Representatives in XC (flights) and ACC (accuracy of landing) paragliding participate in ME or MS every year. In 2023, the WC was held in both specializations.
Every year, the representation in ACC paragliding participates in a series of European and World Cup competitions, the national championship of the Czech Republic and the Czech League with foreign participation. In addition, pilots participate in other international competitions of the FAI2 category. Our ACC representation is consistently placed in the highest ranks in competitions.
XC representation participates in a series of World Cup competitions, the national championship of the Czech Republic and the Czech League with foreign participation. In addition, the pilots participate in many European national competitions and other competitions of the FAI2 category with the competition of the world's best pilots. Thanks to this year's success of the XC representatives during the series of World Cup competitions, our pilots have been nominated for the final prestigious Super Final of the World Cup, which will be held in 3/2024 in Brazil.
V Acro paragliding the WC is held every four years. In 2021, the Czech representative Victor Carrera became its winner. The next World Cup should be held in 2025. In 2023, 5 World Cup competitions were held.
V Hike and Fly paragliding Unfortunately, the official World or European Championships are not yet held, however, the system of competitions is already in place: one year X-Pyr and the second year RedBull X-Alps. Only a narrow selection of the best pilots from around the world can participate in these prestigious competitions. In 2023, the RedBull X-Alps took place.
Below is a detailed list of the participation of our pilots:
ACC - landing accuracy
World Championship Bulgaria 17-28.10.2023 October XNUMX
Overall (129 drivers from 31 countries, 12 rounds)
- Yang Chen [CHI] 14cm
- Linus Schubert [GER] 35cm
- Aris Afriansyah [IDN] 41cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 45cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 58cm
- Quido Hadaš 158cm
- Radek Václavik 218cm
- Lucie Martínková 481cm
- Lucie Martínková
- Quido Hadas
- Lucie Martínková
- Czechia
World Cup
Thailand (89 pilots from 19 countries, 8 rounds) 17.-19.2
1. Yang Chen [CHI] 2cm
- Abdurrahman Hidayat [IDN] 9cm
- M Ismat Fadillah [IDN] 9cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 29cm
- Markéta Tomášková 47cm
- Markéta Tomášková 47cm
- Czechia (Kricnar, Tomášková, Contreras [ESP], Lee [KOR])
Turkey (88 pilots from 19 countries, 7 rounds) April 27-30.4.2023, XNUMX
1. Yang Chen [CHI] 4cm
- Chulsoo Lee [KOR] 6cm
- Jafro Megawanto [IDN] 7cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 11cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 14cm
- Markéta Tomášková 1200cm
- Markéta Tomášková 1200cm
- Czechia (Vachtl, Kricnar, Tomášková, Ferarič M. [SLO])
Kazakhstan (88 pilots from 18 countries, 8 rounds) June 15-18.6.2023, XNUMX
1. Feng Li [CHI] 10cm
- Jin Xu [CHI] 10cm
- Yang Chen [CHI] 10cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 26cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 106cm
- Czechia (Vachtl, Kricnar, Contreras [ESP], Mansouri [IRN])
Indonesia (77 pilots from 21 countries, 1 round) 27.-30.7.2023
1. Abdullah Yahya [SAU] 0cm
- Aisyah Indika Desta Rahma [IDN] 0cm
- I Kadek Vero Surya Prakaca [IDN] 0cm
- Jianwei Wang [CHI] 0cm
- M Ismat Fadillah [MYS] 0cm
- Muhammad Aqilluddin Bin [IDN] 0cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 3cm
- Czechia (Kricnar)
Germany (86 pilots from 23 countries, 6 rounds) 28.9-1.10.2023
1. Matjaz Sluga [SLO] 6cm
- Andreas Schubert [GER] 7cm
- Linus Schubert [GER] 10cm
- Petr Garbier 18cm
- Ivana Ferarič 19cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 21cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 33cm
- Jan Širl 139cm
- Lucie Martínková 326cm
- Ivana Ferarič 19cm
- Lucie Martínková 326cm
11. Lucie Martínková 326cm
- Czechia (Kricnar, Vachtl, Ferarič M. [SLO], Contreras [ESP])
- Czechia 2 (Ferarič I., Garbier, Martínková, Širl)
Overall results:
Overall (214 pilots, 30 rounds)
1. Yang Chen [CHI] 11cm
- Feng Li [CHI] 20cm
- Chulsoo Lee [KOR] 28cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 56cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 194cm
- Markéta Tomášková 2626cm
- Ivana Ferarič 2903cm
- Petr Garbier 2907cm
- Jan Širl 3139cm
- Lucie Martínková 3326cm
- Markéta Tomášková 2626cm
- Ivana Ferarič 2903cm
- Lucie Martínková 3326cm
- Czechia (Kricnar, Vachtl, Tomášková, Ferarič M. [SLO], Contreras [ESP], Mansouri [IRN], Lee [KOR])
- Czechia 2 (Ferarič I., Garbier, Martínková, Širl)
Super final in China
Overall (27 pilots from 37 countries, 7 rounds), 8-10.11.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX
- Yang Chen [CHI] 6cm
- Feng Li [CHI] 8cm
- Jafro Megawanto [IDN] 8cm
4. Owned Vachtl 15cm
European Cup
Romania (44 pilots from 14 countries, 6 rounds) June 9-11.6.2023, XNUMX
1. Borjan Jovanoski [MKD] 9cm
- Markéta Tomášková 15cm
- Renato Herega [SLO] 19cm
- Petr Garbier 26cm
- David Fox 45cm
- Markéta Tomášková 15cm
- Czechia (Liška, Garbier, Tomášková)
Czech Republic (71 pilots from 13 countries, 8 rounds) 18.-20.8.2023
1. Matjaž Sluga [SLO] 18cm
- Linus Schubert [GER] 19cm
- Jaka Gorenc [SLO] 19cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 24cm
- Radek Václavik 25cm
- Petr Garbier 82cm
- Quido Hadaš 130cm
- Jiří Novák 189cm
- Kamil Konečný 205cm
- Lucie Martínková 216cm
- Ivana Ferarič 573cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 683cm
- Lucie Martínková 216cm
- Ivana Ferarič 573cm
- Quido Hadaš 130cm
- Jiří Novák 189cm
- Lucie Martínková 216cm
- Czechia (Garbier, Vachtl, Václavik)
Overall results (92 drivers from 17 countries, 14 rounds)
1. Jaka Gorenc [SLO] 26cm
- Sergei Usanov Sr [EST] 30cm
- Fanol Shala [PCS] 36cm
- Petr Garbier 47cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 431cm
- Radek Václavik 592cm
- Quido Hadaš 637cm
- Jiří Novák 789cm
- Kamil Konečný 805cm
- Lucie Martínková 816cm
- Markéta Tomášková 844cm
- Ivana Ferarič 873cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 983cm
- David Fox 1045cm
- Lucie Martínková 816cm
- Markéta Tomášková 844cm
- Lucie Ferarič 983cm
3. Quido Hadaš 637cm
- Jiří Novák 789cm
- Lucie Martínková 816cm
- Czechia (Garbier, Vachtl, Václavik, Liška, Tomášková)
The championship of the Czech Republic is also part of the Czech league
Beskydy (71 pilots from 14 countries, 8 rounds) 18.-20.8.2023
- Vlastimil Kricnar 24cm
- Radek Václavik 25cm
- Floor Garbier 82cm
- Quido Hadaš 130cm
- Jiří Novák 189cm
- Kamil Konečný 205cm
- Lucie Martínková 216cm
- Ivana Ferarič 573cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 683cm
- Lucie Martínková 216cm
- Ivana Ferarič 573cm
- Quido Hadaš 130cm
- Jiří Novák 189cm
- Lucie Martínková 216cm
Czech League
Early Accuracy Open (42 pilots from 5 countries, 6 rounds) April 22-23.4.2023, XNUMX
1. Quido Hadaš 9cm
- Radek Václavik 12cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 15cm
- Petr Garbier 21cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 24cm
- Lucie Martínková 144cm
- Kamil Konečný 252cm
- Jiří Novák 373cm
- David Fox 419cm
- Markéta Tomášková 512
- Lucie Martínková 144cm
- Markéta Tomášková 512cm
- Quido Hadaš 9cm
- Lucie Martínková 144cm
7. Jiří Novák 373cm
Direct Alpine Cup Krkonoše (50 pilots from 9 countries, 6 rounds) July 15-16.7.2023, XNUMX
- Lenard Schuber [GER] 12cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 16cm
3. Linus Schubert [GER] 19cm
- David Fox 30cm
- Petr Garbier 63cm
- Kamil Konečný 81cm
- Jiří Novák 136cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 190cm
- Quido Hadaš 213cm
- Radek Václavik 457cm
- Lucie Martínková 499cm
- Jan Širl 1818cm
- Ivana Ferarič 1962cm
- Lucie Martínková 499cm
- Ivana Ferarič 1962cm
- Jiří Novák 136cm
- Quido Hadaš 213cm
- Lucie Martínková 499cm
Mimoň (26 pilots from 2 countries, 8 rounds) September 9-10.9.2023, XNUMX
- Vlastimil Kricnar 13cm
- Petr Garbier 17cm
- Radek Václavik 25cm
- Kamil Konečný 34cm
- Lucie Martínková 115cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 304cm
- Jiří Novák 434cm
- Quido Hadaš 574cm
- Lucie Martínková 115cm
- Lucie Martínková 115cm
- Jiří Novák 434cm
- Quido Hadaš 574cm
Overall results of the Czech League
Overall (106 pilots, 28 rounds)
- Vlastimil Kricnar 42cm
- Radek Václavik 59cm
- Petr Garbier 60cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 67cm
- Kamil Konečný 114cm
- Quido Hadaš 123cm
- Lucie Martínková 378cm
- Jiří Novák 503cm
- David Fox 4461cm
- Ivana Ferarič 6035cm
- Markéta Tomášková 7512cm
- Jan Širl 8818cm
- Lucie Martínková 378cm
- Ivana Ferarič 6035cm
- Markéta Tomášková 7512cm
- Quido Hadaš 123cm
- Lucie Martínková 378cm
- Jiří Novák 503cm
Other FAI2 races
Kabanbai Batyr Paragliding Cup for Landing Accuracy 2023 in Kazakhstan (91 pilots, 8 rounds) 12.-14. 6.2023
- Yang Chen [CHI] 10cm
- Feng Li [CHI] 19cm
- Linus Schubert [GER] 21cm
- Vlastimil Kricnar 43cm
- Vlastimil Vachtl 51cm
- CZECH REPUBLIC WITH MOHSEN AND SAMUEL (Kricnar, Vachtl, Mansouri [IRN], Aguilera [ESP])
- International Paragliding Accuracy German Championship Wasserkuppe 2023 in Germany (58 pilots, 8 rounds) 21-24 9.2023/XNUMX
- Matjaž Sluga [SLO] 6cm
- Lennard Schubert [GER] 11cm
- Jaka Gorenc [SLO] 11cm
5. Petr Garbier 23cm
- Ivana Ferarič 253cm
1. Ivana Ferarič 253cm
2. Czechia (Ferarič, Garbier, Santamarta [ESP])
PARAGLIDING ACCURACY FRIENDSHIP-CUP WASSERKUPPE 2023 in Germany (66 pilots, 12 rounds) 25-27 9.2023/XNUMX
- Yang Chen [CHI] 8cm
- Linus Schubert [GER] 22cm
- Feng Li [CHI] 23cm
- Petr Garbier 31cm
- Ivana Ferarič 88cm
1. Ivana Ferarič 88cm
- Be Happy (Garbier, Thierriaz [FRA])
- Noel (Ferarič I., Ferarič M. [SLO])
World ranking as of 1/1/2024
- Owned by Kricnar
- Vlastimil Vachtl
- Peter Garbier
- Markéta Tomášková
- Radek Václavik
- Quido Hadas
- Ivana Ferarič
- Kamil Konecny
- Lucie Martínková
- David Fox
- Jiří Novak
- Jan Širl
- Markéta Tomášková
- Ivana Ferarič
- Lucie Martínková
- Quido Hadas
- Lucie Martínková
- Jiří Novak
Czech nation in 6th place
XC - Overflights
- FAI World Championship 20/5 - 3/7/2023 (149 pilots from 57 countries)
- Maxime Pinot 6115b. FRA
- Honorin Haman FRA
- Remy Pierre 6002b. FRA
- Stanislav Mayer 5733b.
- Petr Kostrhun 5662b.
- Jan Jareš 5391b.
- Martin Kubíček 4469b.
the Czech team finished 4th among nations
Paragliding World Cup 7 competitions:
PWC Brazil - Andradas 24.-30.9.2023 (100 pilots from 28 countries)
14. Tomáš Drnec 3551b.
PWC France Targasonne 27.8.-2.9.2023 (119 pilots from 26 countries)
- Odrich Brož 2812b.
- Jan Jareš 2731,6b.
PWC Turkey - Aksaray 30.7.-5.8.2023 (120 pilots from 31 countries)
- Petr Kostrhun 5097,7b.
- Pavel Iker 4571,5b.
- Michal Talavašek 4567,7b.
PWC Romania – Brasov 24.6.-1.7.2023 (118 pilots from 31 countries)
- Oldřich Brož 441.9.b.
PWC Spain – Pegalajar 7-13.5.2023/121/32 (XNUMX fences from XNUMX countries)
- Petr Kostrhun 4301,7b.
- Vít Pekárek 4227,5b.
- Jan Jareš 4224,9b.
- Ondřej Pohořelský 4031,1b – Junior U25
- Martin Kubíček 3975,6b
- Michal Talavašek 3521,1b.
- Peter Kožíšek 3472,6b.
- Karel Kuta 2646,4b.
PWC Brazil Castelo 19.-25.3. 2023 (127 pilots from 34 countries)
- Vit Pekárek 4253,4b.
- Petr Kostrhun 4071,5b.
- Martin Kubíček 3585,5b.
- Jonáš Horacek 3501,1b. – Junior U25
- Michal Talavašek 2564,1b.
German Open (136 pilots from 10 countries)
- Kostrhun 2337b.
- Corner 1781b.
- Horáček 1778b.
- Drnec 1506b.
- Pohořelský 1443b. – Junior U25
- Šantrůček 911b. – Junior U25
- Talavašek 841b.
- Kubíček 428b.
Ikarus Open (154 pilots from 12 countries)
- Drnec 3258b.
- Kostrhun 3180b.
- Talavašek 3171b.
- Clicker 2919b.
- Pohořelský 2852b. – Junior U25
- Doležal 2774b.
- Kožíšek 2725b.
- K. Hadaš 2568b. – Junior U25
- Šantrůček 2560b. – Junior U25
France Palz-Alsace-Open (111 pilots from 9 countries)
- Kožíšek 1271b.
- Baker 1263b.
- Drnec 895b.
Swiss Open Disentis (108 pilots from 11 countries)
- Kubíček 2327b.
- Jares 2289b.
- Horacek 2122b. – Junior U25
Schmitten Pokal (109 pilots from 7 countries)
- Drnec 2083b.
- Baker 1678b.
- Slovak 309b.
- Corner 188b.
Austrian Open (86 pilots from 5 countries)
- Jares 1388b.
- Kostrhun 1369b.
- Breburda 1307b.
- Pohořelský 1298b. – Junior U25
- Baker 1274b.
- Iker 1258b.
- Šantrůček 1194b. – Junior U25
- Doležal 916b.
- Mazanec 867b.
- Talavašek 826b.
- Street 425b. – Junior U25
- Filipová 187b. – female, Junior U25
British and Dutch Paragliding Championship (127 pilots from 16 countries)
- Kubíček 3707b.
MČR Slovakia 3.-7.7.2023 (88 pilots from 5 countries)
- Jan Jareš 2220b.
- Petr Kožíšek 2177b.
- Stanislav Klikar 2105b.
A total of 82 pilots participated in the XC league
4 competitions: Norta CUP, Stranik CUP, Beskydy Open, Raná CUP
Overall results:
Category OPEN
- Stanislav Klikar 4944b.
- Ondřej Ptoszek 4875b.
- Tomáš Drnec 4865b.
Category Junior under 25 years
- Quido Hadas 4683b.
- Ondřej Pohořelský 3595b.
- Hugo Hadaš 3460b.
Category SPORTS
- Stanislav Klikar 4944b.
- Quido Hadas 4683b.
- Miloš Diviš 3933b.
- Hugo Hadaš 3460b.
- Michal Brabenec 1477b.
- Tomáš Fukač 1472b.
Category WOMEN
1. Jana Nováková 869b.
- Monika Filipová 809b.
- Anabel Slováková 286b.
Rating according to WPRS ranking as of 31.12.2023
- Petr Kostrhun
- Jonáš Horáček – Junior U25
- Jan Jares
- Vit Pékarek
- Tomas Drnec
- Martin Kubicek
Juniors up to 25 years old
- Jonáš Pilot burner
- Ondřej Pohořelský
- Vit Šantrůček
- Quido Hadas
- Petra Slívová
- Czech Republic
Acro paragliding
5 aerobatic world cup competitions were held:
France, Lumbin 9-11.6.2023/10/6 (XNUMX pilots from XNUMX countries)
- Victor Carrera
France, Ellevard 16.-18.6. 2023 (10 pilots from 6 countries)
- Victor Carrera
Italy, Lago dei Tre Comuni 10.-15.8.2023 (23 pilots from 10 countries)
- Victor Carrera
- Kristina Carrera women
Switzerland, Villeneuve 18.-20.8. 2023 (33 pilots from 11 countries)
- Victor Carrera
Turkey, Oludeniz ACRO SUPERFINAL 25.-30.9.2023 (30 pilots from 9 countries)
- Victor Carrera
Hike and Fly
X-Alps – 11.-23.6. 2023 (32 pilots from 16 countries)
- Ondřej Procházek
Switzerland - Winter Eigertour (21 riders from 7 countries)
- T. Matera, S. Mayer
Switzerland – Eigertour 19.-22.7. 2023 (16 pilots from 4 countries)
- T. Matera cat. for
UAE 2.-12.11.2023 (25 pilots from 13 countries)
- T. Matera,
- S. Mayer
MČR on Raná 27-28.5.2023 May 22 (XNUMX pilots)
- Martin Kopecký 3:34:04h
- Martin Jansa 6:53:26h
- Petr Juřina 4:03:51h
Hanging Union letani
Evaluation of the activities and results of the hang gliding representation in 2023
In 2023, the pilots of the national team took part in eight world competitions organized with FAI status and included in the world and national rankings. The highlight of the season was participation in the World Championship "23rd FAI Worl Hang Gliding Championship" in Macedonia where the team took 7th place out of 22 participating countries and in individuals 14th and 18th place out of 104 competitors.
Planned competitions and participation:
- Eros Winter Race 2023 (4 pilots)
- Trofeo Montegrappa 23 (4 pilots)
- 21st FAIWorld Hang Gliding Championship (6 pilots)
- Sportland HG Trophy 2023 (2 pilots)
- Valerio Albrizio Trophy 2023 (2 drivers)
- Dutch Open 2023 Greifenburg (1 pilot)
- French and Czech Open Val Louron Championship (30 pilots)
- German Open 2023 (2 drivers)
Detailed tables with detailed participation can be found archived on the pilot leaderboard website:
We attach the results of individual competitions
23rd FAI Worl Hang Gliding Championship in Macedonia
1. | Alessandro Ploner | 8642 |
2. | Marco Laurenzi | 8443 |
3. | Alvaro Figueiredo Sandoli | 8148 |
14. | Dan Vyhnalík | 5672 |
18. | Robert Kulhanek | 5392 |
30. | Jiří Gut | 4791 |
31. | Jaroslav Třeštík | 4698 |
66. | František Košťál | 3065 |
83. | Jiří Nádvorník | 2365 |
63. | Lukáš Vojáček | 3702 |
69. | František košťál | 3009 |
1. | Italy | 21057 | |||||
2. | Great Britain | 18668 | |||||
3. | Brazil | 18215 | |||||
4. | Germany | 17962 | |||||
5. | Australia | 17661 | |||||
6. | Hungary | 17633 | |||||
7. | Czech Republic | 17531 | |||||
Aeros Winter race 2023 21.3. - 26.3. |
1. | Christian Ciech | 2485 | |||||
2. | Primoz Gricar | 2454 | |||||
3. | Gerd Donhuber | 2382 | |||||
5. | Robert Kulhanek | 2057 | |||||
18. | Jaroslav Třeštík | 1606 | |||||
20. | Milan Tichý | 1444 | |||||
47 competitors, 3 evaluated disciplines, 11 countries
TROFEO MONTEGRAPPA 2023 HANG GLIDING 5.4. – 10/4/2023 | |||
1. | Marco Groebner | 4035 | |
2. | Robert Kulhanek | 3689 | |
3. | Gordon Rigg | 3585 | |
5. | Jiří Gut | 3369 | |
22. | Jaroslav Třeštík | 1065 | |
23. | Mitya Majerle | 705 | |
24 competitors, 5 evaluated disciplines, 8 countries |
Campionato Italiano Deltaplano -Sportland HG Trophy- 2023 16.5. – 21.5. | |||
1. | Alessandro Ploner | 2046 | |
2. | Christian Ciech | 1889 | |
3. | Peter Neuenschwander | 1820 | |
5. | Robert Kulhanek | 1563 | |
9. | Jiri Gut | 1563 | |
36 competitors, 4 evaluated disciplines, 7 countries |
XXXV Valerio Albrizio Trophy 2023 9.6. – 11.6. | |||
1. | Christian Ciech | 1888 | |
2. | Marco Laurenzi | 1553 | |
3. | Franz Herrmann | 1404 | |
13. | Jaroslav Třeštík | 693 | |
15. | Ludek Vejrych | 413 | |
19 competitors, 3 evaluated disciplines, 4 countries |
French and Czech Open Val Louron 8.7. – 15.7. Class 1
1. | Dan Vyhnalík | 3479 |
2. | Jiří Gut | 3420 |
3. | Robert Kulhanek | 3395 |
4. | Owned by Bartas | 2637 |
5. | Jaroslav Třeštík | 2127 |
6. | František Košťál | 2114 |
7. | Lukas Vojáček | 1964 |
8. | Petr Čejka | 1944 |
9. | Jan Sokol | 1521 |
10. | Peter Nedoma | 1441 |
22 competitors, 5 evaluated disciplines |
German Open Altes Lager 2023 16.7. – 22.7. | |||
1. | Gerd Donhuber | 1255 | |
2. | Jochen Zeischka | 1213 | |
3. | Steve Docherty | 1195 | |
6. | Jiri Gut | 1140 | |
14. | Jiri Nadvornik | 538 | |
25 competitors, 2 evaluated disciplines, 8 countries |
1. | Jiri Gut | 1183,76 |
2. | Jiří Nádvorník | 884,11 |
3. | Jaroslav Třeštík | 768,29 |
4. | Petr Čejka | 765,19 |
5. | Franta Košťál | 677,41 |
6. | Robert Kulhanek | 658,59 |
7. | Milan Tichý | 633,90 |
8. | Dan Vyhnalik | 541,09 |
9. | Owned by Bartas | 424,70 |
10. | Lukáš Vojáček | 372,84 |
35 competitors, 4 most valuable flights |
The year 2023 can be evaluated as high-quality. In individual results, some new pilots in the national team achieved significant improvement. Unfortunately, this performance development failed to translate into results at the WC, where the newly formed team lacked experience. A handicap in the world ranking is again the difficult and financially demanding participation in competitions held on the territory of other continents. During the season, the pilots trained and gained experience in new areas - we expect them to evaluate them in LA 2024 season.
Motor Paragliding Association
Evaluation of the activities and results of the representation of the Association of Motor Paragliding in 2023
In 2023, the pilots of the national team took part in the World Championship in motorized paragliding - slaloms in Spain - Bornos, where they took 3rd place in teams out of 11 participating countries. In the PF 1 category, our Luboš Halama was tenth. Our Milan Klement was fifth in the PL 1 category. In the classic competition, the highest competition did not take place in 2023. Our representatives took part in the Czech Championship in Přibyslav and several league competitions. In slaloms, they took part in the MČR Open in Pálava and the Polish Championship in Jutrosin, where they also prepared for special training that we ordered for them before participating in the WC in Spain. In August, at the Polish Championship, our team took first place in the relay category ahead of teams from Lithuania and Qatar. In this category, our representatives took 1rd place at LA 3th World Championship in motorized paragliding - slaloms in Qatar. Our team also won all three other bronze medals in teams at this WC. It is therefore among the world's top.
Association of motor paragliding participation in international competitions | |||
3. - 10. 6. 2023 | |||
5 WPC Spain | PF 1 backpacks | ||
MS | location | ||
Halama Luboš | 10. | ||
Threw Aleš | 13. | ||
Chinogl Alois | 16. | ||
a total of 27 contestants | |||
PL 1 tricycle | |||
Clement Milan | 5. | ||
Walk Wenceslaus | 7. | ||
a total of 10 contestants | |||
3rd place in teams from 11 countries |
13.-17. 9.2023. | |||
Open MČR slalom Pálava | |||
PF 1 backpacks | |||
Halama Luboš | 1. | ||
Threw Aleš | 2. | ||
Šinogl Antonín | 3. | ||
Brother-in-law Jiří | 4. | ||
Lukáš cake | 5. | ||
Gray Jacob | 7. | ||
PL 1 tricycles | |||
Clement Milan | 1. | ||
Walk Wenceslaus | 2. | ||
Championship of the Czech Republic in the classical discipline Přibyslav 22-26.8.2023 August XNUMX
- Gray Jakub Procházka Václav
- Halama Luboš Pressl Karel
- Clement Milan
- Water Luke
- Martin the Smurf
Ultralight Aviation Association
- State representation
- National team participation schedule: FAI CAT2 Grande Open, Great Britain
- The Czech national team in ultralight flying took part in the FAI CAT2 Grande Open in Great Britain. The international competition also served as a preparation for the World Championships held in Great Britain 2024. The competition took place in one combined category of ultralight sport flying devices types, all age and performance classes and genders.
- The Czech national team took first place in the overall team ranking. The achieved results coincide with the tent goal of becoming the best team in ultralight flying. This goal has been achieved in the long term.
- instead of WL2 Matouš Adam – Jonáš Futera
- place AL2 Juraj Čekan – Šárka Vondrášková
- place AL2 Lukáš Kučera – Jan Pařez
- place AL2 Filip Vita – Karolína Pecharová
- place AL2 Ivo Lengál – Eva Skořepová
- instead of AL1 Václav Puža
- place AL2 Lukáš Běhounek – Kryštof Bobek
- instead of AL1 Josef Vataha
The evaluation was prepared by the presidents of individual unions of LAA CR.
We announced the best athletes of the LAA CR from among our representatives at a festive event that we organized together with the Club of Aircraft Modelers at the headquarters of ŘLP sp on January 26.1.2024, XNUMX.
On February 24, 2, the "Best Air Athlete of 2024" Gala will take place, which will be broadcast on ČT Sport.
Aleš Rubbed
President of LAA CR