Regulations and forms


View all prescriptionsPowered paraglidersPowered hang glidersParaglidersUltralight balloonsUltralight glidersUltralight aircraftUltralight autogyrosUltralight helicoptersHanging gliders
Training syllabus for powered paraglider pilot

Type of prescription:


UL 2 - Part V.
Airworthiness Requirements SFD: MPK powered paragliders

Type of prescription:


UL 1
Rules for the operation of sport flying devices Ultralight aeroplanes, powered hang gliders, powered paragliders, ultralight autogyros, ultralight helicopters

Type of prescription:


ZS 2
LA 6
LA 3
LA 2
LA 1
Organisational system and procedures to ensure defined activities of the LAA CR in the management of sport flying facilities
LN Directive
Decree 108-1997
Act 49/1997 Coll.


View all formsPowered paraglidersPowered hang glidersParaglidersUltralight balloonsUltralight glidersUltralight aircraftUltralight autogyrosUltralight helicoptersHanging gliders
Preliminary report on the air accident
Overview of the inspector's activities
LAA application form
Application for insurance for damages PL
Extension of the validity of the pilot licence
Registration to the association LAA ČR
View all formsPowered paraglidersPowered hang glidersParaglidersUltralight balloonsUltralight glidersUltralight aircraftUltralight autogyrosUltralight helicoptersHanging gliders
P11 Flight test report

Type of form:

P2 Registration sheet

Type of form:

P8 Test report

Type of form:

Personal letters

View all formsPowered paraglidersPowered hang glidersParaglidersUltralight balloonsUltralight glidersUltralight aircraftUltralight autogyrosUltralight helicoptersHanging gliders
Other qualifications

Type of form:


Type of form: