HU 3

Ultralight Helicopter Pilot Training Syllabus

Text as of: 30. 10. 2009


Date of issue of the change Edited/deleted/new paragraphs: Date of inclusion Ranked
14.5.2012 TITLE 7. Article 7.2.
– point 2) change from 18 to 21 years
– point 3) change from 100 to 200 hours
– point 6 added) The applicant must have continuous
pilot experience of at least 5 years. TITLE 7. new Article 7.10 added:
7.10. Instructor Exam:
7.10.1. Theoretical part
– Written trial test (the trial tests are determined by the chief inspector of ULH operation).
– Oral test on the ability to teach aviation subjects and explain the elements of piloting and possible errors.
Conditions for fulfillment: Demonstrate theoretical knowledge by achieving the prescribed number of points in the test, demonstrate before a three-member examination committee appointed by the Chief Inspector of ULH operations
the ability to teach aviation subjects and correctly describe and explain individual elements of piloting, pointing out possible errors and their consequences.
7.10.2. Practical part
includes at least 2 flights in doubles over a period of 30
1. flight with an inspector in an area, during which the examiner (in the instructor's seat) verifies the level of piloting technique within the scope of exercises prescribed by the training syllabus, including a description of the pilot's performance of individual elements, verifies the level of circuit flight, including a description of the pilot's performance of individual phases. The inspector will include an emergency landing exercise after an engine failure in the flight.
2. flight with an inspector, where the examiner (in the pilot's seat) verifies the examinee's level of control of the aircraft from the instructor's seat. For part of the flight, he/she flies himself and verifies the examinee's level of evaluation and correction of intentionally made errors. Conditions for compliance: Demonstrate to the inspector mastery of all elements of piloting technique required for pilot qualification, but with a rating of 1 to 2, i.e. very good practical skills. He/she must also demonstrate these skills when piloting from the instructor's seat. Furthermore, he/she must demonstrate during the flight the ability to correctly identify and correct piloting errors simulated by the inspector and classify their severity in accordance with the evaluation scale.





1.1. This ultralight helicopter (ULH) pilot training syllabus sets out the content, sequence and methodology of preparation and training for ULH. It is binding on all students, pilots and instructors who conduct or conduct ULH pilot training.

1.2. Training is carried out on two-seater ultralight helicopters approved for this purpose by the technical inspector. Due to the limited possibilities of the ULH, part of the training with an instructor can be carried out on light helicopters of the normal category, which do not differ much in weight and characteristics from the ULH (eg R-22, Schweizer 300).

1.3. A ULH intended for dual crew flight training must have full dual controls and the following minimum instrumentation: speedometer, altimeter, variometer, inclinometer, compass, tachometer engine, autogyro and on-board intercom.

1.4. ULH must have a valid technical license issued by the LAA of the Czech Republic and take out liability insurance for damages caused by operation.

1.5. Meteorological conditions during training must correspond to VFR flight conditions according to UL 1. Visibility must be at least 2 km for the first independent flight.

1.6. A student can be enrolled in training after reaching the age of 17. For persons under the age of 18, the consent of legal representatives is required.

1.7. Training can be carried out in pilot training centers or individually by an instructor after approval by the traffic inspector. In the personal sheet, it is necessary to indicate in which center the training took place, for individual training, the written consent of the relevant traffic inspector is required in the personal sheet before the practical training begins.

1.8. The instructor conducting the training is responsible for following the procedures of the training curriculum.

1.9. The responsible person of the relevant pilot training center is responsible for compliance with the conditions set out in the LA 1 regulation, the training curriculum, for the maintenance of the SFD, for the fulfillment of the mandatory
regulation and for keeping the documentation of the pilot training center.

1.10. Training within the pilot training center must be documented in the pilot training center's main flight book. It must list each flight with at least the following details: flight date, SFD type, SFD license plate, crew names, flight time, number of take-offs, exercises.

1.11. The flight logbook must be archived for the duration of the operation or validity of the pilot training center's authorization.

1.12. The instructor conducting the training must have available:

1) teaching aids and publications for training,
2) LAA CR regulations:

a. LA 1,
b. LA 2,
c. flying rules,
d. training curriculum,

3) a map of the Czech Republic with valid flight information,
4) Act No. 49/1997 Coll. and Decree No. 108/1997 Coll. to the necessary extent and valid wording.

1.13. During the practical training, he must have available:

1) means for providing first aid,
2) connector for connecting to the emergency medical assistance center,
3) extinguishing agents,
4) wind direction and strength indicator.

1.14. The instructor keeps training documentation in the form of personal sheets during the training and after it ends in the form of copies of personal sheets.

1.15. Training, with the exception of field landing training, must only be carried out from an airport, heliport, or SFD area.

1.16. The practical part of ULH pilot training can only be started after completing at least 50% of the scope of theoretical training. The entire range of theoretical instruction must be discussed before the individual navigation flight at the latest.

1.17. Before starting practical training, the student must be familiar with ULH at least to the following extent:

1) technical description,
2) flight manual,
3) operation and maintenance,
4) pre-flight inspection,
5) on-board training,
6) important actions,
7) emergency procedures.

1.18. When evaluating students in the practical part of the training, instructors are required to use the following grading scale:

1.19. The number of flights and hours in the schedule are minimal. The actual number of flights will be decided by the instructor based on the mastery of the required habits and skills by the student.

1.20. The instructor allows the student to proceed to the next exercise according to the syllabus only if the student is evaluated with a grade of 1 or 2. If he is evaluated with a grade of 3, he remains on the given exercise, if he is evaluated with a grade of 4, he returns to the previous exercise.

1.21. Before each practical exercise of the curriculum containing new elements, the instructor conducts ground preparation with the student to such an extent that the student's perfect understanding of the exercise is ensured.

1.22. The student can fly for a maximum of 4 hours during one flight day.

1.23. The student's first independent flight is authorized by the instructor who conducted the training and has a comprehensive overview of the student. It is necessary to plan the review before the solo flight so that the student can perform at least one more solo flight on the same day. If the separate flight does not take place on the same day for any reason, a new review must be carried out. On the day of the first solo flight, the student may make a maximum of 3 solo flights.

1.24. A maximum of 2 instructors can participate in the practical training of the student.

1.25. The student may not perform solo flights without the supervision of an instructor.

1.26. A student may not participate in more than one type of flight training at the same time.

1.27. The final test is carried out by the traffic inspector.

1.28. For the issuance of a ULH pilot license, flight time and equivalent exercises flown with an instructor on a normal category helicopter close to the weight and characteristics of the ULH are recognized (e.g. Schweizer-300 or R-22) at a registered PPL(H) training facility, or at an FTO. All exercises completed on a normal category helicopter shall be practiced on the ULH to the extent he determines instructor. It is advisable, but not necessary, that one person should be the instructor on both the normal and ULH category helicopters.

1.29. The ULH autogyro is allowed to be set in motion by the engine only if there is an instructor, pilot or student authorized for independent flights in the cabin behind the controls. This can only come out after the autogyro has come to a complete stop.



2.1. Theoretical preparation is the first part of ULH pilot training. It is carried out by an instructor or lecturers with adequate knowledge of the given subject. Participation in this training is evaluated and recorded the instructor leading the training. The sequence of theoretical preparation must be such that a correct understanding of the material of the given subject is always ensured well in advance of the practical part of the training.

2.2. Subjects and scope of teaching

2.3. Areas of required knowledge:

2.3.1. Aerodynamics:

1) Basic physical concepts and measurement units.
2) Aerodynamic resistance, dependence of resistance on speed.
3) Streams, frictional resistance, boundary layer, eddies.
4) Aerodynamic drag formula, factors affecting it, Bernoulli's equation.
5) Continuity equation, practical significance and use
6) Flat plate buoyancy and drag.
7) Flow and pressure around the profile, chord, angle of attack, pressure distribution, pressure resultant.
8) Overall reaction of the airfoil in the air flow, change of position, result of pressure (unsteady and steady flow).
9) Profile lift and drag, lift coefficient, drag coefficient, critical angle of attack.
10) Ideal profile (aerodynamic and geometric characteristics), induced drag, interference.
11) Methods of generating thrust, propellers, jet propulsion.
12) Horizontal flight, decisive forces, balance, tail surfaces and their loading.
13) Level flight at different speeds, relationship between speed and angle of attack.
14) Effect of height and weight on speed and angle of attack.
15) Basic concepts of helicopter aerodynamics.
16) Carrier autogyro, its functions, description of flow and aerodynamic phenomena in individual flight modes.
17) Means for compensation of reaction moment and directional control (tail propeller, fenestron, NOTAR).
18) Flights in autorotation mode.
19) Dangerous phenomena arising during the operation of a UL helicopter (vortex ring of the autogyro or tail propeller, low and high revolutions of the autogyro, stall, low "G", ground resonance, chart of dangerous areas).

2.3.2. Building and construction of SFD:

1) Definition of aircraft, airplane, helicopter, SFD, division of aircraft.
2) Nomenclature, description of SFD.
3) Materials used in the construction of SFD.
4) Fatigue and material wear and tear. Resources.
5) Types of structures, their properties.
6) Construction load, safety factor, multiple.
7) Construction of ULH.
8) autogyro heads, types and designs, properties.
9) Management of ULH.
10) Landing gear, dampers, steering, airframe fuel, oil and electrical system.
11) Regulations for the construction and operation of ULH, PLZ and other documents.

2.3.3. Regulations:

1) Rules for avoiding and preventing collisions.
2) Interpretation of the terms CTR, TMA, ATZ and flights in these areas
3) Types of markings on the airport's signage area and on the VPD
4) ULL operation according to LA, L2, L6 regulations.
5) Work with AIP, NOTAM, Aviation Circular, basic abbreviations.
6) Conditions for obtaining and extending the validity of a ULH pilot's license.
7) Types of qualifications for flying with ULH and their acquisition.
8) Meteorological limits for ULH flights.
9) Conditions for performing a VFR flight according to UL1.
10) Conditions for ULH arrival at AFIS airport.
11) ULH pre-flight inspections.
12) Selection of the flight route, going around and flying over obstacles.
13) Separate operation of ULH, surface parameters and obstacle planes.
14) Classification of the airspace of the Czech Republic.
15) Traffic control, the right to withdraw the ULH pilot's license.
16) Procedures for setting the altimeter. Expressing height.
17) Conditions and method of using radio stations in ULH air traffic.
18) Visibility, flight visibility.
19) Joint operation of ULH and aircraft at AFIS airport.
20) Responsibility for compliance with the conditions for ULH flights.
21) Obtaining information for the safe execution of the flight.
22) Types of airports in the Czech Republic.
23) Interpretation of the terms LKP, LKR, TRA, TSA, their activation, the possibility of flights to them.
24) Conditions for landing ULH outside airports, approved heliports and areas for SFD.

2.3.4. Navigation

1) Shape and dimensions of the globe, parallels and meridians.
2) Latitude and longitude, types of navigation while flying.
3) Time zones.
4) Great and small circle on the globe.
5) Maps, scales, types of display of the topographical situation.
6) Loxodroma and orthodroma.
7) Sunrise and sunset - shift in seasons.
8) Comparative navigation.
9) Navigation preparation, calculations, wind effect.
10) Compass, principle, use, deviation, declination.
11) Isogones.
12) Solution of vector triangle.
13) Procedures in case of loss of orientation.
14) Action radius, its definition and detection.

2.3.5. Meteorology:

1) Earth's atmosphere, composition and air pressure.
2) Air temperature, pressure and humidity.
3) Pressure formations, air mass circulation.
4) Cold and warm front, occlusion.
5) Wind, origin, speed, direction, measurement, turbulence.
6) Formation of storms, danger to flying.
7) Cloud genera and cloud types.
8) Quantities measured during meteorological output, graph.
9) Saturated and unsaturated air mass, dew point.
10) Importance of knowledge of meteorology for flying.
11) Conditions for the formation of frost, critical places.
12) Determination of visibility, phenomena affecting visibility.
13) Basic meteorological abbreviations and codes.
14) Sources of meteo information, news, forecasts and warnings.
15) Dangerous weather phenomena.

2.3.6. Engines, devices:

1) Description of the operation of a two-stroke engine, its parts.
2) Description of the operation of the four-stroke engine, its parts.
3) Composition and preparation of the mixture sucked into the cylinders.
4) Two-stroke and four-stroke engine lubrication methods.
5) Carburetor – principle, advantages and disadvantages.
6) Fuel injection – principle, advantages and disadvantages.
7) Types of ignition of gasoline engines.
8) Performance, reliability and lifetime of engines used in ULH.
9) Characteristic faults of ULH engines and their causes.
10) Importance of engine warm-up before flight, engine test.
11) Effect of icing on performance, prevention and removal. Icing in the carburetor.
12) Start-up and idle clutch, purpose and design.
13) Static, total and dynamic pressure.
14) Magnetic compass with direct reading, principle, use.
15) Turn meter and transverse inclinometer.
16) Speedometer.
17) Barometric altimeter, setting.
18) Variometer.
19) Tachometers.
20) Oil, cylinder head, external air thermometers.

2.3.7. Connecting rule:

1) Radiotelephone connection, voice, speech, spelling alphabet, transmission of numbers.
2) Words and phrases.
3) Telling time.
4) Establishing and terminating a radio connection.
5) Test broadcast, readability scale.
6) Blind broadcast, priority order.
7) Call signs of air stations and aircraft.
8) Abbreviated aircraft call signs, corrections and repetitions.
9) Emergency procedures, frequencies, emergency and urgent operation.
10) Operation of an aircraft in distress, operation of other aircraft.
11) Imposing silence, canceling distress.
12) Correspondence with the AFIS service





4.1. Exercise 1a (Ground preparation)

Getting to know the ULH Flight Manual:

1) basic technical data
2) placement of controls, devices, radio stations and their use
3) method of filling LPH and oils, safety regulations
4) normal and emergency procedures
5) operational restrictions
6) performances, weights, centers

4.2. Exercise 1b (Ground preparation)

Pre-flight inspection, engine start and warm-up, engine test and shutdown:

1) performing a pre-flight inspection
2) entering and exiting ULH
3) pre-launch actions
4) start-up and warm-up procedure
5) motor test
6) cooling and turning off the engine
7) inspections after the flight

4.3. Exercise 1c (Ground preparation)

Steering, Balancing, Engine Control Effects:

description and explanation of the helicopter's reactions to steering movements, description of handling steering and engine control during individual maneuvers (hovering and in flight)

4.4. Exercise 1d (Ground preparation)

Familiarization with the method of take-off (detachment) and hovering flight:

1) distribution of attention
2) interventions in the proceedings
3) method of checking devices
4) the position of the horizon on the cabin in flight
5) errors and their corrections

4.5. Exercise 1e (Ground Preparation)

Familiarization with the organization, management and security of air traffic

1) services during operation
2) radio correspondence
3) familiarization with the airport and its premises
4) obstacles and landmarks

4.6. Exercise 1. Acquaintance flight

flight altitude: 1 – 1500 ft (0,3 – 500 m) AGL

Demonstration of piloting during aerial taxiing, hanging, take-off, climb. In the area, turns with different inclinations, speed maneuvers, descent with engine power and autorotation, familiarization with the airport area and work areas, inclusion in the circuit, budget for landing, landing. The flight is carried out by the instructor, the student holds the controls lightly, orients himself in space and monitors radio correspondence.

Terms of fulfillment: completing the flight.

4.7. Exercise 2. Practice flights in hover mode

flight altitude: 1 – 10 ft (0,3 – 3 m) AGL

Practice of hanging in place (in the area of ​​the positive effect), vertical release and landing, turning while hanging in place, shifts to the sides, forwards and backwards.
Focus on the fluidity of the implementation of elements without unnecessary and sudden interventions in the management, maintaining a constant height. Gradually achieve the ability to move around the perimeter of a marked square (30 x 30 m) and land on the target.

Terms of fulfillment: Detach the helicopter from the ground without excessive tilts, turns and shifts, keep the helicopter still in a hover, move around the perimeter of the square at a specified height, turn to both sides and land on the target.

4.8. Exercise 3. Training flights in space to practice the basic elements of piloting

flight altitude: 500 – 1500 ft (150 – 500 m) AGL

Training in straight level flight at cruise speed, banked turns of 15 and 30 degrees, climbing and descending at various descending and forward speeds in a straight line and in turns. Maneuver from minimum to maximum speed while maintaining height and direction.
Departure into space, inclusion in the circuit and landing are performed by the instructor.

Terms of fulfillment: Master the above elements of simple piloting with reasonable accuracy

4.9. Exercise 4a. (Ground Preparation)

Ground preparation for circuit flights and solving special cases in flight.

1) familiarization with the method of take-off, flight around the circuit and with the budget for landing
2) piloting at limited speeds
3) method of transition to autorotation and piloting in autorotation
4) method of piloting during take-off with the minimum necessary power

4.10. Exercise 4. Practice flights around the circuit

flight altitude: 1000 and 500 ft (300 and 150 m) AGL

Take-off, circling, budget and landing practice. After releasing into a hang at a height of 2-6 ft (0,6-2 m), practice a smooth transition of forward flight and climb, perform a regular circuit with elimination of drift, stop in a hang at a height of 2-6 ft (0,6-2 m) and sit down. The first and fourth turns at a minimum height of 300 ft (100 m), in the first turn a maximum of 15 degrees, other turns a maximum of 30 degrees.

Terms of fulfillment: To perform a circuit flight, with reasonable accuracy to maintain the speed, flight height, circuit shape, specified engine mode and land with the correct budget at the specified location.

4.11. Exercise 5. Space flights to deal with special cases in flight

flight altitude: 500 – 1500 ft (150 – 500 m) AGL

Limit speed flights, autorotate mode flights, emergency procedures, vortex ring exit, low autogyro speed recovery.
Take-off, departure into space and inclusion in the circuit is performed by the student.

Terms of fulfillment: Respond in time and with the correct procedures to simulated special cases in flight.

4.12. Exercise 6. Take-offs and landings with minimum required power, autorotation budgets

flight altitude: 500 – 1000 ft (150 – 300 m) AGL

For a helicopter with a wheeled landing gear, practice take-off and landing with take-off and landing, for others take-off and landing with the use of an air cushion. Budgets for autorotation (hover) landing in a straight line and a turn.

Terms of fulfillment: Perform take-off and landing with the minimum necessary power, perform an autorotational descent while maintaining the specified speed and rotations of the carrier autogyro into the hover.

4.13. Exercise 7a (Ground preparation)

Ground preparation before testing for individual flights

1) repetition of emergency procedures
2) familiarization with performing an independent flight
3) differences in piloting when solo cast

4.14. Exercise 7P Review before separate flights

flight height: up to 1500 ft (up to 500 m) AGL

Examination of the technique of piloting in hover, while flying in a circle and in space. In the hover, check all elements from exercise 2., while flying the circuit, check the correctness of the execution of the circuit at a height of 1000 and 500ft (300 and 150 m), the budget for landing and landing from the hover, in space, check the climb in a straight direction and in turns, turns in horizontal flight with inclinations of 15 and 30 degrees, minimum and maximum speed while maintaining a straight line and height, descent with power in a straight line and in turns, descent in autorotation, emergency procedures and inclusion in the circuit and landing.

Terms of fulfillment: Perform all the above elements with such precision and quality that there is no doubt about mastering the solo flight.

4.15. Exercise 8. Independent and control flights in the hover.

flight altitude: 1 – 10 ft (0,3 – 3 m) AGL

Vertical take-offs and landings, hovering turns and shifts to the sides, backwards and forwards while respecting the height and designated space, exclude restless movements with the steering and the helicopter. At the discretion of the instructor, perform control flights during the exercise.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

4.16. Exercise 9. Independent and control flights around the circuit

flight altitude: 1000 and 500 ft (300 – 150 m) AGL

Hover takeoff and landing, first and fourth turns at least 300 ft (100 m), 1st turn max 15 degrees, others max 30 degrees. A failed approach must not be corrected by intensive braking - "stretching" the helicopter, but by repeating the circuit. Transition to hang at a height of 2 - 6 ft (0,6 - 2 m). At the discretion of the instructor, perform check flights before or during the exercise.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

4.17. Exercise 10. Independent and control flights in space

flight altitude: 500 – 1500 ft (150 – 500 m) AGL

After the check flight with the instructor, perform separate flights to the area to practice climbing and descending in a straight line and in turns, turns with an inclination of 15 and 30 degrees while maintaining the direction, inclusion in the circuit and budget for landing.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

4.18. Exercise 11a. (ground preparation)

Ground preparation for flights to areas of limited dimensions.
introducing the student to flight methodology and piloting technique

4.19. Exercise 11. Practice flights on areas of limited dimensions

flight height: 500 ft (150 m) AGL

For practice, choose an area of ​​100 x 100 m in the field, determine the direction of the wind and choose the direction of approach, perform a fly-by to inspect the area at a height of min. 60 ft (20 m) above obstacles in horizontal flight at min. 30 kt (55 km/h), perform a circuit at 500 ft (150 m) and budget to hover above the landing site with a minimum height above obstacles of 30 ft (10 m) on approach, descent and landing at a location with a satisfactory surface slope. Take-off and climb at least 30 ft (10 m) above obstacles in the direction of take-off, take-off and transition to climb.
Point out the possibility of leeward behind obstacles and the possible slope or unevenness of the area in the terrain and explain the solution in such situations. The area must meet the conditions set out in the Aviation Act and other regulations.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstrate the ability to select a suitable area for landing in the field, verify its suitability for landing during a fly-by, perform a circuit and the correct budget.

4.20. Exercise 12. Independent and control flights on areas of limited dimensions.

flight height: 500 ft (150 m) AGL

Separately in the range of cv. 11. At the discretion of the instructor, perform a control flight before or during the exercise.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

4.21. Exercise 13. Advanced autorotations

flight altitude: 500 – 1000 ft (150 – 300 m) AGL

Perform take-offs with minimum required power, budget for autorotation landings with more demanding maneuvers.

Terms of fulfillment: Master autorotation descents and budgets with more complex maneuvers (180° turn, shortening the budget with an "S"-shaped maneuver).

4.22. Exercise 14a. (ground preparation)

Ground preparation for conducting navigation flights.

1) map preparation
2) navigation label, calculations, filling
3) method of approach and course maintenance on the track
4) activity in case of loss of orientation
5) activities during worsening weather conditions
6) activity in special cases during the flight
7) radio connection
8) procedures when flying to a foreign airport
9) ascertaining airspace restrictions and other necessary information
10) ascertaining the status and weather forecast

4.23. Exercise 14. Navigation flight

flight altitude: 700 – 1000ft (200 – 300m) AGL

Navigation flight with a length of min. 120 km through at least four turning points.

Condition of fulfillment: Guiding the helicopter along a set route with reasonable accuracy, keeping a navigation record.

4.24. Exercise 15. Overflights

flight altitude: 700 – 1000 ft (200 – 300 m) AGL

Navigation training during flights, at least one flight with a total length of 150 km, during training with a landing min. at 3 foreign airports or SFD areas

Condition of fulfillment: Guiding the helicopter along a set route with reasonable accuracy, keeping a navigation record. The correct procedure for arriving at a foreign airport or SFD area, including landing, take-off and departure.

4.25. Exercise 16. Navigation flights at 500 ft (150 m) AGL

flight height: 500 ft (150 m) AGL

Flights with a length of min. 120 km.

Condition of fulfillment: Guiding the helicopter along a set route at 500 ft (150 m) AGL with reasonable accuracy, keeping a navigation record.

4.26. Exercise 17P. Check from the navigational guidance of the aircraft along the track

in double: 2 flights, 1 hour 20 min
flight altitude: 500 – 1000 ft (150 – 300 m) AGL

A track at least 120 km long, with a landing at an airport or SFD area, on which the student did not land during training.

Condition of fulfillment: Guiding the helicopter along a set route with reasonable accuracy, keeping a navigation record. The correct procedure for arriving at a foreign airport or SFD area, including landing, take-off and departure.

4.27. Exercise 18. Solo navigation flight

flight altitude: 700 – 1000 ft (200 – 300 m) AGL

Non-airport flight along the route min. 120 km long with 3 turning points. Choose the flight path in the area in which exercises 14a to 17P were performed.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

4.28. Exercise 19. Solo flyover

flight altitude: 700 – 1000ft (200 – 300m) AGL

Fly over a triangular track with a total length of min. 150 km with landing at two airports or areas for SFD. It is recommended that a trained person be present at the landing site.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

4.29. Exercise 20. Solo navigation flights at 500 ft (150 m) AGL

flight height: 500 ft (150 m) AGL

Non-airport flights of at least 120 km with at least 4 turning points.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.



5.1. The practical exam can be taken after the successful completion of theoretical and practical training and the theoretical exam. The theoretical part of the exam can be taken at any time during the training at the earliest however, after the first solo flight. The theoretical exam is valid for 90 days. After the validity has expired, the theory test must be repeated. The practical test is carried out by a traffic inspector who did not participate in the student's training for more than 50%.

5.1.1. Theory

by an approved trial test. If there is no currently approved test for ULH pilots, the test designed for ULL pilots will be used and the inspector will verify knowledge related to ULH in writing or orally. The traffic inspector will confirm the result of the theory test in the personal sheet. The theoretical part precedes the practical. In case of failure, it can be repeated after 14 days at the earliest.

5.1.2. Practice:

the practical part of the exam is carried out after successful completion of the theoretical part of the exam confirmed in the pupil's personal sheet during the period of validity of the theoretical exam. The practical test must contain at least 4 flights in double with a minimum duration of 40 min. It is performed in the hanging square, on the circuit and in the space. All elements will be reviewed as in exercises 7P and 11.

5.1.3. The theoretical and practical part of the exam can be repeated a maximum of 4 times. In the event that the maximum number of attempts is exhausted, the applicant will be assigned the necessary scope of additional training.

5.1.4. Condition of fulfillment:

Rating 1 to 3 in the practical part of the exam, in the theoretical part the prescribed number of points achieved.
The inspector records the result of the exam in the pupil's personal sheet.



6.1. Retraining to ULH or to another type of ULH is carried out by a pilot with ULH instructor qualifications.

6.2. Retraining according to this curriculum can be carried out:

1) Pilots with a valid ULH pilot license – (retraining to another ULH type)
2) To private helicopter pilots - (for the purpose of obtaining a ULH pilot's license)
3) To commercial helicopter pilots – (for the purpose of obtaining a ULH pilot license)
4) To transport helicopter pilots - (for the purpose of obtaining a ULH pilot's license)
5) To military helicopter pilots - (for the purpose of obtaining a ULH pilot's license)

6.3. The pilot's ability to perform a solo flight on a two-seater ULH is decided by the instructor who conducts the retraining. A condition for retraining to a single-seat ULH is a valid ULH pilot's license and a total flight at ULH of at least 50 flight hours, of which at least 20 flight hours alone. In this case, the instructor authorized to fly the given types will conduct a check flight with the retrained person a two-seater ULH in the range of cv.28 with a focus on simulating the characteristics of a single-seater ULH and will assess its ability to pilot a single-seater ULH. After the preparations have been made, the retrained will perform all flights (including flights 22,23, 24 and 28) separately. Exercise XNUMX is no longer performed on a single seat ULH.

6.4. If the person being retrained has a valid ULH pilot's license, the instructor performs a test according to cv.28 and the person being retrained will thus be authorized to fly another type of ULH. For fly-by (test) pilots, does not require retraining.

6.5. For pilots listed in points 2, 3, 4, 5, who intend to obtain a pilot's license, ULH conducts a pilot test according to cv. 28 inspector.

6.6. Theoretical preparation:

Applicants mentioned in the introductory provision, points 2), 3), 4), 5) will pass an examination on LAA regulations and on the subject CONSTRUCTION OF SFD.

6.7. Syllabus of the practical part of the ULH pilot retraining.

6.8. Exercise 22a (Ground preparation)

Getting to know the ULH Flight Manual:

1) basic technical data
2) placement of controllers, devices, radio stations
3) method of filling LPH and oils
4) normal and emergency procedures
5) operational restrictions
6) performances, weights, centering

6.9. Exercise 22b (Ground preparation)

Pre-flight inspection, start-up, engine warm-up, engine test, shutdown

1) performing a pre-flight inspection
2) entering and exiting ULH
3) pre-launch actions
4) start-up and warm-up procedure
5) motor test
6) cooling and turning off the engine
7) inspection after the flight

6.10. Exercise 22c (Ground preparation)

Study and review from UL-1 and LA-1 procedures:
This exercise is not mandatory for the pilots listed in clause 6.2. paragraph 1)

6.11. Exercise 22 Practice flights in hover mode

flight height: 1-10 ft (0,3-3 m) AGL

Practice hanging in place, vertical release and landing, turning while hanging in place, shifts to the sides, forwards and backwards. It is performed in a 30 x 30 m square.

Terms of fulfillment: Detach the helicopter from the ground without excessive tilts, turns and shifts, keep the helicopter still in a hover, move around the perimeter of the square at a specified height, turn to both sides and land on the target.

6.12. Exercise 23. Training flights in space

flight altitude: up to 1500 ft (500 m) AGL

Familiarization with the flight characteristics of the ULH and with the operation of all equipment used in flight. Flight in the range of permitted speeds from minimum to maximum. Tilt turns of 15 and 30 degrees in horizontal flight, climbing and descending. Solving special cases in flight, descending autorotations in a straight line and turning into a hang. Landing on an area of ​​limited dimensions.

Terms of fulfillment: Master the above elements of simple piloting with reasonable accuracy.

6.13. Exercise 24. Practice flights around the circuit

flight altitude: 1000 and 500 ft (300 and 150 m) AGL

Practice of take-off, flight around the circuit, budget and landing, correction of wrong budgets, landing with a side, possibly rear component of the wind.

Terms of fulfillment: To perform a circuit flight, with reasonable accuracy to maintain the speed, flight height, circuit shape, specified engine mode and land with the correct budget at the specified location.

6.14. Exercise 25. Solo flights in hover mode

flight altitude: 1 – 10 ft (0,3 – 3 m) AGL

To independently practice hover flights in the range of cv. 22.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

6.15. Exercise 26. Separate flights around the circuit

flight altitude: 1000 and 500 ft (300 and 150 m) AGL

Hover release, take off, circle flight, landing.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

6.16. Exercise 27. Independent flight into space

flight height: 500-1500 ft (150-500 m) AGL

Flight in the range of permitted speeds from minimum to maximum, turns with an inclination of 15 and 30 degrees in horizontal flight, climbing and descending, in a straight direction and in turns.

Terms of fulfillment: rating 1-2.

6.17. Exercise 28. Review / pilot test

flight altitude: up to 1500 ft (500 m) AGL

The inspector or instructor will, in accordance with the introductory provision, test all elements of the piloting technique within the scope of the pilot test.

Terms of fulfillment: Same as pilot test.



7.1. Introductory Provisions:

ULH instructor training is carried out by the ULH operations inspector and, according to this syllabus, it can be carried out to ULH pilots on the basis of the presentation of a license and flight log book upon meeting the requirements according to paragraph - Requirements for applicants
the inspector who conducted the training fills out the personal sheet and writes the obtained qualification in the flight logbook of the frequenter.

7.2. Applicant requirements

1) The applicant must be a holder of a ULH pilot's license (a graduate of ULH pilot basic or refresher training).
2) Must be at least 21 years old at the time of enrollment in training.
3) The applicant must have flown at least 200 hours as a ULH pilot.
4) The applicant must be able to speak and write the Czech language.
5) The applicant must successfully pass the entrance examination.
6) The applicant must have continuous pilot experience of at least 5 years.

7.3. Recognition of instructor qualifications

To holders of valid Private Helicopter Pilot, Commercial Helicopter Pilot, Transport Helicopter Pilot and Military Helicopter Pilots with Instructor Qualification, the ULH Operations Inspector may grant the ULH Instructor Qualification without completing the training according to the INSTRUCTOR TRAINING section, if they have completed the refresher training of this syllabus, with at least 50% they completed the flight hours in dual control while retraining from the instructor's seat.

7.4. Syllabus of ULH instructor training

7.5. Exercise 29a (Ground preparation)

The trained pilot will demonstrate ground preparation training in the scope of TITLE 4, TASK 1, exercises 22a – 22b of this syllabus.

7.6. Exercise 29. Practice flights in hover mode

flight height: 1-10 ft (0,3-3 m) AGL

Hanging in place, vertical release and landing, turning while hanging in place, shifts to the sides, forwards and backwards. In all flights, the ULH adept drives from the instructor's seat. An inspector sits in the pilot's seat.
The adept explains to the inspector the execution procedure of individual elements, reacts to any simulated errors and explains their elimination.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstration of all elements of piloting in the necessary quality, in the case of a simulated student error, the ability to ensure flight safety by timely intervention and explain how to eliminate the error.

7.7. Exercise 30. Practice flights around the circuit

flight altitude: 1000 and 500 ft (300 and 150 m) AGL

Take off, circle flight, budget, landing. Corrections of wrong landings, landings with a side or rear component of the wind. In all flights, the ULH adept drives from the instructor's seat. An inspector sits in the pilot's seat.
The adept explains to the inspector the execution procedure of individual elements, reacts to any simulated errors and explains their elimination.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstration of all elements of piloting in the necessary quality, in the case of a simulated student error, the ability to ensure flight safety by timely intervention and explain how to eliminate the error.

7.8. Exercise 31. Training flights into space

flight altitude: up to 1500 ft (500 m) AGL

Flights in the range of permitted speeds from minimum to maximum, turns with an inclination of 15 and 30 degrees in horizontal flight, climbs and descents, solving special cases in flight, descending autorotations in a straight direction and in turns up to hovering. Landing on an area of ​​limited dimensions. In all flights, the ULH adept drives from the instructor's seat. An inspector sits in the pilot's seat. The adept explains to the inspector the execution procedure of individual elements, reacts to any simulated errors and explains their elimination.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstration of all elements of piloting in the necessary quality, in the case of a simulated student error, the ability to ensure flight safety by timely intervention and explain how to eliminate the error.

7.9. Exercise 32. Final examination

flight altitude: up to 1 ft (500 m) AGL

The inspector examines the trainee within the scope of the pilot test and assesses his ability to perform flights as an instructor. During flights, the ULH adept controls from the instructor's seat. An inspector sits in the pilot's seat.
The adept explains to the inspector the execution procedure of individual elements, reacts to any simulated errors and explains their elimination.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstration of all elements of piloting in the necessary quality, in case of a simulated student error, the ability to ensure flight safety by timely intervention and explain how to eliminate the error. Ability to act as an instructor.

7.10. Instructor Exam:

7.10.1. Theoretical part

– Written trial test (the trial tests are determined by the chief inspector of ULH operation).
– Oral test on the ability to teach aviation subjects and explain the elements of piloting and possible errors.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstrate theoretical knowledge by achieving the prescribed number of points on the test, demonstrate before a three-member examination board appointed by the chief inspector of ULH operations the ability to teach aviation subjects and correctly describe and explain the individual elements of piloting with a warning of possible errors and their consequences.

7.10.2. Practical part

contains min. 2 flights in double with a duration of 30 min.:
1. flight with an inspector in the area during which the examiner (in the instructor's seat) verifies the level of piloting technique in the range of exercises prescribed by the training curriculum, including a description of the execution of individual elements by the pilot, verifies the level of flight around the circuit, including a description of the execution of individual phases by the pilot.
In the flight, the inspector includes an emergency landing practice after the engine shuts down.
2. flight with an inspector, where the examiner (in the pilot's seat) verifies the examinee's level of control of the aircraft from the instructor's seat. For part of the flight, he drives himself and verifies the level of the examinee in their evaluation and corrections on deliberately made mistakes.

Terms of fulfillment: Prove to the inspector mastery of all elements of piloting technique required for pilot qualification, but with a rating of 1 to 2, i.e. very good practical skills. They must also demonstrate these abilities when piloting from the instructor's seat. Furthermore, they must demonstrate during the flight the ability to correctly determine and correct piloting errors, simulated by the inspector, and classify their severity in accordance with the rating scale.



8.1. Theory

Pilots with ATPL(H), CPL(H), PPL(H) helicopter pilot qualifications or military helicopter pilots do not need to complete theory training, they only study the subjects RULES OF FLYING, BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF SFD, LAA regulations and take an exam from them. The ULH operation inspector will conduct the test orally, or in the form of a written or computer test.
Pilots with aircraft pilot qualifications awarded by the ÚCL or AČR, ULL pilots and motor glider pilots do not have to complete theoretical training, they only study the subjects FLIGHT RULES, BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF LAPS, AERODYNAMICS, LAA regulations and take an exam on them. The ULH operation inspector will conduct the test orally, or in the form of a written or computer test.

8.2. Practice

Basic training must be completed in the range of at least 34:20 flight hours completed during the last 24 months before the test.
Pilots with aircraft pilot qualifications awarded by the ÚCL or AČR, ULL pilots and motor glider pilots can reduce the number of flight hours to 25.
Pilots with ATPL(H), CPL(H), PPL(H) qualifications or military helicopter pilots undergo training according to the retraining curriculum according to Chapter 6, including a pilot test in the scope of min. 4 hours 30 minutes
Note: The instructor decides on the reduction of the number of flight hours in individual exercises according to the student's abilities.

8.3. Instructor Qualifications:

Holders of valid Private Helicopter Pilot, Commercial Helicopter Pilot, Transport Helicopter Pilot and Military Helicopter Pilots with instructor qualification can be granted the ULH instructor qualification without completing the training according to the INSTRUCTOR TRAINING section, if they have completed the refresher training of this syllabus, with at least 50% of the flight time in they completed dual driving while retraining from the instructor's seat.

8.4. Test pilot qualifications:

ATPL(H) and CPL(H) pilots with a valid operational test flight qualification or unrestricted test flight qualification can obtain a test pilot qualification based on preparation (teaching) in the scope of cv. 39.a, and examination by an inspector with a test pilot qualification according to cv. 43. without further formalities



9.1. Requirements for inclusion in training:

An applicant with a valid ULH license and at least a limited radio operator license or higher can be included in the training. The training is conducted by an instructor with VFR controlled flight qualifications. Completion of the training is confirmed in the candidate's personal sheet. The test flight is carried out by a ULH inspector with VFR controlled flight qualifications and the result is recorded in the applicant's personal sheet.
The acquired qualification is entered in the card by the central register of the LAA on the basis of the identity card.

9.2. Pilots with a valid ATPL (A or H), CPL (A or H), PPL(A or H), TMG with a VFR ŘL qualification and any other SFD pilot license with a VFR ŘL qualification may have a VFR ŘL qualification registered in the ULH pilot's license without further formalities.

9.3. Training curriculum:

9.4. Exercise 36a (Ground preparation)

Theoretical training in the scope of 3 hours must include the principles of flights in controlled space, submission of a flight plan, work with AIP, NOTAM and maps, entry and exit points, standard routes, the pilot's ability to obtain information for flight in controlled space, procedures for setting the altimeter and expressing height , radio correspondence training, principles of using the secondary radar transponder.

9.5. Exercise 36. Check navigation flight with landing at AFIS airports:

flight altitude: 500 – 1000 ft (150 – 300 m) AGL

Conduct a check navigation flight with a stopover at two AFIS aerodromes. Verify the ability to guide the ULH along the specified route and at the specified altitude and perform landings and take-offs at the AFIS aerodrome with the correct
radio correspondence.

Condition of fulfillment: Guiding the helicopter along a set route with reasonable accuracy, keeping a navigation record. The correct procedure for arriving at an AFIS airport, including radio correspondence for landing, take-off and departure.

9.6. Exercise 37. Navigational flight with landing at a controlled airport:

flight altitude: 500 – 1000 ft (150 – 300 m) AGL

Perform a navigation flight with a full landing at a controlled airport. The pilot fills out the flight plan for the given flight and conducts radio correspondence.

Condition of fulfillment: Guiding the helicopter along a set route with reasonable accuracy, keeping a navigation record. The correct procedure for arriving at a controlled airport, including landing, take-off and departure.

9.7. Exercise 38. Test navigation flight with landing at controlled airfield

flight altitude: 500 – 1000 ft (150 – 300 m) AGL

Navigation test flight with full landing at controlled airfield. The inspection is carried out by an inspector with ŘL VFR qualifications.

Condition of fulfillment: Guiding the helicopter along a set route with reasonable accuracy, keeping a navigation record. The correct procedure for arriving at a controlled airport, including landing, take-off and departure.



10.1. Requirements for inclusion in training:

An applicant with a valid ULH license and a total flight time of at least 200 hours, of which at least 100 hours at ULH, can be included in the training. The training usually takes place in the form of a course led by an inspector with the qualification of a test pilot, who is authorized for this purpose by the chief inspector of ULH. Flights are recorded by the inspector in the candidate's personal sheet.

10.2. Training concessions

ATPL(H) and CPL(H) pilots with a valid operational test flight qualification or unrestricted test flight qualification can obtain a test pilot qualification based on preparation (teaching) in the scope of cv. 39.a, and examination by an inspector with a test pilot qualification according to cv. 43. without further formalities. On the basis of the completed personal sheet, the central register of the LAA will enter the qualification in the card.

10.3. Test Pilot Training Syllabus:

10.4. Exercise 39a (Ground preparation – theoretical teaching)

Theoretical preparation in the scope of 5 hours must include inspection principles, ULH technical checks before the flight and functionality check on the ground, determination of the center of gravity by weighing and calculation, principles of balancing the main autogyro, tail propeller and possibly the cooling fan on the ground and in flight, sequence of test flights, run-in protocol and flight manual.

10.5. Exercise 39. Flight to balance the autogyro, tail propeller and possibly the cooling fan.

Flight altitude up to 1000 ft (300 m) AGL

Conduct a practice flight to determine the level of vibration of the main autogyro, tail propeller and possibly cooling fan using an accelerometer with a stroboscopic lamp for dynamic balancing purposes on the ground, in hover and at specified flight modes.

Condition of fulfillment: Demonstrate the ability to perform vibration level measurements and dynamic balancing of the main autogyro, tail propeller and possibly cooling fan with the help of a trained technician.

10.6. Exercise 40. Equipment inspection flight

Flight altitude up to 1000 ft (300 m) AGL

Practice engine test, idle clutch test, control and control of equipment, instruments, installations on the ground and in flight.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstrate the ability to perform all equipment checks on the ground and in flight.

10.7. Exercise 41 Flight to verify performance and characteristics

Flight altitude up to 1000 ft (300 m) AGL

Perform flight training to verify characteristics in the entire range of speeds and modes from hover to Vne, in the vortex ring and at calculated minimum autogyro speeds, verify stability, assess characteristics including balanceability and heaviness, and determine performance. Perform one flight at the minimum possible weight and the second at the maximum weight.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstrate the ability to conduct performance and performance verification flights.

10.8. Exercise 42 A flight to verify characteristics in autorotation, practicing emergency landings

Flight altitude up to 1000 ft (300 m) AGL

Carry out flight training to verify characteristics during descent in autorotation, find out the parameters for the basic settings of the autogyro blades and practice emergency landing.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstrate the ability to perform autorotations and determine the necessary parameters for the basic settings of the autogyro blades.

10.9. Exercise 43 Final examination

Flight altitude up to 1000 ft (300 m) AGL

Conduct a test flight to verify the applicant's ability to independently adjust and fly the ULH.

Terms of fulfillment: Demonstrate the ability to adjust and fly the ULH.



11.1. Personal letter