Habitat Support Fund

Who can apply for a subsidy from the starting point support fund?

Virtually anyone has a chance to get support. Civic associations and associations are slightly preferred over lone natural persons, but it is mainly about the solidity of the project and the applicant. The final decision on the grant allocation always depends on the decision of the Board (however, all submitted projects have been approved so far).

What should the application for support of the starting point look like and to whom should it be sent?

The first contact with the Presidency can be oral and very informal. The specific application must then contain an assessment of the usability of the starting point (see bonusing of starting points), information on what the money will be used for and the required amount.

What is the amount of subsidy from the Start Site Support Fund that I can apply for and what can it be used for?

The amount of the subsidy depends on the quality of the starting point and the need for investment and cannot exceed the financial possibilities of the association (i.e. normal support is in the order of tens of thousands of CZK - so far the highest amount has been CZK 60 for the Černá hora and Prašivá terrains).

In all projects, it is assumed that the adjustment of the starting point will take place with self-help, and therefore the work of the members of the local association will not be reimbursed. Materials, the possible use of heavy machinery, deforestation can be paid for, the preparation of an assessment (e.g. the effect of PG on the local flora/fauna) can be paid for from the association's funds, possibly (if the financial demands allow) part of the land of the starting point can be purchased. After agreement with the board, another form of support is of course possible, if the situation at the starting point requires it.

Support is provided in the form of a non-refundable and interest-free loan for a period of 9 years. During this time, the operator of the launch site must fulfill the conditions agreed upon when negotiating the loan (in particular, allow all PK pilots to take off under the conditions specified in the contract).


What is the distribution of the membership fee - what is this money used for?

The membership fee of CZK 1100 consists of the following items:

  • 50,- map of airspace on a scale of 1:500
  • 350 Pilot magazine
  • 400,- civic association LAA

The remaining 200 CZK goes to individual unions (divided according to the shares of members registered in individual unions) of which:

  • 200 is available to the association to finance its activities (e.g. support of starting points)
  • 100 is a contribution to the representation

Note: If one Pilot magazine is already delivered to your home address, you can cancel the second one and your membership fee will be reduced by CZK 300.

Where do I get an IPPI card and what do I need for it?

The IPPI card can be ordered from the chief traffic inspector or contact an inspector you know (or the one closest to you). Its price is 200 CZK and is valid without restrictions if you have a valid pilot's license.

Where do I get an FAI license and what do I need for it?

An FAI license is ordered from the Chief Traffic Inspector. FAI licenses are issued to PL-B or PL-C holders. If the applicant is not a PL-C holder, they must familiarize themselves with the FAI Sporting Regulations.


I would be interested in the budget of the Union PG. Can I see him somewhere?

The Union PG manages primarily with two budgets. The first is the union's own budget, to which the LAA contributes CZK 100 for each member from its membership fee. This budget can be handled by the association board at its own discretion, most of the money is spent in the starting point support fund and the promotion fund.

Another important budget that the association manages is the representation budget. CZK 100 for each member of the union from LAA contributions goes to the budget of the representation, as well as to union funds. In addition, money flows into this budget from the Ministry of Education and Culture subsidy to ensure the state sports representation. This money is intended to ensure the participation of representatives at the World Championship and the European Championship in the disciplines of cross-country and landing accuracy. This mainly involves paying the starting fee, transport, accommodation, food and pocket money. Furthermore, this money is used to pay for the maintenance of the representative car and funds for the preparation of representatives. The withdrawal of this money is determined by the rules determined in the resolution of the general meeting in 2005.

In addition, the paragliding association manages money from other state grants - currently it is only a grant to support talented youth in paragliding and grants for the purchase of investment property for representation.

The exact accounting of the union's budgets is presented by the presidency at the general meeting, and a detailed breakdown is available to the members of the union present.

I would be interested in the LAA budget. Can I see him somewhere?

The first part of the LAA's resources comes from membership contributions (see the question about the distribution of the membership contribution), the other from the contribution of the MD for the management of SFDs falling under the LAA and fees for individual actions according to the LAA price list. In addition, the LAA unions manage subsidies from the Ministry of Education and Culture (representation, youth, investment and special-purpose subsidies, etc.)

The association's budget and budget plan for the following year are available to LAA conference delegates. It takes place in November after the General Assembly of the PG, delegates for the PG are nominated at the general meeting.

What does the presidency actually do?

The focus of the association's activities is mainly in the support of starting points (in 2011, the Zbyslavec starting point so far), promotion of paragliding, ensuring league and MČR competitions, selecting a representation and ensuring its financing, ensuring the talented youth program (in cooperation with the head coach).

If it seems to you that the board is neglecting to solve a serious problem, you have a proposal for making the work of the board more efficient, or any other suggestion, do not hesitate to contact the board (see contacts).

As a member of the Union PG, how can I influence the events in the union?

The presidium's powers are limited by the decisions of previous VHs, which in some cases prescribe the method of decision-making. This applies in particular to the financing of the representation, the distribution of money for the preparation among the representatives of the disposal of the representation property acquired from investment subsidies and the financing of starting points and projects of the promotion fund.

Matters that are directly within the competence of the presidency, the presidency can change based on your proposal if it deems it appropriate - however, as already mentioned above, in some decisions the resolution of the general meeting is superior and can therefore only be changed by the union's general meeting. If you have a proposal for the presidency, send it to the presidency's email.

How do the union and its members influence the events in the LAA?

The position of the LAA unions and the definition of internal relations is defined in the statutes and statutes of the LAA CR. The Paragliding Section, made up of the Paragliding Association and the Hang Gliding Association, have a combined 3 seats on the LAA Council (which is the executive body of the LAA), and 15 seats on the LAA Conference.

The LAA Council meets several times a year as needed, and the Union PG is represented in it by two people from the board (the chairman and one more volunteer from the board). At the council, the representative of the Union has the opportunity to comment on the topics discussed. One of the members of the LAA Council is always the president of the union.

The LAA conference is held once a year and has the right to challenge or veto individual decisions of the Council, it can task the Council with solving problems that individual unions are burning.

Minutes of the LAA Conference proceedings are available here. At the end of the year, the president of the LAA informs about the activities of the Council and the LAA CR as a whole in the Report on the activities of the LAA.

If you want to achieve some change in the LAA (within the valid legislation of the Czech Republic), it is advisable to either address our representatives in the Council, or through the VH give a mandate to the delegates to promote the proposal at the LAA conference.