Enrolment SK 6. 2. 2024

Enrolment SK 6.2.2024

present: Dlasková, Kricnar, Jareš, Hanč, Polách 

start at 20:30 on skype

over at 00:00


Selection procedure

  • sk received an offer to organize the XC league on Stranik in the extended tender period, the offer was accepted
  • sk received notification about H&F race Moravia on 13.-15.6
  • ACC league in Mimon will take place probably on 21.-22.9.9, the date is still under discussion


Registration for XC Championship


Junior World Championship

  • there is still no new information on the race website regarding pilot selection (allocation of places) and team building
  • SK continues to monitor website plant


H&F - Sporting code 7L

  • SK has received the new FAI Sporting Regulations for Hike and Fly (H&F)
  • SK has read the sport rules and familiarized the H&F Czech Republic representation


ACC representative contracts

  • SK received from TL a proposal for the wording of the representation contract for the extended ACC representation
  • the proposal was approved by the SK


Multi-stage competitions according to NSA rules

  • SK had a long debate on the system of multi-stage competitions
  • the resulting proposal will be presented to the Bureau


ACC League Rule Change

  • Kricnar informed the SK about the proposed changes to the ACC league rules, the changes concern the team category and the evaluation of overall results
  • SK will reflect on the changes if they are applied