Registering a new pilot into the program

Pilots with a PL salary and LAA membership under the age of 23 can register for the program (see values ​​in the "Year of birth" column). The data provided here will be used exclusively in connection with the organization of events within the "Talents PG" program.

Of this data, only the first and last name, type of social security number and sponsor will be publicly accessible. Registered talents will also have access to information about where you most often stay and which camps you have been to. The instructors of the camps will also see the telephone contact and email of those pilots who will participate in their camps. Other data can only be seen by the trainer and the administrator.

After activating your account, you will be able to edit the data at any time (except for first name, last name and age, so please pay close attention to them :-), you will get access to registration for camps and news from camps.