Useful information

Useful links

Cadastral maps online

Forests of the Czech Republic

Nature Protection Agency of the Czech Republic

  • EHPU opinion on the impact of hang-gliding on nature




Only the owner and the local municipal authority have the right to regulate hunting activities on land that are not directly prohibited by the Hunting Act. Without a decision of the Ministry of the Interior, the hunting guard does not have the right to report you from someone else's property.

If the local hunting association submits a proposal for such a restriction, we recommend that you enter the proceedings (the Ministry of the Interior is obliged to post the proposal for the restriction of activity about a month before the effective date) - ideally not as a private person. but as OSZS or even better on behalf of the PG and LAA Association (need to agree with the board).

The owner of the land, the lessor of the land (they are automatically invited to the meeting) and anyone whose activity will be restricted by the proposed proposal have the right to participate in the proceedings (they must register themselves and in time for the meeting).

The official justification for the request is usually the scaring of game and birds during nesting and hatching. If you feel that a document dealing with the effect of PG on birds and animals by an ornithologist from the PF UK and a conservationist from the PLA České středohoří would help you, please contact Petr Chromec (see contacts). If you have any reasonable conservationists in the area (e.g. from the nearest PLA), we recommend that you contact them as independent assessors of the situation - as a rule, there is a more reasonable agreement with them than with the hunters, and from the point of view of the official, their opinion is as important as the opinion of the hunters (perhaps even more important ).