Colibri badges

FAI "Colibri" badges are performance badges for pilots of ultralight aircraft. The rules for obtaining them are based on the international rules of the FAI. Fulfilling the conditions for obtaining individual badges should not only mean that, after successful completion, we hang a diploma on the wall and stick a badge in our lapel. Above all, it should lead to the acquisition of the necessary habits and experience with flying other than the classic flying "around the chimney". Especially the precise landings that the pilots perfect when meeting the conditions can mean significant help - especially psychological - when landing in unknown places or in cases of emergency landings in confined spaces.

Although obtaining individual Colibri badges may not be particularly complicated, there is a contrary opinion among a large number of pilots. That's why I'm bringing information that should make the path to obtaining a "hummingbird" easier for all those interested. It is true that until 2011 some conditions were more difficult to meet. Thanks to the fact that the LAA CR successfully exerted pressure on the international field, it was possible to achieve several changes in the rules. These changes should make earning badges much easier for many pilots, while maintaining the required skill level. It is now possible to fulfill the conditions of badges by attending competitions organized by the sports commission of the UL Union.

There are four "levels" of badges: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond. They can be obtained by any pilot if he properly documents the fulfillment of the conditions for achieving it and the referee (for the sports commission gold badge) confirms the fulfillment of the conditions. The awarding of the gold badge is registered worldwide by the relevant FAI commission. The Diamond Badge is awarded by the FAI, on the basis of proposals from national aero clubs, for outstanding sporting achievements or significant contribution to flying. A Diamond Badge can be awarded to holders of at least a Silver Colibri Badge.

All required flights must be made on a Class R aircraft - meaning any "ultralight" with a valid technical license and insurance. A sports license is not required to obtain the badge. Completion of navigational flights can be documented by recorder recording or with the help of witnesses (who will confirm the landing) and a referee, who will also confirm the fulfillment of other conditions. It is of course possible to borrow a flight recorder by agreement. For all other details or possible ambiguities, I recommend consulting with the referee, with whom you will agree and who will confirm the completion of individual tasks. And now to specific badges.


Bronze badge

Getting it really shouldn't be a problem for anyone who really flies.
Conditions for obtaining the Colibri Bronze Badge:

a) flown at least 20 hours and 50 landings
b) 3 precision landings within 10 m of the given point or 3 precision landings on the landing deck with the engine running for at least 50 points during the official competition.
c) 1 precision landing within 20m maximum of the given center from 300m (1000ft) AGL with the inlet fully closed, or 1 precision landing on the landing deck with the engine off for at least 50 points during an official competition.
d) 2 navigation flights over a triangular track of minimum length dM x 1 (dM = distance corresponding to the distance the aircraft flies in one hour of flight at cruise speed), one with a stopover at a predetermined location, or participation and successful completion of 2 navigation tasks flown at official competition. Flights completed outside of an official competition must be solo.

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Silver badge

This is a bit more complicated, but still doable for most active pilots.
Colibri Silver Badge Requirements:
a) flown at least 100 hours and 200 landings
b) 2 flights to a height of 300 m (1000 ft ) above the ground, stopping the engine, turning 360o and landing within 5 m of the given point, or 2 accurate landings on the landing deck with the engine off for at least 200 points during the official competition.
c) 4 dM x 2 navigation flights with any pre-declared stopover. Courses can be direct return (with one turning point), or triangular, or participation and successful completion of 4 navigation tasks flown as part of the official competition. Here, too, flights completed outside the official competition must be solo.
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Gold badge

This is achievable for pilots who devote themselves intensively to flying and participate in competitions.
Colibri Gold Badge Requirements:
a) flown at least 300 hours
b) participation in at least two national or FAI organized competitions as pilot-in-command
c) a flight over a distance of dM x 14 according to a pre-declared schedule during 7 consecutive days. The track must contain at least 3 control points where their passage or landing will be certified. Only the last landing can be made at the place of the first take-off.
d) Obtain or already be the holder of at least one of the following items:
1. – instructor qualification
2nd – national record at UL
3. – participation in the FAI competition of the first category as an aircraft commander (an international competition organized by the FAI)
Flights must be flown solo with the exception of flights flown as part of an official competition if the applicant for the badge has completed them in the capacity of pilot-in-command. Only Gold Badge qualifying flights may be flown with an additional crew member.
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Overview of COLIBRI badge holders

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