LA 3



Abbreviations used:

PK – Paragliders
ZK – Hang gliders
ULL - Ultralight Aircraft
MZK – Motorized hang gliders
MPG – Motorized paragliders with an engine on the landing gear
PPG – Powered paragliders with the engine mounted on the pilot's back
MPK – Collective designation for MPG and PPG
ULV - Ultralight motor autogyrocraft
ULH – Ultralight Helicopters
VPD - Runway (alternative abbreviation RWY)
VPP – Take-off and landing area
KPV - Final Approach and Take-off Area (for ULH)
VDP – Take-off and landing area (for ULH)



1.1 The Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as "LAA ČR") is in accordance with the provisions of Section 82, Paragraph 1 of Act No. 49/1997 Coll. on civil aviation and on the amendment and addition of Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on trades (Trades Act), as amended, as amended, authorized by the Ministry of Transport to perform state administration in matters of sports flying equipment (hereinafter referred to as " SFD").

1.1.1 Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic in accordance with the provisions of § 83 paragraph 1 letter h) Act No. 49/1997 Coll., as amended, establishes conditions for the use of areas for take-offs and landings of sports flying equipment, registers areas, approves operating regulations and eligibility of registered areas; submits the registration of areas to the Ministry of Transport for publication.



2.1 For take-offs and landings during the regular operation of sports flying equipment, the following may be used under the following conditions:

2.1.1 airport, if the aviation information manual stipulates the operation of a certain type of sports flying equipment at this airport or with the consent of the operator of this airport,

2.1.2 the surface area used for take-offs and landings of aircraft and defined for this purpose in the land-use planning documentation or in the land-use decision, subject to the consent of the owner or operator of the area and the municipality in whose cadastral territory the area is located.

2.2 Any other area may be used for take-offs and landings during the irregular operation of motorized sports flying equipment and the regular and irregular operation of non-motorized sports flying equipment, if the owner of the area has given his consent to the use of the area for this purpose and the following conditions have been met:

2.2.1 the area is located outside the residential area of ​​the municipality at a distance of at least 100 m from residential buildings and during operation there will be no persons not involved in the operation at a distance of less than 50 m from sports flying equipment,

2.2.2 the area lies outside the territory of a national park, protected landscape area, national nature reserve, nature reserve, national natural monuments and natural monuments, if the competent nature protection authority has not given consent to the use of the territory for this purpose and

2.2.3 the area lies outside the zone of sanitary protection of water sources and protected areas of natural water accumulation, if the competent water authority has not given consent to the use of the territory of the zone of hygienic protection of water sources and protected areas of natural water accumulation.

2.3 The airport can be used for SFD take-offs and landings under the conditions set by the aviation-operational regulations of the Czech Republic and under the conditions set in the airport regulations.

2.4 Registered gliders for SFD take-off and landing

2.4.1 The area for take-offs and landings included in the spatial planning documentation or in the zoning decision used for the SFD must be registered in the LAA CR register.

2.4.2 In the register of LAA CR, any other area can be registered, the registration of which is requested by the owner or operator.

2.4.3 The registration of the area is carried out on the basis of the approval of the elaborated operational regulations of the area and the verification of the requirements for the selection of areas according to the relevant type of SFD by which the area is to be used and on the basis of the verification of the eligibility of the area. The owner and/or operator of the site is responsible for the processing, updating and availability of the operating rules of the site.

2.4.4 The designated employee of the LAA of the Czech Republic for approving areas is the chief inspector of the operation of the relevant type of SFD.

2.4.5 All SFD take-off and landing areas must meet the requirements for the operation of individual types of SFD.

2.6 Requirements for the selection of areas for take-offs and landings ULL, MZK, ULV, MPK

2.6.1 The basic dimensional assumptions for the selection of the take-off and landing runway (VPD) are based on the values ​​given in the flight manual of the given individual SFD. However, the minimum dimensions must be as follows: Minimum width of VPD – 15 m, for MPK 10 m. Minimum length of VPD – 150 m, for MPK 50 m; for areas intended for basic training, the minimum length of VPD is 400 m, for areas intended for MPK 100 m. The maximum slope of the VPD is 2%; if the landing is in one direction, the slope may be 6% of the climb in the direction of the landing. The length of the VPD must be increased by 3% for every 200 m of altitude. Length of VPD - must be increased by 5% for every 1% of the average slope of the runway. There must be sufficient space around the VPD for emergency cases (VPP). The minimum width of the VPP is 17,5 m from the VPD axis to each side, for MPK 10 m. VPP must exceed VPD on each side in the projection of the axis by 50 m, for MPK 15 m. Obstacle courses - the minimum requirements are graphically represented in the drawings. The minimum dimensions of the VPP for the take-off of an air tow (except for the tow when a hang glider or paraglider is towed) are: width of the VPD 35 m; length of VPD 550 m. If the flight manual of the towing and/or towed aircraft specifies larger minimum dimensions, the conditions of the flight manual must be met.

2.7 Outline of the operational rules of the area for take-offs and landings ULL, MZK, MPK, ULV and ULH.

2.7.1 Character of the area - indicate for what type of activity.

2.7.2 Data about the operator and its responsible representative.

2.7.3 Operating area data:

a) Reference point of the surface: (center of the surface in coordinates).
b) Distance from the center of the nearest city: (km from the city, south, north, etc.)
c) Altitude of the site.
d) Flight restrictions in the vicinity of the airport (proximity to the village - geographical data, etc.).
e) Operating hours.
f) Contacts to the administrator.
g) Hangar space.
h) Accommodation.
i) Seasonal Applicability.
j) Medical service.
k) Meteorological conditions – limitations.
l) Operating direction of VPD.
m) Slope of VPD.
n) VPD surface in operating directions.
o) Obstacles in the surroundings.
p) Wind indicator position.
q) Location and designation of the vehicle parking lot.
r) Movement of people and means of transport on the operational area.
s) Other restrictions.
t) Other entities using the area.

2.7.4 Attachments:

a) Coordination directive: (in case the space is used by several operators, the space interferes with CTR, ATZ, or other restricted spaces)
b) Area map – drawing: (boundaries, obstacles, VPD, VPP, sign area, wind sleeve, etc.)
c) Detailed drawing: access roads, movement of people and means of transport, parking of vehicles, etc.
d) A 1:200 map showing the location of the airport or the area intended for SFD take-offs and landings, including the marking of the approved circuit and other areas.
e) Territorial decision or zoning plan (if any).
f) Consent of the owner of the area and / or operator of the area.
g) Consent of the nature protection authority (if necessary).
h) Consent of the water management authority (if necessary).
i) Consent of the municipality to whose cadastre the area belongs or of the municipality that may be affected by the operation of the area.

2.8 Requirements for the selection of an ULH take-off and landing area

2.8.1 Areas intended for take-offs and landings of ultra-light helicopters only - heliports must have minimum dimensions Final approach and take-off areas together with a safety area of ​​21 x 21 ms by observing the obstacle planes according to the flight manual of individual helicopters with regard to the altitude at least according to the following situational drawing.

2.8.2 Final approach and take-off area (FAP). The KPV may be located on or near the runway. or on the strip of the airport taxiway or ULL take-off and landing area. The KPV for ultralight helicopters must be of sufficient size and shape to accommodate a circle with a diameter equal to at least 1,5 times the total length / width, whichever is greater, of the longest / widest helicopter that the area is intended to serve . However, at least 15 x 15 m. A U sign is placed in the approach axis at the KPV threshold in such a way that the cross bar is perpendicular to the axis. Sign dimensions: 3 x 1,8 m. The total slope of the KPV in any direction must not exceed 3%. The slope of any part must not be greater than 7%.

2.8.3 At least one take-off and landing area (VDP) must be established on an area for take-offs and landings of UL helicopters. The VDP may or may not be located in the KPV. The slopes of the take-off and landing surfaces must be sufficient to prevent the accumulation of surface water, but must not exceed 2% in any direction. The take-off and landing surface of any shape must be marked on their edges with an uninterrupted strip of white color at least 30 cm wide. The size of the VDP must be such that it is possible to inscribe a circle with at least 1,5 times the wheelbase or chassis gauge, whichever is larger.

2.8.4 Safety surfaces The KPV must be surrounded by a safety area which must extend beyond each edge of the KPV by at least 3 m or 1/4 of the total length or width, whichever is greater, of the longest or widest helicopter for which the area is intended to serve.

2.8.5 Distances and slope values ​​of obstacle planes. The inner side of the take-off and approach obstacle plane is horizontal and its length must be at least equal to the width of the KPV increased by the safety area. The opening of the obstacle plane is at least 10%. The maximum slope is 8%. The distance of the obstacle plane is given by the distance from the inner side to the point where it reaches the value of 7 diameters of the autogyro UL of the helicopter. (In the attached sketch, the largest dimension of the helicopter (width / length) is 10 m and the diameter of the autogyro is 8 m.).

2.8.6 The UL helicopter take-off and landing area must be equipped with a wind direction indicator to indicate the wind conditions in the final approach and take-off area and not be affected by disturbing air currents caused by adjacent objects or from the helicopter autogyro.

2.8.7 ULHs may use surfaces for take-offs and landings for other types of SFD meeting the conditions of the operational manual of a specific ULH under the following conditions: So that during landing and take-off the main autogyro does not come closer than 3 m from the obstacle and the tail propeller does not come closer than 8 m from the obstacle. The surface must meet the conditions for a safe ULH takeoff and landing due to its physical properties (slope, load-bearing surface, etc.). Aerial taxiing cannot be performed on these surfaces.

2.9 Requirements for the selection of areas for ZK and PK take-offs and landings

2.9.1 The area must be designed in such a way that eventual flyovers of railway tracks, highways, roads and settlements can be flown at a safe height above the obstacle, taking into account the glide of the ZK and PK.

2.9.2 Selection of surface in terms of use: Training area – slope profile and obstacles on the slope and in the landing places must allow for a gradual increase in flight height. The starting area must be free of obstacles and the surface of the terrain suitable for starting with a run. The slope of the terrain at the starting point can be adjusted with a starting ramp.

2.9.3 Launch ramps – construction. A launch ramp is a terrain modification structure facilitating or enabling a start with PK or ZK on otherwise unsuitable terrain or on an unfavorable terrain slope. The construction of the take-off surface must be flat and must guarantee a safe start in no wind due to its length and width or slope. No part of the structure may extend beyond the ground plan of the lower edge of the runway in the direction of flight. The minimum width of the starting surface for the ZK must be 1,5 m, slope 10° - 25°. The ramp for PK must allow the width of the canopy to be spread out without the possibility of it being caught at the start of the start, or the terrain in front of the start part of the ramp must provide the same possibility. The construction of the ramp must comply with a static load of 150 kg/m2. For ramps where the highest point of the structure is higher than 3 m, a static assessment of the structure is required.

2.10 Outline of the Area Operating Regulations for take-offs and landings PL and ZL SAMPLE:

2.10.1 Character of the area – indicate suitability for training, for sport flying, etc.

2.10.2 Information about the operator and its responsible representative.

2.10.3 Operating area data

a) Reference point of the surface (center of the surface for starts in coordinates).
b) Site altitude:

1. take off,
2nd landing.

c) Maximum flight height above the ground, above mean sea level.
d) Address and phone number of the manager.
e) Seasonal Applicability
f) Local air traffic limits.
g) Limitation by meteorological conditions.
h) Operating directions (according to wind direction relative to the take-off site).
i) Vehicle parking lot - exit routes.
j) Other restrictions.

2.10.4 Attachments:

a) Coordination Directive (if required).
b) Area map: boundaries, obstacles, permitted places for take-offs, landings, method of flying on a slope.
c) Drawing – access roads, movements of people, means of transport, vehicle parking.
d) Consent of the area owner or operator.
e) Consent of the nature protection office (if necessary).
f) Consent of the water authority (if necessary).
g) Consent of the municipality to whose cadastre the area belongs, or of the municipality that may be affected by the operation of the area.



3.1 Minimum area dimensions for ULL, MZK and ULV take-offs and landings


3.1.1 Horizontal delineation of the take-off and approach plane


3.1.2 Vertical delineation of the take-off and approach plane



3.2 Minimum area dimensions for MPK take-offs and landings


3.3 Transverse obstacle plane for ULL, MZK, ULV, MPK


3.4 Delineation of take-off and landing runways of registered areas for ULL, MZK, ULV

3.4.1 Diagram of laying out unreinforced VPD


3.4.2 Dimensions of marking marks on unreinforced VPD


3.5 Surface wind direction indicator

3.5.1 Recommended size of surface wind direction indicator


3.6 Ultralight helicopter (ULH) take-off and landing areas


3.6.1 Obstacle planes for ULH


3.7 Minimum dimensions of the area for the take-off of an aerotow