
Chief Inspector of Operations UB

UB 01 Ing. Jan Smrčka

To America 28
267 18 Goat scales
+725 806 667

UB traffic inspectors

UB 01 Ing. Jan Smrčka

To America 28
267 18 Goat scales
+725 806 667

UB 02 Petr Kubicek

Cacovicka 40
614 00 Brno
+604 209 641

Chief Technical Inspector UB

UB 01 A Petr Kubicek

Cacovicka 40
614 00 Brno
+604 209 641

UB technical inspectors

UB 01 A Petr Kubicek

Cacovicka 40
614 00 Brno
+604 209 641

UB 02 B Ing. Jan Smrčka

To America 28
267 18 Goat scales
+725 806 667

UB 03 C Ondrej Beneš

Alšova 418
667 01 Židlochovice
+731 507 641