LA 1

Organizational system and procedures for ensuring the defined activities of the LAA CR in the management of sports flying equipment

Text as of: 15. 03. 2016


Date of issue of the change Edited/deleted/new paragraphs: Date of inclusion Ranked
26.3.2019 1.2.9 new paragraph 26.3.2019 Koubik
26.3.2019 1.5 addition of the abbreviation UB for Ultralight Balloons 26.3.2019  Koubik
26.3.2019 7.9 new paragraph UB pilot qualification 26.3.2019  Koubik
11.4.2022 paragraph change 11.4.2022 Koubik
11.4.2022 paragraph change 11.4.2022 Koubik





1.1. The Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as "LAA ČR") is in accordance with the provisions of Section 82, Paragraph 1 of Act No. 49/1997 Coll. on Civil Aviation and on Amendments and Supplements to Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on Tradesmanship (Tradesmanship Act), as amended, as amended by the Ministry of Transport authorized to exercise state administration in matters of sports flying equipment (hereinafter referred to as "SFD ").

1.2. The authorization is valid for the following types of sport flying devices:

1.2.1. Paragliders.
1.2.2. Hang gliders.
1.2.3. Ultralight aircraft.
1.2.4. Motorized hang gliders.
1.2.5. Motorized paragliders.
1.2.6. Ultralight helicopters.
1.2.7. Ultralight motorized autogyrocraft.
1.2.8. Ultralight gliders.
1.2.9. Ultralight balloon

1.3. The LAA ČR exercises all competences resulting from the mandate towards all natural and legal persons, regardless of membership in the LAA ČR.

1.4. Appeal proceedings

1.4.1. An appeal against the inspector's decision is submitted to the chief inspector.
1.4.2. An appeal against the decision of the chief inspector is submitted to the director of the administration of SFD LAA ČR.
1.4.3. An appeal against the decision of the director of the SFD LAA CR administration is submitted to the Ministry of Transport - Department of Civil Aviation.

1.5. Abbreviations used for individual types of sports flying devices:

  • PK Parachute gliders
  • ZK Hang gliders
  • ULL Ultralight aircraft
  • MZK Motorized hang gliders
  • MPG Powered paragliders with an engine on the landing gear
  • PPG Powered paragliders with the engine on the pilot's back
  • MPK Collective designation for MPG and PPG
  • ULK Ultralight gliders
  • ULV Ultralight motor autogyrocraft
  • ULH Ultralight Helicopters
  • UB Ultralight balloons




3.1. Security of SFD management activities

3.1.1. The activities are ensured by the LAA CR in the organizational structure: The director of administration, who is always an employee of LAA CR. Chief traffic inspectors for individual types of SFD. Inspectors of operation of individual types of SFD. Chief technical inspectors of individual types of SFD. Technical inspectors of individual types of SFD. Techniques of individual types of SFD. Employees of the SFD central register of pilots. Other workers needed to ensure the performance of state administration.

3.1.2. Chief inspectors of operation and technology can perform the function of chief inspector of several types of SFD at the same time.
3.1.3. The function of chief inspectors and inspectors of operation and technology of individual types of SFD can be performed by employees of LAA ČR or another natural person authorized by the director of administration.

3.2 Director of Administration

3.2.1. The director of the administration is appointed by the president of the LAA ČR after approval by the Council of the LAA ČR and dismissed by the Council of the LAA ČR. If the president is not elected or is unable to perform the function, the director of administration is appointed by a member of the LAA ČR Council authorized by the LAA ČR Council.
3.2.2. He is responsible for the compliance of documents governing the operation of the SFD with generally binding legal regulations and ensures the issuance of regulations for the operation of the SFD as part of the authorization to perform the administration. It issues binding decisions to ensure the safety of SFD air traffic.
3.2.3. The decisions of the director of administration are binding for holders of all authorizations and licenses issued by LAA ČR and authorizations granted by LAA ČR and for all other participants in the operation of SFD, producers and users of SFD, whose management is entrusted to LAA ČR.
3.2.4. Manages and controls chief inspectors of operation and technicians of individual types of SFD.
3.2.5. He is responsible for the creation and functionality of the information system, which ensures timely and accurate information of professional employees of LAA ČR and other persons authorized by LAA ČR to perform functions in SFD management, SFD operators, SFD users, SFD manufacturers and manufacturers of aircraft parts used in the construction and production of SFD about regulations, their changes and additions and binding decisions to ensure the safety of SFD air traffic.
3.2.6. Discusses with the relevant state authorities the regulations issued within the SFD administration and discusses all questions and solutions needed to ensure the safety of the SFD operation. Submits proposals for changes to generally binding regulations.
3.2.7. To ensure the fulfillment of its tasks, it can create expert commissions.
3.2.8. Appoints and dismisses:

a) chief inspectors of operation and chief inspectors of technology of individual types of SFD,
b) employees of the central register,
c) commission for investigation of aviation accidents and SFD incidents.

3.3 Chief traffic inspector

3.3.1. He is responsible for creating draft regulations, including training curricula, related to the operation of the relevant type of SFD. Submits to the Director of Administration drafts of binding decisions to ensure the safety of SFD air traffic, or issues them himself after discussion with him.
3.3.2. It organizes the control activities of traffic inspectors and carries out its own control activities, evaluates its results and ensures the adoption of appropriate measures and controls their implementation.
3.3.3. It ensures the investigation of aviation accidents and incidents.
3.3.4. After discussion with the director of administration, he appoints and dismisses operation inspectors of the relevant type of SFD.
3.3.5. Manages and controls the activity of inspectors of operation of the relevant type of SFD and ensures their further education, including the organization and implementation of their periodic training.
3.3.6. It decides on issuing, suspending or revoking the license of the pilot training center and SFD rental company and checks compliance with the stipulated conditions.
3.3.7. Decides on the registration of SFD take-off and landing areas.

3.4 Traffic inspector

3.4.1. Checks compliance with flying rules and other regulations within the SFD's own operation and keeps records of the checks carried out, or imposes remedial measures, if necessary.
3.4.2. It controls the activity of instructors of the relevant type of SFD, including the organization and implementation of training for instructors, or pilots.
3.4.3. Performs checks to ensure the safety of air traffic during SFD flights, or during sports competitions.
3.4.4. In accordance with the training syllabus, it verifies the eligibility of applicants for the issuance of pilot licenses and the award of qualifications, including the control of relevant documentation.
3.4.5. In the pilot training centers for which he was designated as an authorized inspector, he performs inspections and supervises the fulfillment of the specified conditions.
3.4.6. It verifies the suitability of areas for take-offs and landings of SFD and issues an opinion on their registration.
3.4.7. As part of ensuring the safety of air traffic, they perform the tasks set by the chief traffic inspector, including the investigation of air accidents and incidents.
3.4.8. He flies SFD after repair and performs test flights of newly commissioned SFD with an issued type certificate.
3.4.9. Decides on the extension of pilot licenses in case of non-fulfillment of the specified conditions.
3.4.10. As part of the supervision of sports flying devices, the traffic inspector is authorized to:

a) require the submission of documents required for the operation of sports flying equipment,
b) withhold the technical certificate of the sports flying device in the event of a defect in the airworthiness of the sports flying device until the defect in the airworthiness is removed,
c) withdraw the pilot's license from a person who endangered the safety of air traffic, violated the rules of flying, or the rules of the operation of sports flying equipment and hand it over to the authorized person for further proceedings without unnecessary delay.
d) prohibit a flight if it would endanger the safety of air traffic, the life, health or property of persons or the environment or any other interest protected by law,
e) withhold a pilot's license or other license certifying qualifications and order a verification of professional competence or a review of the medical competence of the holder of the withheld license in the event that, while performing activities related to the operation of sports flying equipment, he shows deficiencies that may endanger the safety of air traffic.

3.5 Chief Technical Inspector

3.5.1. He is responsible for creating and updating technical standards and procedures for approving the airworthiness of individual SFDs and procedures for approving type certificates.
3.5.2. He is responsible for creating draft regulations for issuing authorizations for production, repair and testing, maintenance and import of SFD and their parts.
3.5.3. It issues binding decisions to ensure the airworthiness of the SFD and informs the director of the SFD administration about them.
3.5.4. After discussion with the director of administration, he appoints and dismisses technical inspectors.
3.5.5. It ensures the investigation of aviation accidents and incidents.
3.5.6. Manages the activity of technical inspectors of the relevant type of SFD and ensures their further education.
3.5.7. It organizes the control activities of technical inspectors and carries out its own control activities, evaluates its results and ensures the adoption of relevant measures and controls their implementation.
3.5.8. It decides on the issuance of SFD type certificates and checks the fulfillment of the conditions for their issuance.
3.5.9. It decides on the issuance, suspension or withdrawal of authorization for production, repairs and testing, maintenance and import of SFD and their parts and checks compliance with the specified conditions.
3.5.10. Appoints and manages the technical commission of the LAA CR, which is an advisory body to the chief inspector of technology.

3.6 Technical inspector

3.6.1. Performs construction supervision over individual SFD construction and decides on issuing SFD technical permits.
3.6.2. It issues license plates of SFDs, keeps their records and approves the airworthiness of individual SFDs. SFD records, including all documents for individual SFDs, are the property of LAA ČR.
3.6.3. It carries out technical inspections of the SFD, checks the maintenance of the prescribed documentation and, where appropriate, imposes corrective measures.
3.6.4. Issues documents to extend the validity of technical licenses.
3.6.5. As part of ensuring the safety of air traffic, they perform the tasks set by the Chief Technical Inspector, including the investigation of air accidents and incidents.
3.6.6. Authorizes and recalls the technician to perform defined activities during the construction or production and in the operation of the SFD.
3.6.7. As part of the supervision of construction, production and repairs of sports flying equipment, the technical inspector is authorized to:

a) require the submission of documents required for the operation of sports flying equipment,
b) withhold the technical certificate of the sports flying device in the event of a defect in the airworthiness of the sports flying device until the defect in the airworthiness is removed,
c) withdraw the pilot's license from a person who endangered the safety of air traffic, violated the rules of flying, or the rules of the operation of sports flying equipment and hand it over to the authorized person for further proceedings without unnecessary delay.
d) prohibit a flight if it would endanger the safety of air traffic, the life, health or property of persons or the environment or any other interest protected by law,
e) withhold a pilot's license or other license certifying qualifications and order a verification of professional competence or a review of the medical competence of the holder of the withheld license in the event that, while performing activities related to the operation of sports flying equipment, he shows deficiencies that may endanger the safety of air traffic.
f) require the submission of all documents relating to the construction and production of sports flying equipment and other related products, aircraft parts and equipment, in particular all calculations, construction and production documentation and construction supervision records,
g) enter premises where sports flying equipment and other related products, aircraft parts and equipment are built or manufactured, inspect machines and tools, check used materials and connecting parts,
h) in the case of detected structural defects, request or require the necessary tests to be carried out, in the case of production, prohibit the operation of previously manufactured sports flying devices, or request changes to the design or the preparation of an expert opinion.

3.7 Ttechnology

3.7.1. Performs specific activities during the construction and operation of the SFD (e.g. construction supervision during individual construction, ensuring maintenance in the training center or rental office, etc.).
3.7.2. In the case of production according to type certificates at manufacturers with the relevant authorization, the technician is entrusted with output control and control of compliance with procedures and documentation during production.
3.7.3. In the performance of his work, the technician proceeds in accordance with the relevant technical regulations, flight manuals and usual procedures for routine maintenance of the SFD.

3.8. Qualification requirements for the appointment of inspectors

3.8.1. The number of inspectors is always determined by the relevant chief inspectors of operation and technology based on actual needs. They appoint inspectors after verifying the following requirements.
3.8.2. Appointment to the position of inspector is conditional on citizenship of the Czech Republic, membership in the LAA of the Czech Republic, and reaching the age of at least 21 years.
3.8.3. The inspector must be professionally qualified, have at least a completed high school education, at least five years of experience in the field in which he is appointed as an inspector, and practical experience in aviation. Education can be replaced upon request by proving at least 10 years of experience in the required field. Upon request, the materially competent chief inspector decides on the recognition of proven practice.
3.8.4. The traffic inspector must have a valid pilot's license and instructor qualification during the period of practice.
3.8.5. The technical inspector must have proven experience in the construction of at least one SFD of the relevant type.

3.9. Procedure for appointing technicians

3.9.1. The technician appoints a technician inspector on the basis of his professional qualifications, professional experience and practical skills for the given activity and issues him a technician's license indicating the scope of authorization.

3.10. Specimen of inspector's card
Specimen of inspector's card


4.1. Internal control system of SFD administration

4.1.1. The internal control system of the SFD CR administration is based on the activities of the director of the administration of chief inspectors of operation and technology and inspectors of operation and technology, it is coordinated and managed by the director of administration and chief inspectors in accordance with the relevant provisions of this regulation. Within the organizational structure of the LAA CR, elected bodies of the LAA CR can also comment on the functioning of the internal control system.
4.1.2. Control of SFD pilot training in pilot training centers is carried out according to the methodology and checklists prepared by the chief inspectors of individual types of SFD.

4.2. SFD airworthiness check

4.2.1. The relevant regulations determine the system of construction supervision, approval and regular control of the airworthiness of SFD, which is carried out by technicians, technical inspectors and chief technical inspectors.
4.2.2. For paragliders, the control system is ensured by the appointment of technicians at individual manufacturers. Their activities are supervised by the chief inspector of PL technology.

4.3. External control of the SFD administration is carried out by the state supervisory authorities.



5.1 Register of pilots and holders of qualifications

5.1.1. The register of pilots and holders of qualifications keeps records of all issued pilot licenses and qualifications, indicating the date of issue, date of extension, number of the pilot license, always in relation to a specific natural person. The pilot's license is issued, respectively the qualification is registered, based on the presentation of a valid certificate of medical fitness and a personal certificate confirmed by the relevant traffic inspector. The identity card and a copy of the health certificate are stored in the register.
5.1.2. The basic sorting data is the name, surname, date of birth and address of the person who was issued a pilot license for one or more types of SFD.
5.1.3. The data required for entry into the register and registration of qualifications must be submitted by the applicant for pilot qualification.
5.1.4. The following is also entered in the register:

a) pilot license number, (pilot license numbers),
b) name and surname of the inspector who conducted the test and issued a number according to his records,
c) date of issue,
d) date of validity of the card,
e) date of extension,
f) qualification and date of issue,
g) the date of withdrawal of the pilot license or qualification,
h) the date of return of the withdrawn pilot license or qualification,
i) date and amount of payment for performed actions,
j) data on measures imposed to increase air traffic safety,
k) data on membership in LAA CR.

5.2 Directory of sports flying devices

5.2.1. The SFD register is kept for the following types of SFD:

a) ultralight aircraft,
b) motorized hang gliders,
c) motorized paragliders,
d) ultralight helicopters,
e) ultralight motor autogyrocraft,
f) hang gliders,
g) ultralight gliders.

5.2.2. SFDs are registered in the SFD register on the basis of the Registration Sheet issued by an authorized technical inspector and the attachments to the Registration Sheet.
5.2.3. SFD entered in the register is assigned a license plate.
5.2.4. The following data are recorded in the SFD register:

a) type of SFD,
b) name or type of SFD,
c) manufacturer or builder,
d) the owner,
e) operator,
f) technical data determined by the relevant regulation,
g) license plate SFD,
h) serial number, if assigned,
i) year of manufacture,
j) date of registration in the SFD register.

5.2.5. The SFD register also records the following data:

a) technical data according to the registration sheet,
b) type of card,
c) number of crew members,
d) the date of issuance of the technical license,
e) the date of validity of the technical license,
f) date of extension of the validity of the technical license,
g) changes of owner and operator,
h) a record of the validity of liability insurance for damages caused by the operation of the SFD, if available,
i) record of the fee for the action,
j) available SFD photo documentation,

5.2.6. The certificate of registration in the SFD register and the proof of SFD airworthiness verification is the issuance/extension of the validity of the Technical Certificate by the SFD register.
5.2.7. The technical license expires on the date specified in the license.
5.2.8. The validity of the technical license is extended on the basis of the Registration Sheet issued by the authorized technical inspector and the attachments to the Registration Sheet.
5.2.9. Archiving is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulations.
5.2.10. Model of the technical license:

(the data in the technical certificate is always adjusted for individual types of SFD)

Front page of technical license
The back of the technical license

5.3. Request for information from the SFD register

5.3.1. The following data can be published from the SFD register:

a) type of sports flying equipment,
b) license plate,
c) serial number, if assigned,
d) type or name,
e) year of manufacture,
f) name, or names, and surname of the operator who is a natural person, or the name of the operator who is a legal entity.

5.3.2. Information from the SFD register is published only upon request.
5.3.3. Broader extracts from the SFD register are not publicly accessible.


6.1. The key for creating a pilot license number issued by an individual traffic inspector

6.1.1. The pilot license number consists of: two-letter code of the SFD type, personal number of the issuing inspector, four-digit serial number in the records of the issuing inspector.

6.1.2. Example of pilot license number:

ZL 05 0001
The first ZL pilot's license issued by the traffic inspector. The registry will issue a pilot's license under the same number on the basis of the submitted Identity Card and will also enter the qualification obtained. Another pilot license number issued by the same inspector would be ZL 05 0002.

6.2 Training participant's identity card

6.2.1. The identity card of a participant in basic pilot training is a card that entitles the person named in it to participate in practical exercises according to the relevant syllabus of the registered type of SFD. At the same time, it is used to record the progress of training according to individual exercises. Entries in the Personal List may only be made by the instructor who conducted the training. Records in the final examination section may only be made by the relevant traffic inspector.
6.2.2. The condition for starting practical flight training is a valid medical opinion on medical fitness and reaching the specified age.
6.2.3. The training participant's personal sheet contains:

a) personal data of the training participant and written consent of legal representatives in case the participant is under 18 years of age,
b) certificate of medical fitness, if it is not part of another document,
c) table of theoretical teaching,
d) the exercise completion table according to the relevant practical training curriculum and the graduate's personal confirmation of completion of the training,
e) test report.

6.2.4. The final test will be performed by the traffic inspector. After successfully passing the final exam within the scope of the relevant training curriculum, the examining inspector will enter the pilot license number according to his records in the participant's personal sheet.
6.2.5. Identity cards differ according to the type of SFD.
6.2.6. Personal sheet forms are part of the appendices of the relevant training curricula.

6.3 Issuance of a pilot's license and registration of qualifications

6.3.1. The pilot license is issued by the register of the LAA of the Czech Republic on the basis of submission of:

a) Personal sheet with a record of the theoretical and practical test according to the relevant training curriculum with the signature of the examining traffic inspector or commission,
b) a valid medical certificate on medical fitness.

6.3.2. If the issuance of a pilot's license is requested more than 90 days after passing the practical part of the pilot test, the applicant is obliged to take part in the verification of knowledge in the scope of the practical part of the pilot test.
6.3.3. Obtaining and confirming pilot license qualifications: At the same time as the pilot license is issued, the basic qualification of the pilot of the given type of SFD is recorded. The conditions for obtaining qualifications are listed in the training curricula for individual types of SFD. The qualification is entered in the pilot license by the LAA CR registry on the basis of the submission of the Personal Sheet with confirmation from the relevant traffic inspector that the conditions for the given qualification have been met.

6.4. Model of a pilot's license issued by the register of the LAA of the Czech Republic

The front of the pilot's license
Back side
6.5. Age limits for starting practical pilot training

6.5.1. Pupil – pilot of sports flying devices ULL, MZK, ULV, MPK, (motorized SFD) after reaching the age of 15. Individual flights may be made after reaching the age of 16.
6.5.2. Pupil - pilot of an ultralight helicopter (UH) after reaching the age of 17.
6.5.3. Pupil - pilot of sports flying devices PK, ZK (motorless SFD) after reaching the age of 15.

6.6 Validity of a pilot's license and its renewal

6.6.1. The validity of the pilot license and registered qualifications is:

a) 10 years for single-seat parachutes and hang gliders,
b) 2 years from the issue or the last extension of validity for other types of SFD,
c) 2 years for instructor qualification. The condition for the extension of the instructor qualification is the completion of training according to the rules set by the chief inspector of the operation of the relevant type of SFD. When renewing an instructor's qualification, a certificate of completion of training that has not been completed more than 27 months after the date of receipt of the request for qualification renewal must be submitted to the register.

6.6.2. An expired pilot license does not entitle SFD users to fly independently. (Note: in the case of an expired license but with a valid medical certificate of fitness, it is possible to fly with an instructor or traffic inspector.)
6.6.3. An expired medical certificate of medical fitness does not entitle SFD users to any flight activity. The validity of the pilot's license is extended by the register of the LAA of the Czech Republic after the submission of an application. At the same time, the applicant - the pilot - confirms a statement in the application, in which he indicates the extent of his aviation experience. The minimum scope of practical activity for motor SFD pilots is 5 flight hours from the date of issue of the pilot's license or from its last extension of validity. If the applicant cannot confirm the mentioned minimum experience, or the extension of the pilot license or qualification is requested more than 90 days after its expiry, he is obliged to apply for verification of practical skills by the relevant traffic inspector, who will confirm the result in the form for extending the validity of the pilot license. A natural person whose pilot's license expires as part of the imposed punishment of an activity ban must pass a theory test and practical skills verification by the relevant traffic inspector before its renewal, regardless of the time that has passed since the forfeiture of his pilot's license.

6.7 Loss of validity of the authorization of the pilot license holder

6.7.1. Pilots lose their ability to perform pilot activities:

a) upon expiration of the validity period of the license,
b) by detaining or withdrawing the pilot's license in accordance with the provisions of § 84a of Act No. 49/1997Coll. as amended.



7.1 Paraglider pilot.

7.1.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) age at least 15 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the PL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It entitles the holder to fly with PK category EN A and EN B.

7.1.2. Sports pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) holder of a pilot qualification for at least 6 months of active activity,
b) completing training according to the PL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Entitles the holder to fly with EN category A, B, C and D PKs.

7.1.3. Competition pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) holder of a sports pilot qualification for at least 6 months of active activity,
b) documented two overflights min. 30 km FAI triangle or 2 overflights min. 50 km with a return to the territory of the Czech Republic, documented according to the rules of the ČPP,
c) knowledge of current FAI rules. It entitles the holder to fly a PK without an issued type certificate, to fly a PK with an issued type certificate.

7.1.4. Test pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completion of a course on non-standard flight situations (hereinafter referred to as NLS),
c) completing training according to the PL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder to perform PK flight tests of all groups and categories.

7.1.5. Tandem pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) age of at least 18 years
b) sports pilot qualification holder min. 2 years or pilot min. 3 years and sports pilot min. 1 year (min. 4 years in total),
c) completion of the NLS course,
d) completing training according to the PL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Entitles the holder to fly with tandem PKs with another flight participant.

7.1.6. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements.

a) meeting the requirements and completing the training according to the PL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to the theoretical and practical training of pilot and sports pilot qualifications and to perform fly-by flights of PKs with an issued type certificate that are put back into service after minor repairs (i.e. repairs that do not have a major impact on the strength of the structure).

7.2 Hang glider pilot

7.2.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) age at least 15 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the ZL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Entitles the holder to fly with ZK.

7.2.2. Test pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completing training according to the ZL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam It entitles the holder to ZK test and check-in flights.

7.2.3. Lift qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completion of training according to the ZL 3 syllabus. Authorizes the holder to perform take-offs using an aerofoil and/or winch.

7.2.4. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements.

a) meeting the requirements and completing the training according to the ZL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to the theoretical and practical training of ZK pilot qualifications and to conduct fly-by flights of ZK re-commissioned after minor repairs (i.e. repairs that do not have a significant effect on the strength, stability and controllability of the ZK). At the same time as the auxiliary engine qualification, the holder is entitled to carry out flight tests of hang gliders with an auxiliary propulsion unit.

7.2.5. Tandem qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completion of training according to the ZL 3 syllabus. Entitles the holder to fly with tandem ZK and another flight participant.

7.2.6. Auxiliary engine qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completing training according to the ZL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Entitles the holder to fly on ZK with an auxiliary engine.

7.3 Ultralight aircraft pilot

7.3.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements

a) age at least 16 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder to independently manage the ULL.

7.3.2. Qualification conducted by VFR flights Qualification requirements:

a) holder of a valid air mobile service radio operator certificate,
b) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam or
c) holder of a valid pilot's license for airplanes, helicopters and military pilots and other holders of comparable qualifications. The qualification can be issued simultaneously with the issuance of the ULL pilot qualification, if the training is conducted according to the relevant syllabus. It entitles the holder of the rating to fly to and from controlled airports.

7.3.3. Lift operator qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder of the qualification to perform glider tows.

7.3.4. Test pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) experience on at least 10 types of ULL,
c) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Authorizes the holder of the rating to conduct ULL test flights and retrain to the type of other pilots.

7.3.5. Dropper Qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder of the qualification to carry out the landing of a parachutist with the relevant qualification.

7.3.6. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) meeting the requirements and completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to theoretical and practical training for the ULL pilot qualification, controlled VFR flights and retraining to another type of ULL.

7.4 Motorized hang glider pilot

7.4.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) age at least 16 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It entitles the holder to independently pilot the MZK.

7.4.2. Qualification conducted by VFR flights Qualification requirements:

a) holder of a valid air mobile service radio operator certificate,
b) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam or
c) holder of a valid pilot's license for airplanes, helicopters and military pilots and other holders of comparable qualifications. The qualification can be issued simultaneously with the issuance of the MZK pilot qualification, if the training is conducted according to the relevant syllabus. It entitles the holder of the rating to fly to and from controlled airports.

7.4.3. Lift operator qualification Qualification requirements:

a) age of at least 18 years.
b) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder of the qualification to perform glider tows.

7.4.4. Test pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It entitles the holder of the qualification to perform MZK test flights and retrain for another type of pilot.

7.4.5. Dropper Qualification Qualification requirements:

c) age of at least 18 years,
d) completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder of the qualification to carry out the landing of a parachutist with the relevant qualification.

7.4.6. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) meeting the requirements and completing training according to the UL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to theoretical and practical training for MZK pilot qualification, controlled VFR flights and retraining to another type of MZK.

7.5 Ultralight helicopter pilot

7.5.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) age at least 17 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the UH 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Entitles the holder to fly the ULH independently.

7.5.2. Qualification conducted by VFR flights Qualification requirements:

a) holder of a valid air mobile service radio operator certificate,
b) completing training according to the UH 3 curriculum and passing the final exam or
c) holder of a valid pilot's license for airplanes, helicopters and military pilots and other holders of comparable qualifications. The qualification can be issued simultaneously with the issuance of the pilot qualification, if the training is conducted according to the relevant syllabus. It entitles the holder of the rating to fly to and from controlled airports.

7.5.3. Test pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completing training according to the UH 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It entitles the holder of the rating to conduct ULH test flights and to retrain to another pilot type.

7.5.4. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) meeting the requirements and completing the training according to the UH 3 curriculum and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to theoretical and practical teaching of the ULH pilot qualification, controlled VFR flights and retraining to another type of ULH.

7.6 Ultralight motor autogyrocraft pilot

7.6.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) age at least 16 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the UV 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Authorizes the holder to independently pilot a ULV.

7.6.2. Qualification conducted by VFR flights Qualification requirements:

a) holder of a valid air mobile service radio operator certificate,
b) completing training according to the UV 3 curriculum and passing the final exam or
c) holder of a valid pilot's license for airplanes, helicopters and military pilots and other holders of comparable qualifications. The qualification can be issued at the same time as the ULV pilot qualification, if the training is conducted according to the relevant syllabus.

7.6.3. Test pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completing training according to the UV 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder of the rating to conduct ULV test flights and to retrain to another pilot type.

7.6.4. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements.

a) meeting the requirements and completing the training according to the UV 3 curriculum and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to theoretical and practical training for the ULV pilot qualification, controlled VFR flights and retraining to another type of ULV.

7.7 A powered paraglider pilot

7.7.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) age at least 16 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the MPL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Entitles the holder to fly with the MPK.

7.7.2. PPG tandem pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) holder of a valid MPK qualification with PPG experience min. 2 years,
c) completing training according to the MPL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Entitles the holder to fly with a two-digit PPG.

7.7.3. Test pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) holder of a valid MPK qualification with experience at PPG and MPG min. 2 years,
c) completing training according to the MPL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It entitles the holder to test and fly-in flights of the MPK.

7.7.4. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) meeting the requirements and completing training according to the MPL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to the theoretical and practical training of the MPK pilot qualification.

7.7.5. Dropper Qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) PPG tandem pilot qualification holder,
c) completing training according to the MPL 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder to carry out the landing of an appropriately qualified parachutist.

7.8 Ultralight glider pilot

7.8.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements

a) age at least 16 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the ULK 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It entitles the holder to independently drive the ULK.

7.8.2. Test pilot qualification Qualification requirements:

a) at least 18 years of age,
b) completing training according to the ULK 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. It authorizes the holder of the qualification to perform ULK test flights and to retrain for another type of pilot.

7.8.3. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) meeting the requirements and completing training according to the ULK 3 curriculum and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to theoretical and practical teaching of the ULK pilot qualification and retraining to another type of ULK.

7.9 Ultralight balloon pilot

7.9.1. Pilot qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) age at least 15 years, up to 18 years with the consent of legal representatives,
b) completing training according to the UB 3 curriculum and passing the final exam. Entitles the holder to fly with UB.

7.9.2. Instructor qualifications Qualification requirements:

a) meeting the conditions according to the UB 3 syllabus and passing the final exam,
b) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written. It entitles the holder to theoretical instruction and practical flying training with UB.


8.1. The test required for awarding the relevant qualification consists of a theoretical and practical part to the extent of the relevant training curriculum.

8.1.1. The test is carried out by the operation inspector of the LAA ČR.
8.1.2. The theoretical part precedes the practical. In case of failure, it can be repeated after 14 days at the earliest. The practical part of the exam can only be taken after successful completion of the theoretical part, no later than 90 days after successful completion of the theoretical part of the exam.
8.1.3. The theoretical and practical part of the exam can be repeated a maximum of 4 times. In the event that the maximum number of attempts is exhausted, the applicant will be assigned the necessary scope of additional training.
8.1.4. The examinee has the right to appeal against the inspector's decision to the chief inspector of operation of the LAA CR for the given type of SFD, who will order an independent examination before an examination committee appointed by him.

8.2. Grading scale:

8.2.1. The criteria for evaluating the theoretical and practical parts are regulated by the relevant training curriculum.
8.2.2. When evaluating students in the practical part of the training, instructors are required to use:

a) of this grading scale:

1 excellent - no errors,
2 very good, minor errors corrected correctly and in a timely manner,
3 ok, errors are corrected,
4 insufficiently, errors corrected late or not at all,


b) in the event that the relevant training curriculum so stipulates:

passed without errors, errors corrected correctly and on time,
did not benefit from errors being corrected late or not at all.



9.1. Individual pilot training of a SFD user of a given type is authorized by the appropriate qualification of the instructor and the prior approval of the traffic inspector to start training a specific SFD user.

9.2. Enrollment in the pilot training of the SFD user is confirmed by the issuance of the Personal List. The personal certificate is a document enabling the participant to pilot the aircraft with the participation of an instructor or to pilot it independently under the supervision of an instructor.

9.3. Training at the pilot training center is tied to the authorization of the pilot training center issued by the LAA CR and the appropriate qualification of the LAA CR instructor. The pilot training center can lend SFDs used in training without additional authorization. The operation of the pilot training center is supervised by the chief inspector of the operation of the given type of SFD.

9.3.1. The application for the issuance of the authorization of the pilot training center must contain:

a) first and last name or name of legal entity, address (street, code, zip code, place), date of birth or social security number, telephone, e-mail,
b) types of training that will be carried out,
c) first and last name, date of birth, pilot license number of the responsible person with the relevant instructor qualification for the given type of training,
d) basic training area, where ULL, MZK, ULH and ULV training will mainly be carried out,
e) type, name, license plates or production numbers of motorized SFD on which the training will be carried out,
f) the technical inspector's confirmation of the suitability of the mentioned motor SFDs in the application to carry out the training.

9.3.2. Before issuing the permit, the chief inspector of the operation of the given type of SFD checks that the conditions for issuing the permit have been met.

9.4. The record of issued authorizations of SFD pilot training centers is kept by the register of LAA CR.

9.5. The authorization of the pilot training center is issued for a fixed period, for a maximum of 5 years, and its holder is obliged to apply for its extension to the chief inspector of the operation of the relevant type of SFD at least 60 days before the end of its validity. Authorization expires upon expiry of the validity period.

9.6. The holder of the authorization is obliged to report any changes in the facts on the basis of which the "authorization" was issued to the relevant chief inspector of operation of the LAA ČR and to request a change in the "authorization".

9.7. The pilot training center must meet the following conditions:

9.7.1. The pilot training center must have:

a) suitable premises,
b) sufficient teaching aids and publications for the given type of training,
c) the Pilot bulletin for at least the last 12 months,
d) LAA CR regulations:
e) LA 1,
f) LA 2, LA 3
g) flying rules for the given type of SFD (UL 1, ZL 1),
h) training syllabus for the given type of SFD (UL 3, ZL 3, PL 3, UH 3, UV 3, MPL 3, ULK 3),
i) guidelines of the LAA of the Czech Republic for the investigation of LN SFD,
j) Act No. 49/1997 Coll. And Decree No. 108/1997 Coll. to the necessary extent and valid wording,
k) regulation L 2 Rules of flying as amended,
l) a map of the Czech Republic with valid aviation information,
m) AIP CR part GEN, ENR and AD as amended to the extent necessary for VFR flights of the relevant type of SFD.

9.7.2. Equipment of the "center" during practical training:

a) emergency vehicle,
b) means for providing first aid,
c) link for connecting to the emergency medical assistance center,
d) fire extinguishers and means for forcible entry into the aircraft in a reasonable range for the given type of SFD,
e) wind direction and strength indicator.

9.8. Records of training and training flights of the pilot training center

9.8.1. The pilot training center keeps records of training and training flights in accordance with the provisions of the training curriculum for individual types of SFD.

9.9. The authorized person shall decide on the issuance or extension of the authorization of the pilot training center no later than 60 days after receiving the application based on the verification of the fulfillment of the conditions. In the event of non-fulfillment of the conditions, it shall determine the appropriate measures.

9.10. The authorized person can immediately suspend the validity of the authorization of the pilot training center in the event of deficiencies in the fulfillment of the specified conditions. In the event that the holder does not remove the identified deficiencies within the specified period, the authorized person will withdraw the "authorization".

9.11. "Authorization" is issued in the Czech language.

9.11.1. At the request of its holder, the "Authorization" can also be issued in English. The Czech language version is binding.

9.12. SFD pilot training control

9.12.1. Each instructor must obtain the prior approval of the relevant traffic inspector to start training an individual SFD user outside the pilot training center or inform the chief traffic inspector about the start of training, if so determined by the relevant training curriculum. The traffic inspector issuing the preliminary approval will also conduct the final pilot test and at the same time evaluate the level of training.



10.1. Borrowing of SFD for payment is tied to the License of the SFD rental company issued by LAA ČR. The operation of the SFD rental center is supervised by the chief inspector of the operation of the given type of SFD.

10.1.1. The application for the issuance of an SFD rental license (hereinafter referred to as the "authorization") must contain:

a) first and last name or name of legal entity, address (street, code, zip code, place), date of birth or social security number, telephone, e-mail,
b) type(s) of SFD borrowed,
c) first and last name, date of birth, pilot license number of persons with instructor qualifications granted by SFD, who will be responsible for verifying the pilot qualification of the lender and for his training and familiarization with SFD,
d) place where SFD will be lent,
e) type, name, license plates or production numbers of the lent SFD.

10.2. The registry of issued "authorizations" is kept by the LAA CR register.

10.3. The "authorization" is issued for a fixed period of time, a maximum of 5 years, and its holder is obliged to apply for its extension to the chief inspector of the operation of the relevant type of SFD at least 60 days before the end of its validity. Authorization expires upon expiry of the validity period.

10.4. The holder of the "authorization" is obliged to report any changes to the data on the basis of which it was issued to the relevant chief inspector of operations of the LAA CR.

10.5. The authorized person will decide on the issuance or extension of the "authorization" no later than 30 days after receiving the application.

10.6. The authorized person can immediately suspend the validity of the "authorization" in case of deficiencies. In the event that the holder does not remove the identified deficiencies within the specified period, the authorized person will withdraw the "authorization".

10.7. "Authorization" is issued in the Czech language.

10.7.1. At the request of its holder, the "Authorization" can also be issued in English. The Czech language version is binding.


11.1. Liability insurance for damages caused by the operation of SFD is mandatory according to Act No. 49/1997 Coll., as amended, and in accordance with Regulation 785/2004 EC.

11.2. During the period of validity of the SFD technical certificate, liability insurance for damages caused by the operation of the SFD must be taken out at least for the time that the SFD is operated. This obligation also applies to SFD test flights before the technical license is issued.



12.1. Sports flying equipment, kits of sports flying equipment and some products intended for use in SFD must obtain a type certificate if they are not manufactured only for personal use and if the number of products of similar design registered in the SFD register of the LAA CR reaches the amount determined by regulation LA 2.

12.2. Importers of sports flying equipment, kits and some other products intended for use in the SFD must obtain a certificate of validity of a type certificate issued abroad, unless they import these products only for their own use. One product of similar design may be imported for personal use in a calendar year.

12.3. LAA ČR issues authorizations for the manufacture, repair, testing and import of SFDs and their parts (hereinafter referred to as "authorisations") to a natural or legal person with a registered office or permanent residence in the Czech Republic, who will be responsible for fulfilling the conditions of the authorisation, and can issue them to all of the above activities or to define in it those of the activities to which the authorization applies. The issued authorization does not exempt the applicant from the obligation to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements contained in the commercial, trade and other laws of the Czech Republic.

12.4. Authorization to import SFD and power units must be obtained by every legal entity or natural person who intends to import them into the Czech Republic.

12.5. Authorization to manufacture SFD, kits and designated products for use in SFD is issued on the basis of an application to the person who demonstrates the ability to comply with production technology, repeatability of production and fully ensures input and output quality control.

12.6. The authorization to import SFD, construction kits and specified products for use in SFD is issued on the basis of an application to the person who obtains a certificate of validity of a type certificate issued abroad, its verification according to the regulations in force in the Czech Republic and proves that he is able to provide service including spare parts and manufacturer's binding change bulletins.

12.7. SFD, SFD kits and products intended for use in SFD, which are demonstrably manufactured or imported into the Czech Republic, will obtain a technical certificate if the manufacturer or importer holds an authorization to manufacture or import SFD and their parts issued by the LAA of the CR.

12.8. The authorization to test essential parts of the SFD is issued on the basis of an application and assessment as for production and repairs of the SFD.

12.9. Assessment of the production conditions of the "authorization" applicant.

12.9.1. LAA ČR will appoint a technician (or a technical group) who will assess the applicant's production conditions. The applicant is obliged to allow this worker access to the production premises, to demonstrate all production and repair equipment, to familiarize him with the method of production, control, testing and quality assurance of products within the agreed term.
12.9.2. LAA ČR will appoint a technician to the applicant who will carry out professional supervision.

12.10. The authorized person decides on the issuance or extension of the authorization for production and repairs no later than 60 days after receiving the application, based on the verification of the fulfillment of the conditions. In the event of non-fulfillment of the conditions, it shall determine the appropriate measures.

12.11. "The authorization is issued for a fixed period, for a maximum of 3 years. In the decision, the authorized person defines the scope of authorization.

12.12. Obligations of the holder of the authorization for production and repairs:

a) manufacture and repair SFD in accordance with the "authorization" and conditions set by LAA ČR,
b) ensure that each product conforms to the approved type and is in a condition suitable for safe operation,
c) enable the authorized technician of the LAA CR to inspect production and repairs and prove that the product corresponds to the approved type,
d) inform the chief technical inspector of the relevant type of SFD about any significant proposed change in the design, production procedures and change of responsible workers in production. Publish significant design changes (e.g. in the LAA ČR bulletin) and inform owners of already sold products if the changes concern them,
e) monitor the product in operation and, in case of detection of its malfunctions, incorrect operation, defects, etc., which have or may affect the safety of operation, immediately inform the Chief Technical Inspector about these. Based on analyzes of product failures, issue measures to increase safety,
f) ensure the calibration of measuring and testing devices,
g) keep records of manufactured SFDs, their first owners or their sellers and a record of their inspections and repairs,
h) keep and archive records of final products, relevant documentation for their approval, materials and components used for their production, production procedures and inspection records,
i) maintain and archive a set of technical documentation including design solutions, production procedures and records of changes; the registration and archiving period is at least 5 years after the production of the last piece of the product series in question,
j) mark individual manufactured and repaired units in accordance with the requirements of the technical standards and procedures of the LAA CR,
k) ensure appropriate storage of materials and units.

12.13. Production control system

12.13.1. Each manufacturer must have a production control system in place that ensures the following conditions:

a) used materials, purchased parts or units produced by subcontractors (hereinafter "elements"), used in the final product comply with the specifications specified in the type design documents,
b) "elements" are correctly marked,
c) "elements" subject to damage or deterioration are appropriately stored and sufficiently protected,
d) production procedures that affect the quality and safety of the final product are followed in accordance with the approved specifications,
e) parts and units in progress are checked in the individual stages of production to ensure compliance with the type design documents, or production documentation and standards,
f) valid drawing and production documentation is available to production and inspection workers during the entire production process,
g) significant structural changes, including material and technological deviations, are checked and approved by the chief technical inspector of the Czech Air Force, or, if they do not affect airworthiness, by the technician who carries out expert supervision, before their introduction into production.
h) discarded "elements" are separated and marked in a way that excludes their use in the final product,
i) "elements" discarded due to non-compliance with the design or production documents, which can be modified or repaired, are checked again after modification or repair and marked as usable or discarded,
j) the condition of the "elements" after the inspection is marked in a way (stamp, hanger, sticker, etc.) that clearly expresses conformity or non-conformity with the design and production documents,
k) suitable and controlled measuring and testing devices are used during the production process.

12.14. Aircraft manufacturing tests.

12.14.1. Test flights. Test flights may only be performed by a suitably qualified pilot. The test pilot is responsible for the test flight. The manufacturer must ensure the execution of a test flight of each SFD. The test flight will be performed by a pilot who is qualified as a test pilot by the LAA CR for the given type of SFD. It is necessary to demonstrate with a test flight whether the manufactured SFD corresponds to the approved type in terms of its flight characteristics and performance. A test flight within the framework of a person with an issued authorization for production, repairs and testing (or import) is permitted by the responsible person. Test flights within the scope of individual construction or importation are permitted by the technical inspector. Test flights beyond the scope of normal flight tests must be permitted by a joint decision of the chief inspector of technology and operation for the given type of SFD. To permit these test flights, the applicant for their execution must submit an application to the chief inspectors of operations and technology at the same time and accurately specify the required type of flight tests, including the proposal of the test pilot, the location, etc. The flight tests must not be started before the delivery of the decision and must be carried out in accordance with him.

12.14.2. Technical tests during the production of SFD and their parts are carried out according to the relevant regulations and procedures of the LAA CR or technical regulations and standards corresponding to the requirements for SFD.

12.15 Content of the application for authorization for production, repairs and testing:

a) first and last name or name of legal entity, address (street, code, zip code, place), date of birth or social security number, telephone, e-mail,
b) a copy of the trade license relating to the type of products for which the "authorization" is required, and for which the importer will provide service or proof of the contractual provision of such service (a copy of the trade license can be additionally submitted to the LAA ČR within 6 months after the issuance of the "authorization "),
c) statutory representative of the legal entity, address (street, code, zip code, place), date of birth,
d) number of employees,
e) names of responsible workers who will deal with development, production and quality control, their achieved expertise, practice, experience,
f) characteristics of the product and production,
g) description of production and service premises and equipment with the necessary equipment,
h) description of the system of tests and production control.

12.16. Content of the import authorization application:

a) first and last name or name of legal entity, address (street, code, zip code, place), date of birth or social security number, telephone, e-mail,
b) a copy of the trade license relating to the type of products for which the "authorization" is required, and for which the importer will provide service or proof of the contractual provision of such service (a copy of the trade license can be additionally submitted to the LAA ČR within 6 months after the issuance of the "authorization "),
c) statutory representative of the legal entity, address (street, code, zip code, place), date of birth,
d) number of employees,
e) the names of professionals who will deal with the quality control of imported products, their professional sales and the provision of information services to customers,
f) product characteristics,
g) type certificate or request for its issuance by LAA ČR,
h) method of transmitting change bulletins to users of these products,
i) consent of the final manufacturer with the person ensuring the import, if required by the LAA CR.

12.17. Issued "authorizations" are registered in the register of the LAA of the Czech Republic.

12.18. The "authorization" is issued for a fixed period of time and its holder is obliged to apply for its extension at least 30 days before the end of its validity. If they do not do so, the validity of the authorization expires upon expiry of the validity period.

12.19. The holder of the "authorization" is obliged to ask the relevant chief technical inspector to enter them in the LAA CR register before making any changes mentioned in his application or in the "authorization" and its annexes. The register of the LAA of the Czech Republic will make changes on the instructions of the relevant chief technical inspector.

12.20. The relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA of the CR will decide on the issuance or extension of the "authorization" no later than 30 days after receiving the request for issuance or extension and after checking that the conditions for the issuance or extension of the "authorization" have been met. In case of non-fulfillment of the conditions, the competent chief technical inspector of the LAA CR will determine the measures to remove them and the date of the next inspection.

12.21. The relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA ČR can suspend the validity of the authorization in the event that he discovers a contradiction with the stated conditions or facts threatening the safety of air traffic. In the event that the holder does not eliminate the identified deficiencies even within the specified period, the relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA ČR will withdraw the "authorization".

12.22. "Authorization" is issued in the Czech language.

12.22.1. At the request of its holder, the "Authorization" can also be issued in English. The Czech language version is binding.



13.1. The relevant provisions of regulation L 8168, Part 3, Chapter 1 and AIP ENR 1.6-2 apply to the operation of secondary radar transponders (hereinafter referred to as SSR transponders)

13.2. The flight manual of a SFD equipped with an SSR transponder must include the rules for its operation.

13.3. An SFD pilot equipped with an SSR transponder must be familiar with the rules for its use.

13.4. It is only possible to use the "SSR transponder" if it is installed and its function verified by a person who has been authorized for this activity in accordance with Act No. 49/1997 Coll., as amended, and its implementing regulations, and who was further certified by LAA CR.

13.5. Certification for installation and functional verification of SSR transponders

13.5.1. Only a person certified by the LAA of the Czech Republic can carry out the installation and verify the functionality of the SSR transponder during the operation of the SFD.
13.5.2. LAA CR will only issue this certificate to a person who holds a valid authorization from the Civil Aviation Authority to install and verify the functionality of SSR transponders on aircraft.
13.5.3. The validity of the certificate from LAA ČR is for a certain period of time, a maximum of 3 years, and is subject to the validity of the above authorization from the Civil Aviation Authority.

13.6. Mandatory procedures for the installation and verification of the functionality of the SSR transponder system are laid down in the regulation Procedures for the installation and verification of the function of the on-board SSR transponder, issued by the LAA of the Czech Republic.



14.1. Fees for individual actions and services performed as part of SFD administration are set every year with regard to the economic situation, the needs and scope of administration and the amount of the state subsidy for this activity.

14.2. The amount of fees and hourly rates for the work of an expert worker of LAA ČR is approved by the Conference of LAA ČR on the proposal of the Council of LAA ČR as part of the annual budget. Fees for each year are published in the media of LAA ČR.

14.3. Income from fees is part of the overall budget for administration.

14.4. Fees, which are not set directly for specific activities, are set as the product of the hours for the work performed for the customer of the service and the set hourly rate for the work of an expert worker of the LAA ČR. For each such activity, the applicant for its implementation is obliged to submit a written order with a precisely specified scope of the requested activity, place of its performance, etc.

14.5. Fees for individual actions and services do not include travel expenses of LAA ČR professional staff. In the event of travel costs incurred during the performance of the required act or service, the LAA ČR will charge, together with the fee, reimbursement of travel costs according to the tariffs and rules valid at the time.