The Board of the Union PG presents a proposal for the meeting agenda of the General Meeting.
- Registration – 9.00:10.00 a.m. – XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. in the hall of the cultural center.
- Start at 10 o'clock.
- Welcoming guests
- Election of the design and mandate committee.
- Program approval.
- Speech of the President of LAA CR.
- Report on the activities of the presidency of the PG Association – Kamil Konečný
- Report on the activities of the sports commission - Karel Vejchodský
- Management report - Lukáš Skrbek
- LAA Bylaws
- Proposal for modification of the rate book
- The vision of the development of the PG and LAA Association – Martin Porkert
- Draft goals for delegates at the LAA conference.
- Discussion.
- Election of the presidency, sports commission.
- Election of delegates to the LAA conference.
- Adoption of the resolution.
- Closing of the general meeting (no later than 20:00).
For the Presidency of the Union PG
Kamil Konecny