a kit meeting the following requirements:
    1. The maximum take-off mass does not exceed 600kg (including any recovery system).
    2. The stall speed in the landing configuration (VS0) is not greater than 75 km/h (40.5 kts) CAS at maximum take-off weight and the most critical centre of gravity position.
    3. Two digits maximum.
    4. With one non-turbine engine and propeller.
    5. Unpressurised cabin
    6. Fixed wing aircraft
    7. Minimum payload not less than:
      250 kg for 600 kg max. take-off weight
      150 kg for max. take-off mass
      less than or equal to 450 kg
      The payload value for max take-off weights between 450kg and 600kg shall be determined by interpolation
    8. Maximum engine power 89kW (120k)

Can ELSA be single digit?

Yes, he can. The definition does not distinguish between single or double digit ELSA. I think this option will be used mainly by builders of historic replicas.

Which aircraft is ELSA designed for?

  • newly amateur-built aerodynamically controlled aircraft
  • possible possibility to transfer also some already completed and registered aircraft with technical certificate "Z" (prototype) and "A" (individually produced SFD using a kit or production documentation SFD, having a type certificate of LAA CR) provided that the owner proves compliance with the requirements of ELSA-A up to his proposed take-off weight equal to or less than 600kg.
  • It is also possible to build from factory-made kits.
  • The kit manufacturer will prepare a list of work to comply with the 51% rule. The scope of the kit will be subject to the approval of the LAA CR.

How will the work in progress of the kit be defined?

The scope of the kit designed by the manufacturer must be approved by the LAA of the Czech Republic. We assume that it will be possible to use the so-called Quick built kits - i.e. the airframe is almost ready, the builder installs the engine, engine covers, connects the steering, landing gear, attaches the end curves, finishes the interior, deck plate, finishes the surface treatment, etc.

Can a company build me a custom airplane from a kit?

No, unfortunately not.
ELSA is for amateur builders who are willing to participate in the building of their aircraft. Unfortunately, there is no other way under European law.
However, a collective of builders can set up a non-profit association and produce aircraft for its members.

Who will supervise the construction?

The construction and commissioning of ELSA will be supervised by a selected group of trained LAA CR technical inspectors.
Test flights will be performed by selected test pilots.
Their selection and training will be carried out by the Chief Technical Inspector together with the Chief Inspector of ULL Operations of the LAA CR.

How do I know if it is an ELSA aircraft?

ELSA has a registration mark slightly different from ULL.
The middle letter U is replaced by the letter A.


Which pilot licence do I need for ELSA?

You need a ULL pilot licence issued by the LAA of the Czech Republic.
In my opinion this is one of the main advantages of this category, which opens further room for the development of SFD in the Czech Republic.

Is it possible to do training at ELSA?

Yes, under the same conditions that apply to SFD with a technical licence "Z" and "A".

Is it possible to tow with ELSA?

Yes, under the same conditions that apply today for towing with SFD. i.e. in practice it will only be possible to tow with ELSAs built from factory-built kits and which will include the installation of an approved towing device.

Can I fly abroad with ELSA?

In the initial period we will not complicate the situation with flights abroad.
During the trial period, ELSA operations will be limited to flights within the Czech airspace.
Of course, the general rule is that flights abroad are only possible with the approval of foreign aviation authorities, the pilot is responsible for compliance with the conditions of the flight abroad.
Therefore, the normal guest rules that you are used to when flying to some countries(e.g. Germany, France) with the traditional 450kg SFD do not apply.

What about legal insurance?

The maximum take-off weight of the ELSA assumes that the limit of 500kg is exceeded.
In view of this, the exclusion from EC785 War and Terrorism Directive does not apply.
The insurance is the same as for aircraft weighing up to 1000kg - i.e. higher than for ULL.
The LAA CR has arranged for our members to be offered such insurance for 2012 - the price of statutory insurance for ELSA is 3,300 CZK.

Why doesn't ELSA apply to factory-built aircraft?

Due to the need to remain in Annex II, it was not possible to introduce LSA for factory-built aircraft - unfortunately this is simply not possible under current European legislation. We are working hard on a solution for factory produced LSAs, but it is a problem that cannot be solved within the Czech Republic alone, but we have to cooperate and we are also cooperating with other organisations in Europe.