Conference LAA CR

The statutes of the LAA CR state in TITLE IV:

§ 14 Conference of the LAA CR

  1. The highest body of the LAA ČR is the Conference of the LAA ČR.
  2. The conference of the LAA CR is made up of 30 union delegates and the president of the LAA CR.
    a) 15 delegates are nominated by the associations of ultralight flying and powered paragliding - powered flying and 15 delegates are nominated by the associations of paragliding and hang gliding - free flying.
    b) The ratio of the number of delegates of individual unions within the motor and the ratio of the number of delegates of individual unions within the framework of free flying will be determined according to the ratio of the number of members of both respective unions, unless they agree otherwise.
    c) The ratio of members of motor flying associations and the ratio of members of free flying associations will be determined by the LAA ČR Council according to the number of members of the associations as of December 31 of the previous calendar year and will determine the holding of the LAA ČR Conference in the given calendar year.
  3. The meeting of the LAA CR Conference is held at least once a year.
  4. The decision of the LAA ČR Conference is binding for members and bodies within the LAA ČR.

§ 15 Powers of the LAA CR Conference

  1. The conference decides on:
    a) adoption and amendments to the Statutes of the LAA CR,
    b) acceptance of the LAA CR program until the next meeting of the Conference,
    c) adoption of the management rules of the LAA CR,
    d) acceptance of the report of the Control and Review Commission of the LAA ČR,
    e) adoption of the report on the activities of the Executive council,
    f) amount of membership fees,
    g) budget and tariff of payments for services provided by LAA ČR,
    h) budget of the LAA CR,
    i) a member's appeal against the decision of the LAA ČR Council on his expulsion from the LAA ČR,
    j) the possible cancellation of the provisions of the Organizational Rules of the union, which are in conflict with the Statutes of the LAA CR.
  2. The Conference shall elect and recall by secret ballot:
    a) president of LAA CR,
    b) the chairman and members of the control and revision commission of the LAA CR.
  3. The conference has a quorum if a majority of persons with the right to vote are present.
  4. The conference adopts decisions by a simple majority of the votes of the persons present with the right to vote.

§ 16 Convening of the LAA CR Conference

  1. The LAA CR conference is convened by:
    a) president of LAA CR,
    b) if the LAA CR Conference is not convened by the LAA CR President, it can be convened by the Executive council,
    c) an extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the LAA ČR can be called by the Control and Revision Commission of the LAA ČR if it detects serious deficiencies in the activities of the Council of the LAA ČR,
    d) an extraordinary Conference of the LAA ČR must be convened by the Council of the LAA ČR at the written request of two associations or 200 members of the LAA ČR with the program resulting from the proposal for convening the Conference, within 60 days of delivery of the request to the Council of the LAA ČR.

Minutes from past conferences

  • 2024

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 23, 11

    Open the PDF

    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2023

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 25, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2022

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 26, 11

    Open the PDF

    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2021

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 20, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2020

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 21, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2019

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 23, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2018

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 24, 11

    Open the PDF

    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2017

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 25, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2016

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 26, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2015

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 28, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2014

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 22, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2013

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 23, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2012

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 24, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2011

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 26, 11

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    Resolution adopted at the end

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  • 2010

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 13, 11

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  • 2008

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 22, 11

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  • 2007

    Complete minutes from the conference held on November 24, 11

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