The board of the association has decided to support drag racing in various places in the Czech Republic this year as well. Due to...
The board of the association has decided to support drag racing in various places in the Czech Republic this year as well. Due to...
Dear pilots, on Saturday, November 9, the traditional general meeting of the PG LAA CR union took place in the cultural...
Report on the activities of the sports commission for the period 17.11. 2012 – 9.11. 2013
Dear pilots and fans of paragliding, the headquarters hereby invites you to the General Meeting of the Paragliding Association...
Report on the activities of the Union PG presidency. Report on the activities of the Sports Commission
Issues and development of negotiations: Two business entities asked the authorized authorities for the possibility of felling...
We have the option of receiving a subsidy for the field of sports - you can also receive this support. Application deadline...
The selection process for team leader positions was closed on 15.1.2011. Applying for the position of PGXC team leader...
The Presidium of the Paragliding Association, in accordance with the resolution of LA 2010 general meeting, announces a COMPETITION PROCEDURE...