UL 2 - Part V.





1.1 Definitions

MPK Motorized paraglider
It is a sports flying device capable of self-powered flight using a paraglider to derive lift.

PPG Motorized paraglider allowing take-off and landing from the pilot's feet
It is a maximum two-seater aircraft with an auxiliary engine on the pilot's back, the maximum take-off weight of which does not exceed 270 kg, and which allows take-off and landing from the pilot's feet.

MPG Motorized paraglider with landing gear
It is a maximum two-seater aircraft with propulsion located on the landing gear, the maximum take-off weight of which does not exceed 300 kg for a single-seater paraglider and 450 kg for a two-seater paraglider.

Supporting structure
There are those parts of the MPK structure, the failure of which would seriously endanger its safety.

MPK chassis
The structural component of the MPK including indispensable fixed parts of the structure, including the landing gear, which are necessary to carry out the flight, carrying the propulsion unit, the crew, fuel, equipment and cargo, including the suspension points for attaching the paraglider (hereinafter referred to as PK).

Removable PPG chassis
The part of the MPK undercarriage in the case of a single-seat PPG that can be optionally attached to it, while retaining the ability to land on the pilot's feet.

Operating load
The maximum load that can be expected in operation.

Numerical load
Operating load multiplied by the appropriate factor of safety.

Maximum take-off weight MTOM
The largest weight at which the MPK complies with airworthiness regulations.

Minimum take-off weight MinTOM
The lowest weight at which the MPK complies with airworthiness regulations.

Basic empty weight of BEM
The weight of an empty MPK with an inexhaustible amount of fuel, with oil and operating materials, with batteries in the case of electric propulsion, with minimal equipment, fixed load, without crew members and without a parachute.

Service life
A fixed period after which the MPK or part of it cannot be used.

Payload MPK
Weight of crew, fuel, cargo and equipment that is not an integral part of the MPK chassis. The payload does not include the weight of the removable PPG chassis, but a maximum of 13 kg and the weight of the rescue system (hereinafter referred to as ZS).

test load

the weight of the paraglider

the weight of the rescue system

weight of single-seater removable chassis

harness test load

weight of the pilot



2.1 Validity and Scope

This regulation sets out the airworthiness assessment requirements for MPK

2.2 Use

2.2.1. These airworthiness requirements may be used for SFDs

a) Motorized paragliders allowing take-off and landing from the pilot's feet.
b) Motorized paragliders with landing gear.



3.1 General

The limit values ​​listed below are generally valid norms that can only be adjusted in justified exceptional cases due to the specific properties of MPK.

3.2 Mass limitation

3.2.1. Maximum take-off weight MTOM PPG:

for single and double rooms 270 kg MTOM MPG:

for single 300 kg
for two-digit 450 kg

3.2.2. Minimum crew load

Crew load weight limitations for design and strength test purposes shall be:
a) for single-seat MPK at least 90 kg
b) for a two-digit MPK at least 180 kg
c) for MPK textile harnesses at least 100 kg

3.2.3. Minimum power of the drive unit

The propulsion unit must allow the MPK, after conversion to the conditions of zero height MSA at the maximum take-off weight, to climb at least 1,0 m / s for single and double MPK.



4.1 General

a) All elements the structure must carry operating load without permanent deformations.
b) Reinforced joints must endure numerical load for at least 3 seconds without failure.

4.2 Paraglider certificate of strength

The strength certificate of a paraglider must be carried out on the basis of the documents required by the Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as LAA ČR). A paraglider used in a set with an MPK must have a technical certificate issued, while its minimum and maximum take-off weight is limited by the data specified in the valid technical certificate.

4.3 MPK chassis strength certificate

Proof of strength is carried out by tests. Air and inertial forces are simulated by static tests. The points where the load is introduced must be tested in the flight position. In the case of unusual construction and materials, the relevant technical inspector of the MPK LAA CR will decide on the test method.
For individually built amateur structures, it is permissible to check the strength of individual parts of the supporting structure by calculation.

4.3.1. MPK chassis test load

Test load [mtry] serves as a basis for calculating operational and numerical loads. The test load is calculated from the maximum permissible take-off weight after subtracting the weight of the paraglider [mpk] and weights of ZS [mzs], if it is part and weight of a single-seater removable chassis [myup], if it is part of it. For the ZS of a single-seat MPK, a weight of 5 kg is used for these purposes, and for a two-seat MPK, 10 kg or the actual weight determined. For the PPG removable chassis, the actual detected weight will be deducted, but not more than 13 kg.

mtry = MTOM – mpk - Mzs - Myup  

a) operating load positive: 4multiple of the test load
b) numerical load positive: 6ten times the test load
c) lateral operating load: 2multiple of the test load
d) numerical side load: 3multiple of the test load

4.3.2. Test load of the textile harness and textile components of the MPK

Harness test load [mzp] serves as a basis for calculating the load of strength tests of MPK textile seats and those textile parts of the MPK structure, which are included in the transmission of forces between the points for attachment to the carrying straps of the paraglider and the strength-compliant chassis nodes, including elements of parallel protection, textile connecting elements between the MPK chassis and the carrying straps of the paraglider and the connecting elements of the rescue parachute.

a) Test load of textile harness MPK [mzp] suspended in a fixed, in-flight configuration of the MPK immovable structure mainly through two main suspension points is equal to the weight of the pilot:

mzp = mp

b) Test load of MPK harness [mzp] suspended differently than described in point a), the test load of other textile parts of the MPK structure included in the transmission of forces between points for attachment to the parachute's carrying straps and the strength-compliant undercarriage nodes and the test load of the connecting element of the rescue parachute. It is calculated from the sum of the weight of the pilot [mp], the basic empty weight of the BEM after subtracting the weight of the installed ZS [mzs], if it is an integral part of it. For the ZS of a one-seater MPK, a weight of 5 kg is used for these purposes, and for a two-seater MPK 10 kg or the actual weight determined

mzp = mp + BEM – mzs 

If it is not regulated differently by other provisions of this regulation, the following coefficients shall be used:

a) operating load positive 6* mzp

b) numerical load positive 9* mzp 

c) numerical asymmetric lateral load 3,6* mzp

Provision 4.7 of this regulation shall be used for strength tests of the MPK harness. It is permissible to carry out stress tests corresponding to the requirements of clause 4.7 in accordance with the valid wording of EN 1651 Equipment for parachuting - Harnesses - Safety requirements and construction tests.

4.4 Strength certificate of suspension points, construction principles

The suspension points for attaching the MPK to the paraglider's carrying straps and the main connecting elements of the MPK must be tested in accordance with the relevant provision of point 4.3.

4.4.1. Landing gear for a paraglider

The suspension of the landing gear at the points for attachment to the carrying straps of the paraglider must be done safely and secured in parallel. The parallel protection must be connected to a strength-compliant undercarriage node or the suspension of the MPK textile harness. Parallel protection must be implemented in such a way that in the event of a failure of the element it protects, it must enable at least partial control of the MPK.
In the event that the suspension points for attaching the MPK to the paraglider's carrying straps are part of the main carrying straps of the anti-vibration harness, parallel securing is not required.
The connecting elements between the MPK chassis and the paraglider's carrying straps must comply with the numerical load according to clause 4.3, while they are considered an integral part of the MPK. Flexible harness suspension

Where the MPK harness is suspended by means of a flexible structure which is an integral part of the supporting structure of the MPK undercarriage, and at the same time they are included in the transmission of forces between the points of attachment to the paraglider's support straps and the main slings of the harness, it must be demonstrated that each can withstand the following load:

mtry = (mp + BEM – mzs) / 2

Test load [mtry] serves as a basis for calculating operational and numerical loads according to the coefficients of clause 4.3.1.
The test is performed by attaching the MPK chassis and the MPK seat attachment point to the base and applying a test load to the PK attachment point.
In case of lateral load with test load, it only acts outside the MPK. In this case, it is not permissible to perform a strength check by calculation.

4.4.2. Fastening the rescue system

When installing the rescue system, the rescue parachute strap, if it is not an integral part of the rescue parachute, including its connecting elements, must meet the test conditions specified in point
The rescue system must be connected to the basic construction node of the chassis, to which the seat and fastening belts are connected, or to the approved fastening of the rescue system of the MPK harness.

4.5 Two-seater MPG chassis strength certificate

These provisions apply to MPK landing gear in the case of two-seater MPGs and also include two-seater MPKs with removable landing gear.

4.5.1. Main landing gear:

it must withstand a vertical impact without damage when dropped from a height 25 cm under load corresponding to MTOM
or must withstand without damage a static load corresponding to the multiple 4 g during MTOM.

4.5.2. Nose landing gear:

must withstand without damage the following simultaneously acting force components:

1. the corresponding vertical load component 0,5 MTOM values,
2. the lateral component of the load corresponding to the lateral tilt of the chassis 30° at MTOM or lateral load component corresponding 0,2 MTOM.

4.6 Single-seater MPK chassis strength certificate

In the case of single-seater MPGs, or if the single-seater MPK is equipped with a removable PPG chassis, it must be proven that the chassis can withstand the load according to 4.5 without damage or

a) static load equal to twice the maximum permitted weight of the pilot acting in the places where the seat is attached and at the same time
b) the minimum deflection of the chassis measured at the center of gravity of the MPK must be at least 30 mm.

4.7 MPK seat strength certificate

4.7.1. In general

The MPK textile seat must have a valid LAA ČR type certificate issued separately or as part of the MPK certificate, or it must have a valid certificate according to EN 1651, or it must demonstrate individual competence according to the relevant provisions of this regulation.
An MPK textile seat secured by a non-textile structure ensuring the safety of the crew in the event of a malfunction must comply with the test load according to 4.3.1. The seat must be sufficiently fixed against lateral and vertical movements.
MPK seat other than textile, its backrest and restraint belts must comply with the load according to 4.3.1.
The MPK seat must be equipped with at least two-point seat belts.

4.7.2. Security requirements

All loose ends of fabric straps must be finished with a folded hem that prevents the straps from slipping out of the adjustable buckles.
A textile seat must be manufactured in accordance with accepted practice for textile units.
All attachment points on the fabric seat that can be used to attach a paraglider or reserve parachute must be clearly marked in a color contrasting with the rest of the material.
The attachment points for the reserve parachute must not be in a position lower than the attachment points of the paraglider and must be located symmetrically.
The construction of the attachment points of the free ends of the PK or the special attachment points of the reserve parachute or the integrated Y strap, which are formed by a separate attached structure, which is stressed by the reactions from the positive load only through the seams, is not permissible.
All essential structural parts of the MPK textile sofa must together form one solidly connected unit.

4.7.3. Equipment for testing the strength of MPK textile seats In general

The strength of the harness and the safety of its user are verified using a dummy and applying different forces to the attachment points (see Figure 1).
The attachment points of the harness (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) must be connected to the test device with metal fasteners with a diameter of at least 6 mm. If the specimen is equipped with fasteners recommended by the manufacturer, these fasteners shall be used for connection to the test equipment.
The equipment supplied for testing must be identical in all aspects to the model placed on the market. Test dummy

A dummy in a sitting position according to Figure 1 is used.
For the dimensions of the test dummy in Figure 1, a tolerance of ± 5% is allowed.

Figure 1 Test dummy

Figure 1 – Test dummy Electronic force sensor

A calibrated electronic sensor equipped with an electronic strain gauge for force measurement (with a measurement frequency of at least 10 times per second) must be used. Measuring circuit

A measuring circuit with a graph that clearly shows force (in N) versus time (vs) is required. Adjustable component slip test

When specified in the test requirements, each adjustable component of the harness shall be set approximately at the center of its range to achieve moderate tension in the associated elements (in no case shall an adjustable element be set at one of the extremes of its range). The adjustable elements are then marked when the harness is in the test position and at a preload of 1.000 N. The marking will enable it to be determined whether any adjustable element has slipped more than 10 mm during the specified load test. Fixing points of the test dummy

Fixing points of the test dummy

Figure 2 - Fixing points of the test dummy

1 harness attachment point for right reserve parachute
2 harness attachment point for reserve parachute left
3 attachment point of the harness for the free end of the PK right
4 attachment point of the harness for the free end of the PK left
5 attachment point of parallel protection right
6 attachment point of parallel protection left
B1 mannequin attachment point for anchoring right
B2 mannequin attachment point for anchoring left
And dummy attachment point
F traction force

4.7.4. Strength testing methods and strength requirements for MPK textile seats Positive symmetrical load acting on the attachment points of the free ends of the PK

The test is carried out with the manikin seated and correctly fastened in the harness and anchored at two points B1 and B2.

a) If there are any relevant adjustable components, a slip test of the adjustable element is first carried out by applying a positive service load for 5 s to the two fixing points of the free ends of the PK (see points 3 and 4).

F=mzp * 60 [N]

During the adjustable component slip test, no adjustable element may slip more than 10 mm.

b) A force corresponding to the positive numerical load is applied symmetrically for 5 s to the two attachment points of the free ends of the PK (see points 3 and 4).

F=mzp * 90 [N]

During the exam:

  • there must be no breach of any essential structural part;
  • there must be no breach of stitching on any essential structural part;
  • there must be no cracking, slipping or deformation that could cause the dummy to fall out of the harness.

Positive symmetrical load acting on the attachment points of the free ends of the PK

Figure 3 – Positive symmetrical load acting on the attachment points of the free ends of the PK

3 attachment point of the harness for the free end of the PK right
4 attachment point of the harness for the free end of the PK left
B1 mannequin attachment point for anchoring right
B2 mannequin attachment point for anchoring left
F traction force Positive asymmetric load acting on the attachment points of the free ends of the PK

The test is performed with the manikin seated and properly restrained in the harness and anchored by a freely movable connection (see point C in Figure 4) between points B1 and B2.
A force corresponding to an asymmetric lateral numerical load is applied for 5 s to one of the attachment points on the free ends of the PK (right or left - points 3 or 4).

F=mzp * 36 [N]

During the exam:

  • there must be no breach of any essential structural part;
  • there must be no breach of stitching on any essential structural part;
  • there must be no cracking, slipping or deformation that could cause the dummy to fall out of the harness

Positive asymmetric load acting on the attachment points of the free ends of the PK

Figure 4 – Positive asymmetric load acting on the attachment points of the free ends of the PK

3 attachment point of the harness for the free end of the PK right
B1 mannequin attachment point for anchoring right
B2 mannequin attachment point for anchoring left
C freely movable connection
F traction force Positive symmetrical load acting on the attachment points of the reserve parachute

The test is performed with the manikin seated and correctly fastened in the harness and anchored at two points (see points B1 and B2 in Figure 5). For harnesses supplied with an integrated Y-strap, the strap is tested using the end loop of the strap.

a) If there are any relevant adjustable components, a slip test of the adjustable element is first carried out by applying a positive service load for 5 s to the two attachment points of the reserve parachute (see points 1 and 2).

F=mzp * 60 [N]

During the adjustable component slip test, no adjustable element may slip more than 10 mm.

b) A force corresponding to the positive numerical load is applied symmetrically for 5 s to the two attachment points of the reserve parachute (see points 1 and 2).

F=mzp * 90 [N]

During the exam:

  • there must be no breach of any essential structural part;
  • there must be no breach of stitching on any essential structural part;
  • there must be no cracking, slipping or deformation that could cause the dummy to fall out of the harness.

Positive symmetrical load acting on the attachment points of the reserve parachute

Figure 5 - Positive symmetrical load acting on the attachment points of the reserve parachute

1 harness attachment point for right reserve parachute
2 harness attachment point for reserve parachute left
B1 mannequin attachment point for anchoring right
B2 mannequin attachment point for anchoring left
F traction force Stress test in an upright position

This test is performed without a dummy.
The harness is fastened using attachment points 3 and 4 and a suitable test fastener (which can be one rod or two metal fasteners with a minimum diameter of 6 mm) through which both crotch straps pass.

a) If there are any relevant adjustable components, a sliding test of the adjustable element is first carried out by applying 4,5 times mzp for 5 s between the two attachment points of the free ends of the PK (see points 3 and 4) and the connecting elements of the crotch straps.

F=mzp * 45 [N]

During the adjustable component slip test, no adjustable element may slip more than 10 mm.

b) A force is applied by applying a positive service load for 5 s to the two attachment points of the free ends of the PK (see points 3 and 4) and to the connecting elements of the crotch straps.

F=mzp * 60 [N]

During the exam:

  • there must be no breach of any essential structural part;
  • there must be no breach of stitching on any essential structural part;
  • there must be no cracking, slipping or deformation that could cause the dummy to fall out of the harness.

Stress test in an upright position

Figure 6 – Load test in upright position

3 attachment point of the harness for the free end of the PK right
4 attachment point of the harness for the free end of the PK left
F traction force Load test of the connecting element of the backup parachute

If the reserve parachute connector of the system is supplied as a separate item, it shall be tested as follows:
The entire system of fasteners is assembled according to the manufacturer's description using all supplied components.
If the connector has three ends (eg a Y strap in configuration a) or b) of Figure 7), the two ends intended to be connected to the attachment points of the reserve parachute harness shall be anchored 300 ± 100 mm apart for the test. The test force shall be applied symmetrically to both ends intended to be attached to the attachment points of the reserve parachute harness.
The test force must be applied for at least 5 s.

F=mzp * 150 [N]

There must be no damage to any essential structural part during the test.

Load test of the connecting element of the reserve parachute

Figure 7 – Load test of reserve parachute connector

(a) two individual fasteners configured to form an inverted Y
b) connecting strap in the shape of an inverted Y
F traction force Positive symmetrical load acting on the attachment points of the parallel securing of the free ends of the PK

If the parallel protection is an integral or removable part of the harness, it shall be tested including the fasteners as follows:
The test is carried out with the manikin seated and correctly fastened in the harness and anchored at two points B1 and B2.
A force corresponding to the numerical positive load is applied symmetrically for 5 s to the two attachment points of the parallel securing of the free ends of the PK (see points 5 and 6 Fig. 8).

F=mzp * 90 [N]

During the exam:

  • there must be no breach of any essential structural part;
  • there must be no breach of stitching on any essential structural part;
  • there must be no cracking, slipping or deformation that could cause the dummy to fall out of the harness.

Positive symmetrical load acting on the attachment points of the parallel belay

Figure 8 - Positive symmetrical load acting on parallel belay attachment points

5 attachment point of parallel protection right
6 attachment point of parallel protection left
B1 mannequin attachment point for anchoring right
B2 mannequin attachment point for anchoring left
F traction force

4.8 Propeller, propeller cover, engine mounting Design and manufacture

The properties of the materials used by the propeller manufacturer and their service life must:

a) be proven by experience or tests,
b) conform to specifications that safely establish that the strength and required properties agree with the values ​​in the design documentation.

4.8.2. Propeller tests Tests of monobloc fixed wooden propellers

a) Individually manufactured propellers

An individually made solid wooden propeller can be approved based on experience if the composition and quality of the wood from which it is made can be seen.

b) Type tests

Strength test by spinning at the corresponding revolutions 1,23 times the highest operating speed for at least 5 minutes. The propeller must not show any damage or permanent deformation. Tests of other propellers

a) Individually manufactured propellers

Test by spinning to the corresponding revolutions 1,1 times at the highest operating speeds for at least  . The propeller must not show any damage or permanent deformation.

a) Type tests

1. Test by overloading the hub and the root parts of the leaves with the corresponding load twice the value of the centrifugal force of the maximum permissible revolutions of the propeller for 1 hour. The test is performed static loading of the root parts of the leaves. It is permissible to perform the test by rewinding to 1,4 times of the maximum allowed revolutions at zero blade setting angle, if the propeller design allows it.
2. Test by spinning to the corresponding revolutions 1,23 multiple of the highest operating speed for at least   at the operating angle of the blades.

Note: In the case of unusual construction and materials, the LAA ČR can determine additional requirements for tests.

4.8.3. Propeller cover

a) Individually manufactured propellers

Test by spinning to the corresponding revolutions 1,1 times at the highest operating speeds for at least 5 minutes. The propeller must not show any damage or permanent deformation.

a) Type tests

1. Test by overloading the hub and the root parts of the leaves with the corresponding load twice the value of the centrifugal force of the maximum permissible revolutions of the propeller for 1 hour. The test is performed static loading of the root parts of the leaves. It is permissible to perform the test by rewinding to 1,4 times of the maximum allowed revolutions at zero blade setting angle, if the propeller design allows it.
2. Test by spinning to the corresponding revolutions 1,23 multiple of the highest operating speed for at least  at the operating angle of the blades.

Note: In the case of unusual construction and materials, the LAA ČR can determine additional requirements for tests.

4.8.4. Safe propeller clearance

The safe distance of the propeller at the maximum weight and the most unfavorable position of the center of gravity must meet the following values: MPG propeller safe ground clearance

least 170 mm between the propeller and the ground. At the same time, the landing gear must be statically compressed by the MTOM load and the MPG is in the flight position. Safe distance of the propeller from other parts of the MPK structure

The safety requirements must always be determined for the most unfavorable load case. The distance between the tip of the propeller blade and the propeller cover or part of the structure must be minimal 50 millimetres. This value must be observed under all operating conditions. Distance from persons on board

There must be sufficient distance between the propeller and persons on board the MPK or suitable means must be used so that a person on board who is strapped to a seat or harness cannot with a high degree of probability come into contact with the propellers or rotating parts of the power unit.

4.8.5 Mounting the motor

It must be proven that the engine mounting can withstand the load according to 4.3.1.

4.9 Strength certificate of towed hitch

The tow hitch must pass the tensile strength test NEVER.
Tensile tests are performed in the direction of the propeller axis and up to 90° deviation from the axis direction.
The release force on the latch mechanism during tensile tests must range between 50 to 150N.

4.10 Flight position of the landing gear MPK

Verification of the flight position of the landing gear MPK must be carried out by hanging it in the suspension points for connecting the PK. The MPK chassis must not exhibit unexpected positions within the entire range of possible changes in the position of the center of gravity and the action or changes in thrust of the drive unit.

4.11 Time Limits

The manufacturer or builder can establish time limits for eligibility and the method and criteria for extending eligibility and their service life for all basic structural components or their groups.

4.11.1. Limitation of eligibility and service life of the textile parts of the MPK structure

Textile parts of the MPK structure, which are included in the transmission of forces between the points for attachment to the parachute's carrying straps and the strength-compliant undercarriage nodes, including parallel securing elements and the MPK textile seat, except for those that are secured by a non-textile structure ensuring the safety of the crew in the event of a malfunction , must have a limited lifetime and, if expedient, also specified eligibility limitations, including inspection intervals by which eligibility is extended, as follows:

a) Textile parts for which a certificate is issued in accordance with EN 1651, or those for which individual suitability has been proven according to the specified standard or by tests according to the requirements of the relevant provisions of this regulation, but with test load values ​​according to the specified standard, must have established time limits for suitability and intervals inspections by the manufacturer or a professionally qualified person authorized by the manufacturer, by which it is possible to extend the eligibility by a maximum of 5 years based on the assessment of the condition, while the interval for the first inspection is a maximum of 15 years from the date of manufacture. The manufacturer or TypeP holder may specify shorter intervals.
b) Textile parts, which have been proven to be suitable according to the requirements of the relevant provisions of this regulation, have a service life of 15 years from the date of commissioning, or 20 years from the date of manufacture, whichever occurs first. In addition, the manufacturer or TyP holder can establish time limits of eligibility and inspection intervals, which can condition the further operation of textile parts. At the same time, it may determine a shorter life than that indicated above.
c) For other textile parts of the construction outside those listed in letter a) or b), and those that are not basic structural components of MPK, there is no obligation to determine the service life.



5.1 General

These provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis to reciprocating internal combustion engines and electric motors and their control and regulation units which are designed and built in the usual manner.

5.1.1. Development

The drive system includes all the parts that are necessary to generate thrust and have an effect on the control and safety of the drive unit.

5.1.2. Signaling of switching on the electric drive

Switching on the electric drive must be clearly signaled. Acoustic, optical or mechanical signaling (e.g. by moving the motor shaft) is permissible, or other unmistakable signaling of electric drive activation.

5.1.3. Sustained performance

Even at minimum power, the drive unit must show stable operation without speed fluctuations. It must perform at full capacity for a minimum period 5 minutes, while there must be no drop in performance, overheating or other symptoms of overload or wear.

5.1.4. Noise

The latest edition of the protective noise regulations for SFD always applies.
The exhaust system of the combustion engine must be equipped with a silencer.

5.1.5. Fuel system, battery cells

d) The fuel system must safely ensure sufficient fuel flow and pressure required for the proper operation of the engine in all its modes of operation under normal operating conditions.
e) The fuel system must be arranged so that fuel can be drawn from only one tank to supply the engine, unless the air spaces of the tanks are connected so that the tanks are emptied simultaneously.
f) The fuel system must be constructed in such a way that it cannot be blocked by generated fuel vapors.
g) The battery must be assembled and dimensioned so that the maximum values ​​of current, capacity factor ("C factor"), voltage, temperature, etc. given by the cell manufacturer are not exceeded.
h) Depending on the type of battery used, its safe operation must be ensured with regard to the charging and discharging of individual cells.

5.1.6. Fuel tank, battery container

The fuel tank (battery) may be removable and must meet the following requirements:

a) it must be a tank that is suitable for the fuel and that must withstand the expected liquid load,
b) must withstand without failure the vibrations and inertial forces acting on it during operation according to 4.3.1,
c) it must be prevented from rubbing due to vibrations,
d) a suitable indicator of the level of fuel or the remaining amount of battery power must safely ensure that the pilot has an overview of its status. The battery status indicator (fuel gauge) must be dependent on the actual value of the charge taken from the battery, (assessment based on the battery voltage is insufficient especially when using Li-xx cells),
e) the tank vent must be located in such a way that fuel leakage is excluded during flight,
f) each fuel tank must withstand an overpressure of 0,01 MPa without damage or leakage,
g) the inexhaustible amount of fuel must be determined for each tank as the amount at which the first symptoms of fuel failure occur under the most unfavorable conditions for such fuel supply during take-off, climb, approach and during landing. This amount must not be greater than 5% tank volume,
g) the battery container must ensure sufficient mechanical protection of the battery cells and ensure sufficient heat removal from the internal parts of the battery.

5.1.7. Fuel flow

The fuel system must allow at least the following fuel flow:

a) Downstream system

The fuel flow must be at least 150% consumption at maximum take-off power

b) System with fuel pump

The fuel flow must be at least 120% consumption at maximum take-off power

Note: In cases where the fuel pump is part of the mixture formation equipment, the fuel flow may be assessed during an engine test at maximum take-off power for 5 minutes in the operating configuration with the highest fuel intake height.

5.1.8. Electric drive traction line

The power line must be sufficiently dimensioned to safely ensure the supply of electricity. energy for the regulator and motor in all its modes and with regard to the risk of electric shock. current in the sense of the relevant standards.

5.1.9. Data and control lines

It must be designed as resistant to interference in all operating modes (e.g. a ringing mobile phone near the controller or controls) and at the same time highly resistant to all adverse mechanical effects (falling to the ground, moisture, shocks, vibrations).

5.1.10. Fuel line and filter

a) The fuel line must be made of material intended for this purpose and must not touch hot engine parts. There must be no areas where frictional damage can occur.
b) A fuel filter must be placed between the outlet from the tank and the inlet to the device for creating the fuel mixture.
c) Each fuel filter must be easily inspected and easily accessible.

5.1.11. Bleeding the fuel system

The fuel tank must be connected to free space in its upper part by venting or filled with pressurized gas.
The vent must meet the following conditions:

a) its construction must prevent clogging with dirt or ice,
b) must prevent fuel suction due to negative pressure during normal operation,
c) it must, if possible, prevent fuel leakage when the MPK overturns; while he must ensure that any fuel leakage does not come into contact with the crew, electrical installation and hot parts of the engine.

5.1.12. Protection against vibrations

All parts of the engine that are stressed by vibrations and whose design solution allows failure (e.g. exhaust pipe, air cleaner, etc.) must be secured in a suitable way against possible contact with the propeller and against falling into the propeller.

5.1.13. Option to turn off the engine

The switch that interrupts the engine ignition, i.e. brings the drive unit to a standstill in the fastest way, must be easy to operate, accessible and prominently marked.
Each separate ignition circuit must have its own ignition switch.
Ignition switches must be arranged and designed to prevent their inadvertent use.
If the engine ignition switch is located on the engine control handle, a second switch must be placed independently on the MPK structure, easily accessible from the pilot's position, ensuring interruption of the engine ignition for each separate ignition circuit.

5.2 Wireless control of the drive unit

5.2.1. In general

The wireless control of the drive unit must be designed as an assembly that, in case of loss or failure, ensures the stop of the drive unit or the transition to a rest state in the case of an electric drive. Loss of connection

In the event of a short-term loss of connection or its interference, the control assembly must prevent sudden changes in the power level setting of the drive unit.
The second switch of the power unit must be located within the reach of the pilot according to 5.1.13. Power unit control handle

a) The design of the power unit control handle must ensure that its mechanical properties and control elements are highly resistant to all adverse effects (falling to the ground, moisture, shocks, vibrations) and must be suitably prevented from being lost in the event of the pilot dropping the handle in flight.
b) The power unit control handle position sensor must be resistant to mechanical wear and must have mandatory service intervals.
c) Possible emergency states of signal transmission and the response to them must be defined, especially the power setting of the drive unit in these cases.
d) If the position of the drive unit control handle is converted into data form, a protocol with a control element is required, e.g. a checksum at the end of each data packet so that the receiver is able to distinguish between correct and defective packets.
e) The frequency of sending data packets must ensure a sufficiently fast response of the receiver.
f) The most secure system must be used for the transmitter/receiver radio connection, e.g. a connection protected by a PIN code or the unique number of the transmitter/receiver radio module, or another method that does not allow the connection of another unauthorized device to the receiver.
g) The selected radio connection must ensure sufficient permeability through obstacles, e.g. the human body or other structural elements of the MPK
h) The power unit control handle must at all times allow the power unit to be stopped immediately.

5.3 Proof of service life of the drive unit

5.3.1. In general

These provisions apply to piston engines and electric motors which are designed and built in the usual way.
All engine parts must be designed, arranged and built to ensure safe operation during the specified inspection intervals.

5.3.2. Test run of the complete drive system

The test run is carried out for the MPK individually put into operation, also before putting into operation after changes or repairs of power and important structural units of the engine. The test is performed as follows: Reliability test of drive with internal combustion engine:

1. Start and stop 10 times
2. start and idle for 5 minutes
3. 10 times change mode idling full power
4. 5 minutes full power
5. 5 minutes at 75% nominal power
6. 5 minutes full power

After cooling down, turn off the engine and let it cool down. In doing so, there must be no visible damage to any part of the drive system or any of its components.
During the test, the engine must work evenly without fluctuations in speed, it must maintain the power value and during transitional modes it must not show a delay or a spontaneous reduction in speed after a sudden change from idling to the maximum value.

5.3.3. Tests of the drive unit during MPK type tests Flight test of the MPK propulsion unit

If the engine is selected for a certain type of MPK, its test can be performed as a 25-hour test.
The power unit test must include at least:

1. 50 starts
2. 5 flights lasting at least 1 hour (or equivalent in the case of electric propulsion)
3. 15 ascents to a height of at least 500 m above the terrain, while the flight at take-off power must last at least 5 minutes continuously

5.3.4. Reliability test in engine type tests for MPK

The applicant must demonstrate that the engine is capable of operating at the prescribed number of duty cycles or hours without significant failure. Work cycles follow each other periodically. The manufacturer specifies in advance the maintenance operations on the engine that he will perform during the maintenance.
One long-term reliability test cycle will be performed as follows: Internal combustion engine test cycle

1. Start and idle - 5 minutes
2. Maximum power – 5 minutes
3. Cool down and stop - 5 minutes
4. Start and idle - 5 minutes
5. Maximum continuous power – 30 minutes
6. Maximum power – 5 minutes
7. Cool down and stop - 5 minutes
Total time of one cycle: 1 hour
Total number of cycles: 25

The test is performed on the ground. Engine braking is performed using a test propeller. Electric drive test cycle

A. running stability and acceleration and deceleration test:
Turn on
2. 100% power - 5 minutes
3. Shutdown
Total number of cycles: 10

B. performance test:
Turn on
2. 100% power - 5 minutes
3. Shutdown
Total number of cycles: 10

During the cycle, the engine must work evenly without fluctuations in speed, must maintain the value of the declared power and must not show a noticeable delay during transition modes. During individual cycles, it is necessary to assess:

a) The temperature value – the temperature increase on the motor, regulation and batteries, which must not show a "steep" increase towards the end of the cycle.
b) The value of the current drawn depending on the battery voltage drop. The value of the total current must not exceed the maximum values ​​for cells given by the manufacturer, this also applies to regulation etc. Trial run at MPK

the applicant must prove that the engine works in the designed MPK drive system for which it is intended, is in accordance with the MPK function and demonstrates reliability in LA 25-hour test according to



6.1 Mandatory equipment MPK labels

6.1.1. MPK registration plate

On the fixed part of the structure there must be a registration plate, which must not be easily erased, with the following information:

a) License plate;
b) type name;
c) manufacturer;
d) serial number;
e) year of manufacture;
f) basic empty weight;
g) maximum take-off weight.

6.1.2. MPK textile seat label

Every MPK textile seat, except individual amateur constructions, must be marked on a label attached to the harness, which must contain at least the following information:

a) jmanufacturer's name;
b) harness model name;
c) Type designation;
d) serial number;
e) year and month of manufacture;
f) harness size;
g) maximum pilot weight;
h) a reference to a certification standard or regulation.



7.1 Type certificate of MPK or its components

A type certificate of airworthiness must be obtained for each MPK and, in the event that it is not part of the TyP as a whole, also the engine for the MPK, the propellers for the MPK and the textile harness for the MPK manufactured in quantities greater than 10 pieces in accordance with the applicable provision of the LA 2 regulation.

7.1.1. Application for Type MPK The applicant must submit with the application:

A. Technical description of the product

a) production documentation,
b) strength calculation,
c) protocols on strength tests carried out,
d) protocols on flight tests performed,
e) prototype operation report,
f) Engine type or its test reports,
g) Types of textile seats or their protocols exams,
h) Types of propellers or their test reports,
i) statement on the originality of the design or consent of the owner of the documentation,
j) sample flight and operations manual including documentation on operation and maintenance.

Note: The scope of tests is determined by the chief technical inspector of the MPK LAA ČR on the basis of the recommendations of the Technical Commission of the LAA ČR (hereafter referred to as TK), if they are not already defined by this regulation, or additional tests are determined.
In case of verification of TypeP valid abroad, the chief technical inspector of MPK LAA ČR determines any additional scope of tests and test operation.

B. Certificate of airworthiness:

a) trial operation of the prototype

provided by the applicant,

b) flight tests

The flight tests will be performed by at least 2 test pilots, approved by the chief technical inspector of the MPK LAA CR,

C. Technical inspection

The technical inspection will be carried out by a professionally qualified person(s) authorized by the chief technical inspector of the MPK LAA CR. Typing release

The chief technical inspector of the MPK LAA ČR will decide on the issuance of the Type after discussion in the TK on the basis of the submitted documents and the opponent's opinion drawn up by a professionally qualified person appointed as the chief technical inspector of the MPK LAA ČR. For usual constructions and used materials, an opponent's opinion is not required.
The complete documentation for the issuance of the TypP will remain based in the archive of the LAA ČR. The TyP holder is obliged to keep a second set of complete documentation identical to the documentation established in the archive of the LAA CR.

7.2 Paraglider

The applicant for MPK approval must indicate the type (types) of the paraglider in the application and submit a protocol on verification of flight characteristics according to acc. section Chapter 8 Chapter 8 of this regulation indicating the range of weights for MPK.

Note: In the case of an individually built amateur structure, the application must be submitted separately for each specific paraglider identifiable by a unique production number.
In the case of MPK type certificate, the application is submitted for each type and size of PK.

7.3 Chassis MPK

a) three-view drawing with the following information:

1. external dimensions
2. chassis track and wheelbase
3. the place for attaching PK and the extent of their position
4. volume of fuel tanks
7. Payload

b) assembly drawings of all structural and strength nodes
c) bill of materials with material specification
d) power unit used
e) used propeller
f) type of textile seat used, if used
g) limitation of the service life of individual components
h) photo documentation

Note: In the case of an individually built amateur construction, the documents according to the points are not required b), c), e) and g).

7.4 MPK textile seat

a) model and designation of the tested harness,
b) name and address of the applicant,
c) the name and address of the manufacturer, if different from the applicant,
d) exam results and exam details,
e) name and address of the testing laboratory,
f) production record,
g) the harness sample that was tested,
h) fasteners, if recommended or required by the manufacturer,
i) drawing of strength joints,
j) drawing of essential structural parts,
k) material statement,
l) lifetime limitation,
m) user manual.

Note: In the case of an individual amateur construction, the documents according to the points are not required c), e) when m).

7.4.1. Production record content

The production record supplied by the manufacturer must contain the following information:

a) the name and address of the manufacturer;
b) the name and address of the applicant (if different from the manufacturer);
c) model name;
d) year as a four-digit number and month of production of the tested sample;
e) maximum pilot weight;
f) a user manual indicating the version and date of issue;
g) parts and materials list;

7.4.2. Material listing

The following information must be provided for all materials used:

a) material name;
b) name and reference to the manufacturer;
c) use in harness;
d) properties and tests performed on this material by the supplier or manufacturer.

7.5 Rescue equipment

For rescue equipment, a type certificate issued by the LAA CR or another recognized authority is required, at least for the reserve parachute.

7.6 Operating manual MPK

The operating manual must contain the following information:

1. description of all SFD construction groups,
2. the used textile seat(s), including the limitation of its service life, if it is used and the instructions for its use, if it is not a separate document,
3. used propellers,
4. used PPG detachable chassis,
5. instructions for using the rescue device, if it is an integral part of the MPK,
6. pre-flight procedures,
7. operational restrictions: weight restrictions, permissible and impermissible flight maneuvers,
8. limit values ​​and engine modes including their time limitation period,
9. assembly and layout of MPK,
10. data on service intervals, their content and method of maintenance,
11. maintenance records, if they are not a separate document,
12. MPK operation records, if they are not a separate document.



8.1 General

Demonstration that the MPK complies with the requirements set out in this section is carried out by flight tests.
Flight characteristics are considered proven only within the range of proposed weights, speeds and modes that have been verified during flight testing. Those in operation form MPK restrictions.

8.1.1. Type flight tests

They must always be carried out separately for each type and size of PK based on the request of the holder or applicant for the Type of MPK or the holder of the Type of PK or the producer of the PK. Type flight tests carried out at the request of the TypeP PK holder or the PK manufacturer may also be valid for other sizes of PKs of the given type that have been issued with a valid TypeP.
Type flight tests are authorized to be conducted by a pilot with a valid qualification, an MPK test pilot approved by the chief inspector of the MPK LAA ČR.

8.1.2. Individual flight tests

They must always be carried out separately for each specific size and production number of the PK based on the request of the owner or operator of the MPK.
They are always required for individually built amateur MPK constructions.
They must also be performed in cases not specified for type flight tests.
Individual flight tests are authorized to be conducted by a pilot with a valid MPK test pilot qualification.

8.2 Flight tests

Flight tests are considered to be proven in the following range of take-off weights:

a) MTOM = mtry it + 20% but no more than MTOM PK or MPK, whichever is lower,

b) MinTOM = mtry it - 10%, however, MinTOM PK at least.

Maximum difference mtry it in the case of single-pilot PPG flight tests, it may be 15 kg.
During the flight tests, it must be proven that the MPK meets the following conditions:

8.2.1. Controls and controls

The control range and the length of the control elements must be correctly set for the given PK suspension. The controls must be easily accessible from the pilot's seat even in the event of re-engagement after the pilot has released the controls.
Controls and all controls shall be adapted and marked to permit easy operation and to prevent confusion of obvious functions or unintended operation. It must be possible to maintain a constant level flight speed throughout the applicable speed range without extraordinary demands on the pilot's skill.

8.2.2. General behavior in flight

The MPK must fly and perform all normal flight maneuvers in all modes and throughout the range of proposed speeds without placing extraordinary demands on the pilot or requiring extraordinary pilot skill.

8.2.3. Oscillating, shaking, collapsing

In the entire range of proposed speeds and permitted turns, the following must not occur:

  • vibration of any fixed part of the structure
  • excessive vibration of any moving part of the structure
  • shaking
  • spontaneous collapse of the canopy without the influence of environmental turbulence.

8.2.4. MPK stability and controllability

Stability and controllability in flight about all axes must be demonstrated for the entire proposed speed range and all engine operating modes for straight flight and during left and right steady horizontal turns.

8.2.5. Reaction torque of the drive unit

It must be demonstrated that it is possible to eliminate the maximum reaction moment of the drive unit by controlling the entire operating range of speeds to the extent that the MPK is able to perform left and right horizontal turns, while ensuring a sufficient degree of stability and controllability.

8.2.6. Gliding flight

The stability and controllability of the MPK during gliding flight must be demonstrated. The MPK must not show unexpected positions and make extraordinary demands on the pilot's skills.

8.3 Content of the flight test

Before performing a test flight, the pilot must adjust the steering and control elements, the length of the drivers, the harness and also set the suspension of the MPK correctly for the given configuration.
If necessary, the correct flight position of the MPK must be verified before the test flight by hanging it in a suitable test device.
A protocol with a record of the test pilot's evaluation for each flight test must be drawn up on the course of the test flight.
The test flight can be performed repeatedly with different loads in order to demonstrate flight characteristics in the entire range of required take-off weights.
The test flight must include the following evaluated elements:

8.3.1. start

The MPK must be able to take off without placing extraordinary demands on the pilot or requiring his extraordinary skill.
The PK must self-assemble into flight position by continuously pulling on the "A" straps of the free ends.
The PK must not require increased attention to tighten in the final phase of the flight attitude or tend to stop before the flight attitude.
If take-off aids are used, they must not cause excessive changes in control forces or control deviations or affect the controllability of the MPK in such a way that it would require extraordinary skill of the pilot. In this case, the test pilot must not assist in pulling the canopy into flight position.

8.3.2. Direct flight

The pilot puts the MPK into straight-line horizontal flight with a constant engine throttle setting and releases the controls. MPK must stay at least 20 s in straight horizontal flight. It does the same for various trim and speed settings throughout the tested speed range.
It must be possible to maintain a constant MPK horizontal flight speed throughout the tested speed range without extraordinary demands on the pilot's skill.

8.3.3. Turns

The pilot makes horizontal turns of 360° with a smooth transition from left to right and vice versa with a tilt of 30° to 60°.
It must be possible to transition smoothly from left and right horizontal turns of 30° to 60° to a turn of the opposite direction of turn without requiring extraordinary pilot skills.
The steering force must increase continuously up to a tilt of 60°, and to maintain a steady tilt in a corner, the MPK must not require an unusual or reversed deflection of the steering bodies.
The rate of rotation and amount of pitch must change with each steering intervention in the correct sense and in a reasonable proportion.

8.3.4. Directional stability

The pilot puts the MPK into a steady pitch turn 45° and completely drop the steering. The MPK must return to straight flight during the course 3 s. It is permissible for the MPK to remain in swing for longer than 3 s with a calming tendency, or to remain in a slight sway that does not affect the direction and safety of the flight. An increasing tendency to sway or swing leading to deformations of the bearing surface of the PK is unacceptable.

8.3.5. Reaction torque of the drive unit

The pilot sets the throttle to maximum mode and goes into straight climb flight and makes 360° turns in and against the direction of the reaction torque of the power unit.
The MPK must be able to safely execute a turn after and against the direction of the reaction moment without extraordinary demands on the pilot's skill.

8.3.6. Stability during acceleration

During straight-line horizontal flight, the pilot sets the throttle to maximum mode and idle several times in rapid succession.
A sharp increase and decrease in engine power must not cause it to wobble or cause a vertical or horizontal change in the longitudinal axis of the MPK chassis (around the transverse axis of the MPK chassis) by more than:

10°         in the case of TypP, or
15°         in case of individual construction.

At the same time, there must not be a dangerous change in the position of the MPK landing gear relative to the pilot's position or such a change that would require extraordinary requirements for the pilot's skill.

8.3.7. Climb at maximum take-off weight

MPK must demonstrate climbability at least 1,0 m / s for min. 100 sec after conversion to MSA zero altitude conditions with the engine operating at maximum power. This is done by calculating from the time achieved when climbing the height difference 100 m. It is not permissible to use variometer data to determine the rate of climb.

8.3.8. gliding flight and landing

The pilot will land after gliding with the engine off for at least a period of time 15 ". The MPK must not make extraordinary demands on the pilot's skills during the approach, hold and landing. The MPK must be able to land even in no wind at a vertical and horizontal speed that can be safely absorbed by the landing gear, or pilot's legs.



9.1.1. This wording of the regulation replaces the wording of April 1.4.2018, XNUMX, as amended and supplemented.

9.1.2. This version of the regulation replaces the relevant provisions of the UL2 regulation, part II regarding MPK.

9.1.3. In the event that some provisions of regulation LA2 are not specific enough for MPK or are modified differently, this regulation shall be applied preferentially.