LA 2





1.1. The Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as "LAA ČR") is authorized to perform state administration in matters of sports flying equipment (hereinafter referred to as "SFD") in accordance with the provisions of Section 82, Paragraph 1 of Act No. 49/1997 Coll. on civil aviation and on the amendment and addition of Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on trades (Trades Act), as amended, as amended by the Ministry of Transport.

1.2. The authorization is valid for the following types of sport flying devices:

a) Paragliders,
b) Hang gliders including hang gliders with an auxiliary propulsion unit,
c) Ultralight aircraft,
d) Ultralight gliders,
e) Motorized ultralight gliders,
f) Motorized hang gliders,
g) Motorized paragliders,
h) Ultralight helicopters,
i) Ultralight autogyrocraft,
j) Ultralight balloons.

1.3 Scope:

1.3.1 The purpose of the regulation is to determine the basic procedures for verifying the suitability of SFD, which are within the competence of the LAA CR. It applies to all manufacturers and builders of SFDs and their parts, applicants for the issuance of a type certificate (hereinafter referred to as TypP) and a technical certificate (hereinafter referred to as TP) of SFDs, control authorities and authorized employees of the LAA CR.

1.4 Warranty

1.4.1 If non-compliance with the procedures and standards of LAA ČR is not proven, the liability of LAA ČR, their representatives, technical inspectors and test pilots is excluded for damages incurred in connection with the verification of the airworthiness of an individual aircraft or type, as well as for damages incurred on the basis of technical requirements and approval procedures, based on the withdrawal or non-withdrawal of TP or TyP or for other reasons.

1.5 Definitions

1.5.1 Applicant – a legal or natural person who submits applications in terms of this regulation.
1.5.2 Owner – legal or natural person who owns SFD.
1.5.3 Operator - the operator of the SFD is its owner, unless he submits a written agreement with another natural or legal person that this person will be the operator.
1.5.4 Producer – a natural or legal person who manufactures sports flying equipment and other related products, aircraft parts and equipment for the purpose of sale.
1.5.5 Builder – a legal or natural person who builds the SFD for their own use.
1.5.6 Individual importer – a natural or legal person importing a foreign product (SFD or its parts) for own use, who is its owner and operator for at least one year.
1.5.7 Importer – a natural or legal person importing a foreign product (SFD or its parts) for the purpose of sale.
1.5.8 TyP holder – the manufacturer of the final product or a natural or legal person authorized by him with a place of permanent residence or headquarters in the territory of the Czech Republic, able to properly fulfill the specified obligations.
1.5.9 Type – SFD or its part with an issued Type, which is defined by production and technical documentation.
1.5.10 SFD registration sheet – a summary of the data recorded by the relevant technical inspector and his statement necessary for the registration of SFD in the LAA CR register.
1.5.11 Output report on the airworthiness of an individual SFD TP "P" – a summary of the data recorded by the relevant manufacturer necessary for the registration of the SFD with the issued Typ "P" in the LAA CR register.
1.5.12 Application for the issuance of a technical license - a summary of the data recorded by the relevant technical inspector necessary to issue TP SFD "A" or "Z", together with the applicant's statement and the statement of the relevant technical inspector.
1.5.13 Test protocol – summary of data and confirmation of the relevant technical inspector on the performance of the SFD technical inspection.
1.5.14 Protocol on the performed flight tests of an individual SFD – summary of data on SFD flight tests performed by a test pilot and their evaluation.
1.5.15  SFD review report – the relevant technical inspector's record of the performed inspection, verification of repairs or changes to the SFD.
1.5.16  Compatibility verification, MPK flight test protocol – a summary of the data on the MPK flight tests performed by the test pilot and their evaluation.

1.6 Forms

1.6.1 The forms of the SFD Registration Sheet, the Output Report on the airworthiness of an individual SFD TP "P", the Application for the issuance of a technical certificate, the Test Report, the Report on the flight tests of an individual SFD and the Verification of compatibility for individual types of SFD are published by the LAA ČR in an appropriate manner as follows: to ensure that the relevant forms are available to the relevant technical inspectors, technicians and test pilots. The latest current edition of the forms is intended for use.

1.7 Abbreviations

MPK Motorized paraglider (collective designation for MPG and PPG)
MCC Motorized hang glider
PK Paraglider
P.P.Z. Portable license plate
TK Technical Commission of the LAA CR
TP Technical certificate
Type Type certificate
UB Ultralight balloon
ULH Ultralight helicopter
ulk Ultralight glider
ULKM Ultralight motor glider
UL Ultralight aircraft
ULV Ultralight motor spinner
ZK Hang glider
ZKPM Hang glider with auxiliary propulsion unit
ZS Rescue systems or means



2.1 Category TP:

2.1.1 Technical certificate "Z" - prototype

is intended for newly developed SFD by the manufacturer or individual builder. It applies to test flights of prototypes and to the operation of individually built SFDs. TP "Z" may be issued for a limited time and for flights in limited weather conditions. TP "Z" will issue the register of LAA ČR on the basis of the registration sheet and its annexes from the technical inspector for the relevant type of SFD. The validity of the pass is determined for a maximum of two years for ZK, PK, MPK and MZK; for other types of SFD for a maximum of one year.

2.1.2 Technical certificate "A" - kit

it is intended for individually manufactured SFD from a kit or according to the SFD production documentation, which has a type certificate of the LAA ČR. TP "A" will issue the register of the LAA ČR on the basis of the registration sheet and its annexes from the technical inspector of the LAA ČR for the relevant type of SFD. The validity of the pass is determined for a maximum of two years.

2.1.3 Technical certificate "P" - type

it is intended for SFD having TypeP, manufactured for the purpose of sale. Technical license "P" is issued by the register of LAA CR on the basis of the registration sheet and its annexes. The validity of the license is set for MPK three years or four years from first registration, for other types of SFD two years.

2.2 Extending the validity of TP

2.2.1 The owner or operator, or a person authorized by him, must request a technical inspection from the relevant technical inspector with whom the SFD is registered. The technical inspector will record the result in the relevant documents. In justified cases, the technical inspector may request a test flight.
2.2.2 On the basis of a request from the owner or operator of the SFD or a person authorized by him, which includes the above documents with a positive statement from the relevant technical inspector, the LAA CR register will extend the validity of the TP.
2.2.3 With a technical inspection of the SFD carried out no earlier than 30 days before the expiry of the TP, its validity is extended from the day following the date of its expiry.

2.3 Portable license plate

2.3.1 It is intended for overflights and flight tests of SFD based on the conditions set by the chief technical inspector for the relevant type of SFD. TP portable number plates will issue or extend the register of the LAA CR based on the registration sheet and its annexes from the chief technical inspector for the relevant type of SFD.

2.4 Suspension of validity of TP, TyP

2.4.1 For security reasons, the LAA CR may withdraw or suspend the validity of the TP or make the validity of the TP or TyP dependent on the fulfillment of prescribed conditions.



3.1 The applicant for a Type or TP SFD must demonstrate compliance with the relevant requirements of the technical regulation:

a) for PK regulation PL 2,
b) for ZK regulation ZL 2,
c) for rescue systems and means, regulation ZS 2 or the relevant European standard (hereinafter referred to as "EN"),
d) for harnesses for PK and MPK, the relevant EN or UL2 regulation, part V,
e) for ULL, regulation UL2, part I,
f) for MZK regulation UL2, part II,
g) for ULH regulation UL2, part III,
h) for ULV regulation UL2, part IV,
i) for MPK regulation UL2, part V,
j) for ULK and ULKM regulation UL2, part VI,
k) for UB regulation UL2, part VII.

3.2 The relevant provisions of the issuance of regulations, standards, or their amendments valid at the time of submitting the application for Type or TP. If it is justified, the LAA ČR can set additional requirements, request additional documents or conduct additional tests. In the event that the particularity of the design and operation of the SFD requires it, the LAA of the Czech Republic may also use other regulations, standards and procedures to assess airworthiness.

3.3 Conditions for issuing TypeP and TP ultralight helicopters:

3.3.1 LAA CR does not carry out its own ULH type certification, it only verifies foreign certifications or takes over ULH type certifications of the Civil Aviation Authority. The suitability of a given type of ULH is confirmed by the LAA of the Czech Republic by issuing a TypP Verification of ULH airworthiness.
3.3.2 The applicant for the issuance of ULH Type Verification from LAA CR must submit documents on foreign type certification obtained in a country where there is sufficient experience in approving this category of aircraft (or must submit a document on type certification from ÚCL).
3.3.3 The applicant further submits an Application for verification of type certification, to which he attaches the relevant documents.
3.3.4 ULH can only be assigned a "P" type technical license. LAA ČR does not allow amateur construction of ULH, registration or operation of individually imported ULH without verification of eligibility in the scope of TypeP.
3.3.5 The validity of the TP and the operation of the ULH are conditioned by compliance with the maintenance regime established by the manufacturer and carried out through a service center authorized by him.



4.1 LAA ČR issues a TypP confirming the airworthiness of a certain type of SFD or its part; possibly issues a "TyP Verification" issued abroad.

4.2 Every SFD manufacturer or importer must obtain a SFD type certificate if they anticipate the production or sale of a larger number of individual SFDs or their parts of a similar design than according to the following provision:

ZK 7 pcs
MPK, UB 10 pcs
propellers for use in SFD 10 pcs
MPK harness 10 pcs
Engine for MPK 10 pcs
Engine for use in SFD (except MPK) 5 pcs

4.2.1 When selling a prototype, the manufacturer is obliged to notify the customer in writing that it is a prototype that may have various operational limitations.
4.2.2 No more than 10 pieces of SFD of the same or similar design can be registered in the Czech Republic without a TypP issued by the SFD manufacturer or importer.

4.3 Zero series (with "Z" airworthiness certificate)

4.3.1 A manufacturer who has applied for the issuance of a Type and demonstrated compliance with all essential requirements for the verification of airworthiness may be issued, at his request, a zero series production permit.
4.3.2 The maximum number of units of the zero series until the release of the Type of all types of SFD is 7 units.
4.3.3 SFDs of the zero series can be put into condition according to the type documentation after receiving the Type. The SFD technical license will then change to "P".

4.4 Type certificate

4.4.1 The manufacturer of the final product can be the applicant for the issuance of the TypP. In the event that the manufacturer of the final product does not have a place of permanent residence or registered office in the Czech Republic, a natural or legal person with a place of permanent residence or headquarters in the territory of the Czech Republic must be authorized to do so. This person must be able to properly fulfill the duties of the applicant/TyP holder.
4.4.2 The TyP holder guarantees the LAA of the Czech Republic for the fulfillment of all obligations arising from the production of the product and its application on the market of the Czech Republic. He is responsible for labeling each piece of product with a registration label. Furthermore, he is obliged to ensure the removal of identified defects from the product. In the event of a change in technical regulations, the LAA of the Czech Republic must make the necessary changes to its products at the request, inform about this through the change service for already sold products, and at the same time offer to implement this change.
4.4.3 The TyP holder is obliged to keep records of customers and intermediaries to whom he sold SFD. In the case of sales through an intermediary, the intermediary is obliged to keep records of customers.
4.4.4 The manufacturer is obliged to provide repair and maintenance of the SFD and its parts and information service for at least 5 years after the sale of the last piece of the type series.

4.5 Production documentation of SFD of the approved type

4.5.1 For each type of SFD, the production documentation includes, in an appropriate form, production drawings, schedules, technological procedures, adjustment procedures and other documents necessary for the product to be manufactured in accordance with the approved Type, which is defined by the production documentation.
4.5.2 The manufacturer of the SFD and its parts is obliged to maintain and update the production documentation for the entire period during which the SFD are manufactured according to it. Only the owner of this documentation has the right to distribute this documentation. LAA ČR and its bodies are obliged to protect this right of the owner.

4.6 Verification of Type of SFD imported from abroad

4.6.1 For the import of SFD with TypeP obtained in a country with which a valid agreement on mutual recognition of certifications has been concluded (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), the applicant will be issued with a "Verification of type certificate" certificate based on the submitted foreign TypeP and documents to the extent agreed upon Agreements. This documentation will be based on the LAA CR to the extent necessary for technical maintenance. The TyP holder will be entered in the TyP verification at the same time.
4.6.2 For the import of SFD and its parts from a country with which no Agreement has been concluded or without documenting a foreign TypeP, the importer must apply in the Czech Republic for the issuance of a TypeP on the basis of the required documentation and the completion of all required tests, including flight tests.

4.7 Procedures for verifying the airworthiness of an SFD type or part thereof

4.7.1 The applicant for the issuance of a TypP, which confirms the airworthiness of a certain type of SFD or part of it, must prove that all the requirements of the relevant regulations and standards have been met.
4.7.2 The applicant submits an application to the LAA ČR for the issuance of a Type.
4.7.3 Application components (unless the relevant regulation "Airworthiness requirements" for a specific type of SFD stipulates otherwise):

a) Type design.
b) Aerodynamic calculations and load calculations.
c) Fortress passes.
d) Flight permits.
e) Production documentation.
f) Overview of fulfillment of airworthiness requirements.
g) Sample flight and operational-technical manual.
h) Declaration about the originality of the structure, or the consent of the owner of the documentation.
i) Reports on the operation of prototypes.
j) Final type definition.

4.7.4 The proof of strength is carried out according to the conditions set out in acc. by the regulation "Airworthiness Requirements":

a) by calculating important load-bearing parts of the structure,
b) static and dynamic strength tests,
c) aerodynamic strength tests. The scope of tests and calculations is determined by the relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA of the Czech Republic based on the recommendations of the TC, unless it is already defined by the corresponding regulation.

4.7.5 The proof of flight characteristics and performance shall be carried out according to the conditions set out in App. by the regulation "Airworthiness Requirements":

a) trial operation of the prototype - provided by the applicant,
b) flight tests. The tests will be performed by at least 2 test pilots authorized by the LAA of the Czech Republic,
c) aerodynamic tests of the prototype. The scope of the tests is determined by the relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA CR, if it is not already precisely defined by the relevant regulation.

4.7.6 Technical inspection The technical inspection will be carried out by professionally qualified persons authorized by the relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA CR.

4.7.7 Typing release The relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA CR will decide on the issuance of the Type after discussion in the TK on the basis of a positive outcome of the opposition proceedings and the submission of relevant documents. The adversarial proceedings will be conducted and the adversarial report prepared by a professionally qualified person appointed by the relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA CR.

In justified cases, the opponent's opinion is not required.

4.7.8 Records of issued Typs Each Type must be provided with a registration number, recorded in the LAA CR register and a certificate stored in the LAA CR archive. The complete documentation for the issuance of TypP must be stored in the archive of the LAA CR. The TyP holder is obliged to keep the second set of complete documentation and is responsible for its compliance with the documentation established in the archive of the LAA CR.



5.1 Prototype Airworthiness Verification - TP "Z"

5.1.1 The applicant shall notify the technical inspector of the LAA CR for the relevant type of SFD of the intention to build a SFD.
5.1.2 The technical inspector will verify the professional competence and conditions of the builder, determine the construction conditions and the construction supervision system for the builder.
5.1.3 Before putting the SFD into operation, the applicant submits an application for the issuance of a technical license for the SFD, to which he attaches:

a) basic technical description of SFD,
b) basic drawing or technological documentation,
c) information on the material used, certificates of strength of important parts,
d) documents on construction supervision, to the extent determined by the technical inspector
e) a photo of the SFD clearly identifying the SFD and its equipment,
f) flight manual and aircraft book.

5.1.4 Proof of the strength of the structure is carried out:

a) by calculation,
b) documents on material tests,
c) tests of important nodes, whereby a load test is always required for wing structures,
d) possibly other strength tests at the discretion of the technical inspector.

5.1.5 Technical inspection of SFD The technical inspection and verification of compliance with the requirements of the regulations will be carried out by the technical inspector and entries will be made in the relevant forms. In the event of a positive result of the technical inspection, the technical inspector will allow a test flight.

5.1.6 Certificate of flight characteristics Flight characteristics and performances of the SFD will be demonstrated by flight tests. Flight tests are carried out by the test pilot and a record of them is made in the protocol.

5.1.7 Issue of TP Based on the results of the technical inspection and flight tests, the technical inspector will issue the SFD Registration Sheet including its annexes. Based on them, the LAA CR register will issue a TP.

5.2 Verification of airworthiness of individually manufactured SFD - TP "A"

5.2.1 The applicant shall notify the technical inspector of the LAA of the Czech Republic for the relevant type of SFD of the intention to build a SFD and submit to the application:

a) consent of the TypeP holder to the building,
b) drawing documentation.

5.2.2 The technical inspector will assess the professional competence and conditions of the builder, determine the construction conditions and the construction supervision system for the builder.

Before putting the SFD into operation, the applicant submits an application for the issuance of a technical license for the SFD, to which he attaches:
a) information on the material used, certificates of strength of important parts,
b) documents on construction supervision,
c) a photograph of the SFD clearly identifying the SFD and its equipment,
d) flight manual and aircraft book.

5.2.3 Proof of the strength of the structure is carried out:

a) tests of important nodes, while a load test is required for glued wing structures,
b) possibly other strength tests at the discretion of the technical inspector.

5.2.4 Technical inspection of SFD The technical inspection and verification of compliance with the requirements of the regulations will be carried out by the technical inspector and entries will be made in the relevant forms. In the event of a positive result of the technical inspection, the technical inspector will allow a test flight.

5.2.5 Certificate of flight characteristics Flight characteristics and performances of the SFD will be demonstrated by flight tests. Flight tests are carried out by the test pilot and a record of them is made in the protocol.

5.2.6 Issue of TP Based on the results of the technical inspection and flight tests, the technical inspector will issue the SFD Registration Sheet including its annexes. On the basis of the registration sheet and its annexes, the LAA CR register will issue a TP.

5.3 Maintenance of technical competence of SFD

5.3.1 The owner or operator of the SFD is responsible for the technical condition corresponding to the state in which the SFD was approved.

5.4 Changes and modifications of SFD

5.4.1 Modifications and structural changes of the SFD compared to the state for which the TP was issued must be approved by the technical inspector who has the SFD on file.

5.5 SFD repairs

5.5.1 Any damage to the SFD that affects the strength of the structure and flight characteristics must be reported to the appropriate technical inspector. He recommends the method of repair, supervises the repair and after the repair performs a technical inspection of the SFD. An entry must be made in the SFD documentation about the repair.

5.6  Conditions for ULL approval for towing gliders and UL gliders

5.6.1 UL airplanes with technical license "P", "A" and "Z" may be used to tow UL gliders with TP issued by LAA CR. The installation of towing equipment and towing flight tests must be supervised by the appropriate technical inspector. He fills out the "Complexity Control Protocol of an Individual Aircraft for Towing Gliders". Based on it, the register of the LAA of the Czech Republic will make an entry in the TP.
5.6.2 Only UL aircraft that have obtained a Type Certificate including type certification of the towing equipment (technical certificate "P" or "A") may be used to tow gliders with an airworthiness certificate issued by the Aviation Authority. The holder of the type certificate shall confirm the correctness of the installation and the verification of flight performance and characteristics during towing in the protocol "Inspection protocol of the complexity of an individual aircraft for towing gliders", on the basis of which the register will enter the towing device in the TP.



6.1 SFD or their parts manufactured abroad and individually imported to the Czech Republic must meet all the requirements of the relevant regulations and standards. Verification of their airworthiness is carried out in accordance with the airworthiness verification procedure of TP "Z".

6.2 Airworthiness verification is not carried out or is not carried out in full in the case of a bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of the airworthiness of individual types of SFD.



7.1 Technical documentation is kept by the owner / operator for each individual SFD.

7.2 SFD technical documentation includes the following documents:

a) airworthiness documents,
b) operational and technical documentation.

7.2.1 The proof of airworthiness is the Technical Certificate Z, P and A
7.2.2 The operational and technical documentation contains information and instructions necessary to ensure safe operation, and also enables the keeping of records of operation, maintenance and repairs. It includes the following documents:

a) flight and operations manual, which contains:

a. aircraft data,
b. technical description,
c. operating procedures and restrictions,
d. instructions for operation, maintenance and repairs.

b) documentation on operation and maintenance (aircraft book), which allows keeping records of operation, maintenance, repairs and changes. The flight and operation manual and documentation on operation and maintenance may be separate or part of a single unit.

7.3 Changes in technical documentation

7.3.1 Changes in airworthiness documents can only be made by LAA CR.
7.3.2 Significant changes in operational and technical documentation, instructions and information on permitted or ordered design changes, modifications or inspections are issued by the manufacturer after approval by the relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA CR. Other changes are issued by the manufacturer and notified to the relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA CR.
7.3.3 Changes in operational and technical documentation, instructions and information on permitted or ordered design changes, modifications or inspections, the manufacturer is obliged to deliver without undue delay to all owners and operators of the affected SFD.
7.3.4 In justified cases, changes in operational and technical documentation, instructions and information on permitted or ordered structural changes, modifications or inspections may be issued by the relevant chief technical inspector of the LAA CR.
7.3.5 Instructions, information, changes and regulations according to 7.3.3, the manufacturer is obliged to publish in the LAA ČR bulletin after discussion with the relevant chief technical inspector and according to 7.3.4 the relevant chief technical inspector.



8.1 Keeping records of TP technical inspectors

8.1.1 The technical inspector registers the applicant for the issuance of TP and assigns a license plate for his SFD. After meeting all the conditions based on the technical inspection, the technical inspector will fill in and confirm the Registration Form with attachments.
8.1.2 The technical inspector is obliged to record the following data:

a) license plate SFD,
b) TP type (Z, A, P),
c) type designation / SFD name,
d) the name of the builder or manufacturer,
e) name, address and date of birth or name, address and ID number of the owner,
f) date of expiry of TP The records include all the documents on the basis of which the TP was issued.

8.1.3 If this is required for a given type of SFD, the technical inspector must assign it a registration number in the records. This must reflect the order of registration in that year.

14/08 – serial number of SFD in the register 14 in the given year / year of registration in the register 2008

8.2 Management of the TP register

8.2.1 The technical license is issued by the register of the LAA of the Czech Republic. SFD is entered in the register based on the Registration Sheet and its annexes.

8.3 Change of aircraft owner

8.3.1 In the event of a change of owner of a SFD to which a TP was issued, the original owner is obliged to:

a) notify the change to the technical inspector in whose records the SFD is kept and he will register the new owner in the records. When transferring to another owner, it is required that the original and new owner appear for the transfer, or the new owner submits a certified contract of transfer or sale. The names of the other owners are listed in the SFD documents in the records of the technical inspector. Based on the registration form, the register will issue a new TP. Or
b) to announce a change in the LAA CR register. When transferring to another owner, it is required that the original and new owner appear for the transfer, or the new owner submits a certified contract of transfer or sale. The register of the LAA of the Czech Republic informs the technical inspector who has the SFD on file about the change in the owner of the SFD.

8.3.2 In case of group ownership of the aircraft by several persons, the aircraft is registered to one of the owners (to whom all correspondence related to the SFD will be addressed). SFD cannot be transferred to another person without the consent of all co-owners.
8.3.3 When the SFD owner changes, the SFD license plate does not change.

8.4 Change of technical inspector

8.4.1 The SFD owner can register with another technology inspector (e.g. due to a change of residence). In such a case, the SFD is removed from the original records of the technical inspector and entered into the new inspector's records under a new registration number, if required for the relevant type of SFD. The license plate does not change.
8.4.2 The technical inspector to whom the SFD is transferred must request from the original inspector the documents on the basis of which the TP was issued and he is obliged to hand them over to him. A record of a change of technical inspector, including a new registration number, will be made in the LAA CR register and in the TP.



9.1 Every SFD other than paragliders registered in the LAA CR register must be marked with a license plate.

9.2 The license plate includes:

a) designation of the state: OK
b) a dash
c) indication of the year of license plate allocation:

A – 1995 A – 2021
B – 1996 B – 2022
C-1997 C-2023
D – 1998 D – 2024
E-1999 E-2025
F-2000 F-2026
G-2001 G-2027
H – 2002 H – 2028
I – 2003 I – 2029
J – 2004 J – 2030
K – 2005 Etc.
L – 2006
M – 2007
N – 2008
About – 2009
P – 2010
Q – 2011
R – 2012
S – 2013
T – 2014
U – 2015
In – 2016
W – 2017
X – 2018
Y – 2019
From – 2020

d) designation of SFD:

"Z" motor hang glider,

"M" powered paraglider

"U" ultralight aircraft,

"H" ultralight helicopter,

"R" hang glider, hang glider with auxiliary propulsion unit

"W" motor autogyro

"K" ultralight glider, ultralight motor glider "B" ultralight balloon

e) designation of the technical inspector who assigned the license plate, A when Z
f) serial number in the records of the technical inspector, 01 - 99


OK – NUS 12

OK country designation: Czech Republic

N year of license plate allocation 2008

In the SFD category, an ultralight aircraft

The license plate was assigned by the technical inspector Ing. Petr Chvojka

12 serial number in the records of the technical inspector

9.2.1 PKs are not registered in the LAA CR register and are not assigned license plates.

9.3 Number plate dimensions

a) height of letters and numbers 210 mm
b) the width is equal to two thirds of the height of the sign,
c) the thickness of the lines is equal to one sixth of the height of the registration mark - 35 mm.

9.3.1 Shape, color and design of the number plate: Capital letters of the Latin alphabet and Arabic numerals must be used without ornaments. The design is solid black or gray lines on a light background or white on a dark background.

9.4 License plate location

9.4.1 The identification mark ULL, ULK, ULKM and MZK must be placed on the left half of the wing from below. The inscription goes from the root of the wing to the tip. Also, if possible, it must be located on both sides of the hull (chassis). The size of the letters and numbers must be chosen so that the sign can be placed.
9.4.2 The side markings on the ULH and ULV must be placed on both sides in a suitable place on the hull. The size of the letters and numbers must be chosen so that the sign can be placed.
9.4.3 The number plate is not placed on MPK and ZK.

9.5 SFD registration (production) label

9.5.1 Each SFD must be equipped with a permanently attached registration plate. The registration plate must be placed visibly in an easily accessible place of the basic part of the structure. The label must be easy to read and the writing must not be easily erased.
9.5.2 The SFD registration plate must contain the following information:

a) license plate,
b) type designation or SFD name,
c) manufacturer or builder,
d) production number,
e) year of manufacture,
f) empty weight,
g) maximum take-off weight (payload in case of MPK).



10.1 Prototype Airworthiness Verification, TP “Z”

10.1.1 The applicant shall notify the LAA ČR technical inspector of the intention to manufacture (build) a PK for the relevant type of SFD.
10.1.2 The technical inspector will verify the professional competence and conditions of the builder, determine the construction conditions and the construction supervision system for the builder.
10.1.3 Before putting the PC into operation, the applicant submits an application for the issuance of a technical certificate of the PC, to which he attaches: a) a basic technical description of the PC,

a) basic drawing or technological documentation to the extent determined by the technology inspector,
b) information on the material used, certificates of strength of important parts,
c) documents on construction supervision,
d) PK handbook.

10.1.4 Proof of the strength of the structure is carried out:

a) by calculation,
b) documents on material tests,
c) tests of important nodes,
d) possibly other strength tests at the discretion of the technical inspector.

10.1.5 Technical inspection of PK The technical inspection and verification of compliance with the requirements of the regulations will be carried out by the technical inspector and entries will be made in the relevant forms. In case of a positive result of the technical inspection, the technical inspector will allow the flight test.

10.1.6 Proof of flight characteristics
10.1.7 Flight characteristics and performances of the SFD will be demonstrated by flight tests. These will be carried out by the test pilot and a record will be made of them in the protocol.
10.1.8 Issue of TP Based on the results of the technical inspection and flight tests, the technical inspector will issue the PK Technical Certificate.

10.2 Verification of airworthiness PK, TP "P"

10.2.1 Conformity with the approved type and compliance with the prescribed parameters is declared by the manufacturer in the PK TP "P" airworthiness output report form.
10.2.2 Technical inspection of PK The technical inspection and verification of compliance with the requirements of the regulations will be carried out by an appointed technician or technical inspector and will make records of it in the relevant forms. In case of a positive result of the technical inspection, the test flight will be allowed.

10.2.3 Proof of flight characteristics Verification of the flight characteristics and performance of the SFD according to the approved Type shall be carried out by flight tests. Flight tests are carried out by the test pilot and a record of them is made in the protocol.

10.2.4 Issue of TP The Technical Inspector will issue a Technical Certificate based on the results of the technical inspection and flight tests.

10.3 Records of TP PK

10.3.1 PK records are kept by individual PK technical inspectors. They are obliged to submit a copy of this record at the request of the chief technical inspector of the LAA CR. TP for PK are not registered in the LAA CR register.
10.3.2 The PK technical inspector must keep the following records:

a) allocated TP, from which it is possible to find out which PK (type, serial number) and when it was put into operation and from which materials (including the technical fabric roll number, and the type and brand of cords and straps) it was made of.
b) Name, surname, date of birth (ID) and address or name and seat of the owner of the PK or
c) name, surname, date of birth (ID) and address or name and registered office of the seller of the PK if the PK is intended for resale.



11.1. Type certificate - sample

11.2. Type verification - sample

Type certificate - sample

Type certificate verification - sample