Emberger Alm Open 2024, Austrian and Czech Championship – ZL

Detaily události

Mistrovství České republiky a Rakouska v oblíbené destinaci Eberger Alm.


25 May 2024
19.00-22.00: Registration at the competition office (in the Fliegercamp)

26 May, 1st day
08.00 – 9.00: Registration in the competition office at the Fliegercamp
09.00 am: Official welcome of the participants, obligatory pilot briefing
Drive to the launch site
11.30 am: Briefing at the launch site
followed by the 1st competition round

27 May – 01 June 2024, 2nd – 7th day
Drive to the starting area
11:00 am: Briefing at the launch site
followed by scoring rounds

02 June 2024, 8th day
Reserve day otherwise