Directive LN

Change sheet

Change sheet
Date of issue of the change Edited/deleted/new paragraphs Date of inclusion Ranked
12.12.2007 Update to Appendix 1b Important Phone Numbers 12.12.2007 M. Huml
12.01.2009 Update to Appendix 1b Important Phone Numbers 12.01.2009 M. Huml
12.01.2009 Appendix 3 Model of the final report of an aircraft accident or incident, after paragraph 3 the text is inserted: registration plates OK XXX – XX date. XX. XX. XXXX
The final report, findings and conclusions contained therein, relating to aviation accidents and incidents, or systemic deficiencies threatening operational safety, are for informational purposes only and cannot be used other than as recommendations for implementing measures to prevent further aviation accidents and incidents with similar causes. The preparer of the final report expressly declares that the final report cannot be used to determine guilt or liability in connection with determining the causes of an aviation accident or incident and cannot be used to assert claims in the event of an insured event.
12.01.2009 M. Huml
18.04.2024 Update to Appendix 1b Important Phone Numbers 18.04.2024 Koubik




1. General provisions

1.1. The goal

the sole aim of the professional investigation of the causes of aviation accidents and incidents must be to determine effective measures. The purpose of this process is not to assign blame or responsibility for wrongdoing.

1.2. This directive is binding for all authorities involved in the professional investigation of the causes of aviation accidents and incidents in the operation of SFD. Provisions on the reporting obligation of aviation accidents and incidents are binding for all SFD users.

1.3. Reporting of aviation accidents and SFD incidents

a) Every participant or witness of an air accident or incident is obliged to report the incident to the traffic or technical inspector of the LAA CR as soon as possible.
b) The inspector who learned about the event immediately reports the maximum available information in accordance with Appendix 2 of this directive to the chief inspector of the LAA ČR, possibly the director of the administration of the LAA ČR and the permanent service of the Institute for the Expert Investigation of the Causes of LN.

1.4. Commissions for the expert investigation of the causes of air accidents and incidents in the operation of SFD can be:

a) In the case of air accidents in which a fatal injury occurs, exclusively appointed by the responsible person of the Institute for Professional Investigation of the Causes of LN.
b) In the case of air accidents in which the crew is seriously injured or there is a conflict with another user of the airspace or damage to the health or property of non-participating persons, exclusively appointed by the director of the administration of the LAA ČR or a person authorized by him, possibly the responsible person of the Institute for the Expert Investigation of the Causes of LN, if the ÚZPLN reserves the right to investigate.
c) In the case of aviation accidents in which the events listed in points 1.4 a), 1.4 b) or an incident did not occur, each traffic inspector and technical inspector of the LAA CR, to whom the incident was notified by its a participant, a witness, police authorities or the executive apparatus of the LAA CR. In the event that the incident has been reported to him and he cannot initiate and lead the investigation of the incident himself, he must notify the director of administration or the chief inspector, who will determine the next procedure.
d) In the case of air accidents with the consequences listed in point 1.4 b) in paragliding operation, the commission can also be appointed by the chief paragliding inspector of the LAA CR.

1.5. The participation of the police in the investigation of aviation accidents and incidents is necessary in the event that they result in serious or fatal injury to the crew or damage to the health or property of non-participants. The participation of the police is also necessary in cases where there is an assumption that any compensation will be applied for damages caused by this event, or if it is necessary to assess whether a criminal offense has been committed in connection with this event. The notification to the police is carried out by the inspector to whom the event was reported, if the participant or witness of the event did not do so.

1.6. The chairman of the expert commission is a person appointed by the director of the LAA CR administration or the chief inspector of paragliding, or the ÚZPLN, if the ÚZPLN carries out or reserves expert investigation. The chairman of the commission for accidents listed in Article 1.4 c) and incidents is automatically the inspector of the LAA ČR, to whom the accident was reported and who started the professional investigation, unless otherwise determined by the director of the administration of the LAA ČR or the person responsible for the ÚZPLN.

1.7. Coordination between LAA ČR and ÚZPLN

a) If the ÚZPLN initiates a professional investigation, it informs the director of the administration of the LAA CR or the chief inspector of the LAA CR in accordance with Appendix 2.
b) It is within the competence of the ÚZPLN permanent service to decide whether the ÚZPLN will initiate and lead a professional investigation.
c) The decision to take over the expert investigation that has already started, which is led by the LAA of the Czech Republic, is the responsibility of the director of the ÚZPLN. The ÚZPLN does not directly intervene in the expert investigation conducted by the LAA CR.

1.8. Every traffic inspector or technical inspector of the LAA ČR is entrusted with the preliminary professional investigation of any air accident, if it is expedient for the timely initiation of the professional investigation.

1.9. LAA ČR deals with SFD and pilot events, which it keeps on file. For the events of other, so-called unregistered pilots and aircraft, it carries out an expert opinion on request in order to determine the causes of the events.

1.10. In the case of incidents where it is clear that effective measures cannot be taken to prevent their further occurrence and were not caused by a gross error in piloting technique or violation of regulations and no claimed damages were incurred, their causes are not professionally investigated. The inspector who recorded the incident will report the incident according to Appendix 2. If there is damage to the SFD, he will ensure that the technical inspector with whom the SFD is on file becomes aware of the damage.

The LAA keeps separate records of the events mentioned in paragraphs 1.9 and 1.10 and establishes measures to increase traffic safety based on long-term analyses.


2. Procedures in the professional investigation of the causes of air accidents and incidents

2.1. To ascertain the state of health of the participants and to make arrangements for the provision of professional medical care, if this has not already been done.

2.2. Cooperate with the police (when the police participate in the investigation).

Cooperation with the police mainly consists of:
a) In securing the scene of the accident.
b) In securing statements and witness identities.
c) In securing documentation.
d) In assessing whether the pilot was under the influence of alcohol.
e) In assessing whether a criminal offense or misdemeanor has been committed.

2.3. Carry out an investigation at the scene of the accident (with an emphasis on inspection of the SFD and the possibility of its failure even before the event).

2.4. Determine, whether it is possible to manipulate the SFD, possibly arrange the securing of the SFD or its parts for the needs of further professional investigation.

2.5. Secure witness statements (if these are not provided in cooperation with the police).

2.6. Find out more information available about the event and the circumstances related to it (about SFD, about crew qualifications, about meteorological conditions, about the airport, about the purpose of the flight, etc.).

2.7. Make a drawing situation, event provide photo documentation.

2.8. Establish identity all event participants.

2.9. Make an announcement about the event in the sense of Appendix 2. The notification is submitted to the director of the LAA administration or the relevant chief inspector of operation or technology and permanent service of the ÚZPLN (the notification must be submitted as soon as possible).

2.10. Prepare a final report in terms of Appendix 3 in triplicate and send it to the LAA Director of Administration or the Chief Paragliding Inspector. Appendices to the final report (drawing, witness statements, photo documentation, etc.) are usually prepared in one version and are part of copy No. 1.

Note 1:
Notification of an event within the meaning of Appendix 2 can be submitted by telephone.

Note 2:
Notifications and final reports of reported and investigated events are sent to ÚZPLN by the director of LAA administration after obtaining the documents.


Appendix 1a

Classification of extraordinary events SFD

1. Aircraft accident (LN) (Accident)

is an event connected with the operation of an aircraft occurring from the time any person boarded the aircraft with the intention of making a flight until the time when all such persons have left the aircraft and in which:

1.1. a person has been fatally or seriously injured as a result of:

  • presence in the aircraft or
  • direct contact with any part of the aircraft including parts that have separated from the aircraft or
  • by the effect of a stream of gases (created by the aircraft), except in cases where the damage to health occurred from natural causes

1.2. the aircraft has been completely destroyed or damaged in such a way that its repair is neither possible nor expedient

1.3. the aircraft is missing or in an inaccessible location. An aircraft is considered missing if its wreckage has not been found and the further search has been terminated due to no results.

1.4. the aircraft was damaged such that the damage:

  • adversely affected the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft and
  • will usually require a major repair

1.5. The following are not considered damages or malfunctions:

  • failure or damage to the engine or its accessories and covers, if the damage is limited to the engine only
  • damage limited to propellers, autogyro blades of a helicopter or autogyrocraft, edge parts of wings, antennas, landing gear and fairings
  • small scratches or punctures in the cover

2. Incident (I)

is an event associated with the operation of an aircraft that affects or could affect the safety of the operation. This is the wrong action of people or the wrong action of aircraft and ground equipment in air traffic. The causes of incidents also include unforeseen natural phenomena (discharges of static electricity, collisions with birds, etc.), if they did not threaten the safety of the flight to the extent that they were assessed as an air accident. In terms of time, the incident is defined in the same way as a plane accident.

2.1. Incidents are divided according to the causes of their occurrence into

a) flight
b) technical
c) in managing and securing operations
d) other

2.2. Aircraft ground accident (I-PN)

is an incident that occurred outside the time defined in paragraph 1 in connection with the preparation of the aircraft for flight, its operation, care, maintenance, repairs or standing, the consequence of which is damage to health or death of a person or damage or destruction of the aircraft.

Note 1:
For the purposes of this procedure, malfunctions and malfunctions of aircraft equipment detected during prescribed and regular or irregular maintenance of the aircraft before the flight by the ground staff and during the pre-flight inspection of the aircraft by the crew before the start of taxiing to take-off are not considered to be faults and malfunctions.

Note 2:
Events in the operation of the SFD referred to as a forced landing in the terrain that did not occur:

  • to no harm to the health of any persons or to their endangerment
  • to no damage to SFD
  • to no damage to the property of any persons or to endangering it

are not considered an air accident or incident.

Note 3:
Incidents characterized in Article 1.10 in which only an easily replaceable component is damaged, the replacement is possible by the user and the damage clearly does not affect the strength and reliability of the structure and the replacement of the component on the flight characteristics, are not considered an incident in the sense of this procedure. The owner (user) records the replacement and the reason for it in the SFD documentation and, before starting further operation, informs the technician inspector who has the SFD on file.


Appendix 1b

Important phone numbers


1 Director of the LAA CR Administration: 777 707 260
2 Chief Inspector of ULL Operations: 777 707 262
3 Chief Technical Inspector ULL: 777 707 261
4 Chief traffic inspector PL: 777 813 050
5 Chief inspector of PL, MPK and MPK operation: 777 707 263
6 Chief inspector of operation and technology of the Ministry of Interior: 777 707 264

The connection with the chief inspectors of individual specialties, who are not employees of the headquarters, is carried out through the persons mentioned above.



Permanent service: 724 300 800


Other important numbers

1 Rescue Coordination Center (RCC,SAR): 220 372 750, 220 374 450, 220 374 452, 727 373 917, 727 374 493
2 Integrated rescue system: 112
3 Police operations center for the entire Czech Republic: 974 841 920
4 Police Air Service Operations Center: 233 333 490
5 Firefighters' Operations Center: 974 824 030

In case of unavailability of any investigation body, it is expedient to ask for assistance in coordination from the Rescue Search and Coordination Center Prague (SAR).


Appendix 2

Air Accident or Incident Notification Model

1. Event details:

a) species: Use the designations Air Accident (LN), Incident (I), Incident - Ground Accident (I-PN)
b) date:
c) place:
d) time:

2. Aircraft data:

a) license plate:
b) type:
c) výrobce:
d) owner / operator:

3. Crew details:

a) names:
b) qualifications, functions:
c) health:

4. Flight data:

a) place of take-off, place of landing:
b) type and purpose of flight:
c) flight phase:
d) meteorological conditions:

5. Damages:

a) on SFD:
b) other:

6. Brief description of the event:

7. Measures implemented: Measures taken at the scene of the event (Provision of documentation, cooperation with the police, securing of debris, informing the technician of the LAA ČR when a malfunction is detected that could cause the event, etc.)

8. Address information of the police and contact details, if the police save:

9. Name and function of the person submitting the report:


Appendix 3

Sample Air Accident or Incident Final Report

Registration number

Print no:
Number of sheets:
Number of attachment sheets:

About the professional investigation of an air accident (incident)


Date and place of the event:
SFD type, SFD license plate: for SFD without license plate production number
Informative overview: Very briefly describe the event (one or two sentences)
Composition of the commission:

1. Professional investigation

1.1 Description of the event: Describe the course of the event according to all available information. The location and time of the event.
1.2 Personal injury: Describe the injuries to the crew, passengers, if any. other people.
1.3 Aircraft damage: Describe the damage to the aircraft.
1.4 Other damages: Describe other damages incurred.
1.5 Crew Information: Qualifications, experience, etc.
1.6 Aircraft information: Type, note brand, owner, manufacturer, TP validity, last maintenance, weight, etc.
1.7 Meteorological situation: Describe met. the situation at the time and place of the accident event. total met. the situation.
1.8 Radio navigation aids: Name if they are part of the equipment.
1.9 Connecting Service: Indicate with whom and how the radio communication was conducted.
1.10 Flight recorders: If it is expedient, include data from recorders (Flydat, barograph, etc.)
1.12 Description of the accident site and wreckage: Describe in detail with an emphasis on everything that could have had an influence on the occurrence of the event or, on the contrary, excludes this influence.
1.13 Medical and pathological findings: State the conclusions of medical expertise, if they are carried out.
1.14 Fire: What led to the fire and what it caused.
1.15 Search and rescue: Indicate who and how performed the rescue, event. search.
1.16 Tests and research: Alcohol tests, expertise of fuels, lubricants, commissioned disassembly of engines, etc.
1.17 Additional information: Insurance information, number and content of attachments, etc.

2. Analyzes 

The analyzes of the professional investigation documented in part 1 are important for determining the causes.

3. Conclusions

List the deeper systemic causes that were identified during the investigation a 

Causes of the event State the root cause of the event

List the contributing causes of the event

4. Proposal of measures to increase safety

Propose measures that can prevent the possible further occurrence of an event due to similar causes.



Name and signature of the chairman of the commission

Statement by the director of the LAA CR administration

Consent, or supplementing the measures taken, possibly a proposal to add to or revise the final report.


In the event that the director of the administration of the LAA CR is the chairman of the commission

Statement of the director of ÚZPLN


Name and signature