PL 3

Paraglider pilot training syllabus

Text as of: 01. 03. 2011


Date of issue of the change Edited/deleted/new paragraphs: Date of inclusion Ranked
14.5.2012 1.5. replace with the following: "The instructor must notify the chief inspector before the commencement of the student's flight training from task 5.4.1 outside the pilot training centre." 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 Insert point 1.6.: "For training at a pilot training center, the name of the center must be indicated in the personal record." and renumber the following points. 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 1.10. delete point 2), letter b. and point 3) 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 1.14. replace the wording of point 2) as follows: "safety instructions" 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 1.15. after the text of the paragraph add: "or
1 excellent without errors,
2 very good minor errors corrected correctly and in a timely manner,
3 well errors are corrected,
4 insufficient errors corrected late or not at all.”
24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 1.20. change the text to read as follows: "A student may not perform solo flights without the supervision and presence of an instructor." 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 1.21. replace the word "performs" with the words "may perform" 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 1.22. change the text as follows: "1.22. An instructor in training must be under the supervision and in the presence of an instructor with at least two years of experience." 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 1:26. Replace text: "category A" with text: "category EN A, B" 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 Delete point 1.33.3. and renumber the following points 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 9.1. replace with the following:
"1) holder of a valid pilot qualification for at least 5 years, including a sport pilot qualification for at least 2 years, or holder of a valid MPK instructor qualification and a sport pilot qualification for at least 2 years,
2) minimum 200 hours of flight time,
3) completing a course on non-standard flight situations (for scope, see Chapter 12),
4) knowledge of the Czech language, both spoken and written,
5) successful examination of theoretical knowledge and verification of practical skills,
6) recommendation of the PL traffic inspector.
24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 Insert points:
9.2. Examination of theoretical knowledge before inclusion in training
The examination of theoretical knowledge is carried out by a test approved by the chief inspector of PL operation. It is carried out by the chief traffic inspector or the traffic inspector authorized by him.
Condition for fulfillment: achieving the prescribed number of points.9.3. Verification of practical skills before inclusion in training Verification of practical skills within the scope of the sport pilot qualification test is carried out by the chief operations inspector or the PL operations inspector authorized by him.
Condition for fulfillment: Rating 1 to 2 in all evaluated indicators.
and renumber the following points
24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 9.4. change as follows: "For holders of the MPK instructor qualification, the scope of training may be reduced by decision of the chief operations inspector, based on an assessment of the applicant's knowledge and abilities." 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 9.5. replace with the text:
9.6. Theoretical training
9.7. Instructor practice
9.8. Exam for obtaining the instructor qualification
24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 9.6. et seq. change as follows:

"9.6. Theoretical training
The theoretical training is organized by the chief traffic inspector and carried out by persons with qualifications in the given field
9.6.1. Syllabus of theoretical training
1) Interpretation of work with PL 3 outline.
2) Practice of exercise examples according to the PL.
3) Aerodynamics.
4) Meteorology.
5) Construction, materials and technology of PK production.
6) Air navigation.
7) Emergency procedures
8) Regulations.
9) Health science.
10) Basics of didactics and methodology.
9.7. Instructor practice
During the internship, the instructor-in-training will conduct training in at least 2 complete pilot qualification courses at 2 different pilot training centers or PL operations inspectors. The selection of the pilot training center is subject to prior approval by the chief inspector. The internship is completed after a positive assessment by the PL operations inspector in all criteria:
1) participation in training
2) level of theory knowledge
3) level of knowledge of practice
4) pedagogical skills
9.8. Exam for obtaining the instructor qualification
9.8.1. Theory
By a trial test approved by the Chief Operating Inspector. In case of failure, it can be repeated after 14 days at the earliest. The result of the theory test will be confirmed by the chief traffic inspector in the personal sheet.
9.8.2. Didactic skills and practice
An exam before an examination board consisting of 3 traffic inspectors determined by the chief traffic inspector. The result of the theory test will be confirmed by the chief traffic inspector in the personal sheet.
Condition of fulfillment: Rating 1 to 2 or "passed" in all evaluated indicators.
9.9. Method of awarding the qualification
The Chief Operations Inspector will grant the instructor qualification based on the fulfillment of all requirements documented by the personal certificate. The LAA Czech Republic Register will then record the qualification in the pilot's license.

24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 10.1. 4) after the text add: "non-standard flight situations (scope see Chapter 12)" 24.4.2012 Aries
14.5.2012 Changed personal qualification sheet of pilot and sport pilot and PL instructor 24.4.2012 Aries





1.1 This paraglider pilot training syllabus (hereinafter referred to as “PK”) sets out the content and sequence of training for a paraglider. It is binding on all students, pilots, instructors and inspectors who carry out or conduct PK pilot training.

1.2. PK must have a valid technical license issued by the LAA of the Czech Republic and take out liability insurance for damages caused by operation.

1.3. Meteorological conditions during training must correspond to VFR flight conditions according to ZL 1.

1.4. A student can be enrolled in training after reaching the age of 15. For persons under the age of 18, the consent of legal representatives is required.

1.5. Flight training of the student from task 5.4.1 outside the pilot training center must be notified by the instructor to the chief inspector before it begins.

1.6. For training at a pilot training center, the name of the center must be indicated in the personal sheet.

1.7. The instructor conducting the training is responsible for following the procedures of the training curriculum.

1.8. The person in charge of the relevant pilot training center is responsible for compliance with the conditions set by regulation LA 1, the training syllabus, for performing PK maintenance, for fulfilling binding regulations and for keeping the documentation of the pilot training center.

1.9. The training must be documented by keeping records of the pupils' personal sheets and copies of the pupils' personal sheets after the end of the training for at least 5 years.

1.10. The instructor conducting the training must have at his disposal, in the current version:

1) teaching aids and publications for training,
2) LAA CR regulations:

a. LA 1,
b. ZL 1,
c. PL 3

3) a map of the Czech Republic with valid flight information,
4) Act No. 49/1997 Coll. and decree 108/1997 Coll. to the necessary extent and valid wording.

1.11. During the practical training, he must have available:

1) means for providing first aid,
2) connector for connecting to the emergency medical assistance center,
3) wind direction and force indicator,
4) radio connection (according to the assignment of individual flight training tasks),
5) emergency vehicle.

1.12. Training documentation is kept in the form of personal sheets during the training and after its completion in the form of copies of personal sheets.

1.13. Theoretical preparation must ensure complete mastery of the issue in the scope of required knowledge for individual qualifications. The number of hours set for theoretical preparation is always minimal. Participation in this training is recorded in the pupil's personal sheet. Completion of the minimum scope of instruction must be confirmed in a personal sheet by the signature of the instructor and the student.

1.14. Before starting practical training, the student must be familiar with PK at least to the following extent:

1) technical description,
2) safety instructions,
3) operation and maintenance,
4) pre-flight inspection,
5) emergency procedures.

1.15. When evaluating students in the practical part of the training, instructors are required to use this evaluation:

passed – no errors, errors corrected correctly and on time,
failed - errors corrected late or not at all.


1 - excellent - no errors,
2 – very good – minor errors corrected correctly and on time,
3 - good - errors are corrected,
4 - insufficiently - errors corrected late or not at all.

1.15.1. Rated elements

1) preparation for flight, five-point check
2) start process
3) execution of the flight according to the task
4) landing budget
5) landing

1.16. Before starting flight training, the student must be familiarized with the operation of the rescue system.

1.17. The number of flights and hours in the schedule are minimal. The instructor will decide on their actual number based on the student's evaluation.

1.18. The instructor allows the student to progress to the next exercise according to the syllabus only if the student manages the previous exercise.

1.19. Before each practical exercise of the curriculum containing new elements, the instructor conducts ground preparation with the student to such an extent that the student's perfect understanding of the exercise is ensured.

1.20. The student may not perform independent flights without the supervision and presence of an instructor.

1.21. The final exam may be conducted by a traffic inspector whose share did not exceed 50% of the practical training.

1.22. The instructor in training must be supervised and in the presence of an instructor with min. two years of experience.

1.23. The maximum number of students conducting training simultaneously is 8 per instructor. If more than one instructor is teaching, the number of students is added together.

1.24. The instructor provides supervision on the starting area. In the event that he does not have a sufficient overview of the situation on the landing area or the distance does not allow him to evaluate the landing of the students with sufficient accuracy, he is obliged to ensure supervision by the PL instructor on the landing area. If he would not be able to provide first aid in the event of an accident, but otherwise has a sufficient overview of what is happening on the landing area, he must ensure supervision on the landing area by a trained person.

1.25. During the performance of the optional "supervised flight practice" task, students may be supervised by one PL instructor.

1.26. Only PK belonging to the EN A, B category can be used for pilot qualification training.

1.27. Harnesses for training must have the appropriate certification according to the EN 1651 standard.

1.28. The harness must be equipped with a spine protector that has the appropriate certification according to the EN standard or that uses air release when the protector is compressed to absorb energy during an impact. The segment(s) of the protector in the lumbar area must be at least 14 cm thick and at least 28 cm wide.

1.29. During training, the student must be equipped with a helmet. It must be certified.

1.30. During flights above 50 m AGL, the student must be equipped with a rescue parachute.

1.31. The recommended equipment for the student during training is gloves and sturdy ankle-strengthening shoes.

1.32. The PK on which the student flies must be marked with a ribbon in the case of other air traffic in the student flight area. The ribbon must be attached to the trailing edge of the PK or to the back of the harness so that it is clearly visible in flight. The free end of the ribbon must be at least 1 m long.

1.33. Conditions for training flights carried out using a winch:

1.33.1. the winch used for training purposes must have a valid technical license issued by the LAA CR.

1.33.2. The disconnecting device must ensure reliable connection and disconnection at any phase of the winch takeoff without the need to perform complex operations.

1.33.3. The starter must be properly instructed in winch operation by the winch operator. An instructor or a PL pilot can act as a starter when learning to fly a reel.

1.33.4. At least 1/3 of all flights as part of pilot qualification training or sport pilot qualification must be performed from a slope.

1.34. For holders of the MPK qualification, the instructor can shorten the scope of ground preparation according to the student's knowledge and skills. He will make an entry in the personal sheet about the concessions granted.



2.1. Theoretical preparation is the first part of PL pilot training. It is carried out by an instructor or lecturers with adequate knowledge of the given subject. Participation in this training is evaluated and recorded the instructor leading the training. The sequence of theoretical preparation must be such that a correct understanding of the material of the given subject is always ensured well in advance of the practical part of the training.

2.2. Subjects and scope of teaching

2.3. Areas of required knowledge:

2.3.1. Aerodynamics

1) Air pressure (static, dynamic, total).
2) Laminar and turbulent flow - existence of the phenomenon.
3) Resistance. Types of resistance, influence on PK flight.
4) Winding the airfoil, creation of lift, dependence on the wind speed.
5) Angle of attack – relation to changes in lift and drag.
6) Effect of angle of attack changes on PK; tearing off the air stream.
7) Flooding behind the wing – the basic principle of the phenomenon.
8) Calculation of surface load.
9) Velocity polar - meaning, principle (relationship between speed and descent).
10) Gliding as a relationship between forward and vertical speed.
11) The effect of wind on the slippage and speed of the PK in relation to the ground and to the environment.
12) PK stability.

2.3.2. Meteorology

1) Temperature, its change with height.
2) Pressure, its change with height.
3) Basic cloud distribution.
4) Continuity of weather with individual types of cloud cover.
5) The principle of heating the atmosphere. Irregularities in the heating of the earth's surface.
6) Formation of thermal flow. Basic conditions of creation, daily and annual operation.
7) Basics of synoptic meteorology – pressure formations, connection with air flow (wind direction and speed).
8) Queues. Division, speed of advance, danger with emphasis on a cold front in a warm season.
9) Mountain and valley flow.
10) Peculiarities of thermal flow in mountains.
11) Determining the direction and strength of the wind.
12) Turbulence caused by terrain obstacles. Leeward hill. Dependence on the speed of the flow and the shape of the obstacle.
13) Thunderstorms - basic principles of formation, danger.

2.3.3. The science of flying

1) Effect of wind on take-off, turn, ground speed, glide and landing.
2) Pre-start check (five-point check).
3) Important information about the flight terrain (areas, regulations, weather, practical suitability).
4) Conversion of kilometers per hour to meters per second and vice versa.
5) Technique of active piloting in turbulence.
6) Peculiarities of take-off and flight at high altitude.
7) Trimming device and speed system - function.

2.3.4. Construction and construction of PK

1) Basic parts of a paraglider.
2) Functions of individual parts of the paraglider.
3) Maintenance and repairs of PK and accessories.
4) Technical competence of PK (focusing on the meaning of PK inspections)

2.3.5. Air navigation

1) The shape of the globe, parallels and meridians.
2) Use of time in aviation – UTC, CET, SELČ.
3) Sunrise and sunset - shift in seasons.
4) Maps – display, scales, topographic situation.
5) GPS – principle, display, use.
6) Comparative navigation.
7) Procedure for setting the altimeter.

2.3.6. Emergency procedures

1) Folding of the outer parts of the canopy - use, reaction of the canopy.
2) Asymmetric rollover – conditions of occurrence, response of the glider, solution to the situation, danger.
3) Frontstall – formation conditions, glider reaction, solution to the situation, danger.
4) Execution of B stall – use, canopy reaction, danger.
5) Design of the spiral - use, reaction of the canopy, dangers.
6) Dragging PK – conditions of occurrence, glider reaction, solution to the situation, danger.
7) Asymmetric PK drag – conditions of occurrence, glider reaction, solution to the situation, danger.
8) Breakage of the control cord in flight - solution to the situation.
9) Emergency landing in the forest and on a tree - solution to the situation.
10) Emergency landing in water - solution to the situation.
11) Danger when landing on power lines.
12) Dragging the pilot with the glider on the ground in strong wind - solution to the situation.
13) Blowing over to the leeward side of the hill - solution to the situation.
14) Backup parachute. Use, maintenance, functionality of the system.

2.3.7. Regulations

1) Act No. 49/1997 Coll., on civil aviation and implementing decrees as amended - parts relating to the operation of PK/ZK.
2) ZL 1 – in full.
3) L 2 – content, scope, including supplements, related to the operation of PK/ZK.
4) Division of the airspace of the Czech Republic – the situation in the division of the airspace. area of ​​the Czech Republic.
5) AIP, AUP, NOTAM – content, access to current information.

2.3.8. Hygienics

1) Principles of summoning medical assistance.
2) Resuscitation process – mouth-to-mouth breathing, heart massage.
3) Order of treatment of life-threatening injuries – arterial and venous bleeding, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, pneumothorax.
4) Fracture treatment.
5) Strangulation of arterial bleeding.
6) Danger of post-impact shock.
7) Action in case of suspected spinal injury, in case of shock.
8) Effects on the pilot in flight.
9) Preventing health risks from flying - clothing, helmet, protector, drinking regime.



3.1. Ground training for pilot qualification

3.2. Flight training for pilot qualification



4.1. Requirements for inclusion in training

1) age at least 15 years, up to 18 years only with the written consent of the student's legal representatives.

4.2. Ground preparation

4.2.1. Introduction to paragliding

The student must first be made aware of the possible risks involved in paragliding. It must be emphasized that during training, on the ground and in the air, all instructions and instructions of the instructors must be followed.
Furthermore, all instructors who will conduct the training must be introduced to the student.

Terms of fulfillment: Pupils know the risks of paragliding, are able to distinguish between instructors and other traffic participants, have a basic knowledge of PL.

4.2.2. Introduction to the paraglider

The instructor introduces the students to the basic parts of the PK, names them and explains their function.
Content of introduction:

PK canopy (its construction, leading and trailing edge),
cords (their tying system),
control cords (handlebars),
PK straps (free ends, their designation).

Terms of fulfillment: Pupils know the basic parts of PK and their function.

4.2.3. Familiarization with the harness

The instructor will show the students the harness, name its parts and explain their function. He will practically demonstrate the correct fitting into the harness and its adjustment. It will explain how the adjustment of individual elements of the harness affects take-off, flight and landing. Pupils will try to fit into the harness and adjust it.
The instructor will show the students the main parts of the harness: leg straps, main straps with carabiner hook, all buckles and regulatory elements, reserve parachute attachment, ABS system, cross pulls (if the harness is equipped with them), speed system and spine protector.

Terms of fulfillment: Pupils are able to independently fasten themselves into the harness and adjust it.

4.2.4. Daily inspection and pre-flight inspection

The instructor will familiarize the students with the principles of checking the technical condition of the PK and the harness, emphasizing its importance for flight safety. It will explain the differences between a daily inspection and a pre-flight inspection and their contents.

4.2.5. Five-point check before the start

The instructor will explain the importance of this check every time you try to start. In particular, he will emphasize the necessity of checking the weather and the area immediately before the start, even in the case of a delayed start.

Harness – Fastening to the harness (leg straps, chest strap, cross pulls, shoulder straps, check of the reserve parachute release, check of the fit of the protective helmet, correct fastening of the PK straps to the carabiners – if they are not twisted, securing the carabiners).

Cords – Correct grip of the female drivers (the steering cord is not wrapped around the PK strap), looseness of the cords (not intertwined, no foreign objects, not caught on terrain irregularities, plants or stones).

Canopy – Correct distribution of the canopy (free filling holes in the leading edge, axis of the unfolded canopy in the axis of the wind).

Weather – Wind direction and speed, dangerous meteorological influences (CB, cloudiness, situation even behind the pilot).

Space – Freedom of flight space.

Terms of fulfillment: Pupils know the five-point control and understand its meaning.

4.2.6. Rescue system

The instructor will familiarize the students with the principles of using a rescue parachute, its care and maintenance.
The instructor will demonstrate the function of the rescue system in the harness and the importance of correctly storing the rescue parachute in the package, connecting it to the release, attaching it to the harness.
It is necessary to draw attention to the necessity of regularly repacking the reserve parachute, storing it in a dry place and observing all the requirements prescribed by the manufacturer.

Terms of fulfillment: Pupils know the principles of use and treatment of the rescue system.

4.2.7. Getting to know the basic aerodynamic principles of flight

The instructor will explain basic aerodynamic concepts to the students.
The purpose is to ensure that the following tasks of practical flight training are carried out only after the explanation of at least that part of the subject of aerodynamics, which enables students to understand the connection between interventions in the control of the PK and changes in its behavior.

Terms of fulfillment: Pupils are introduced to how control interventions affect a paraglider, especially the effect of air speed on the creation of lift.

4.3. Practical training

4.3.1. Practicing putting the canopy into the flight position - in front

Max. wind speed: 6 m/s

The goal of the task is to teach the students to raise the canopy to the flight position without detaching the pilot from the ground, control and maintain the PK in the flight position and adequate maneuvering. The instructor will show the students the entire start, including the preparation for it.
The instructor will explain to the students the peculiarities of the start at different wind speeds. It will explain the start at a wind speed close to the maximum permitted limit for training and vice versa.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is able to set the canopy in the flight position at the front.

4.3.2. Practicing putting the canopy into flight position - facing the glider

Max. wind speed: 6 m/s

The goal of the task is to teach the students to raise the canopy to the flight position without detaching the pilot from the ground, control and maintain the PK in the flight position and adequate maneuvering.
The instructor will demonstrate several times lifting the canopy over the head and placing it on the ground facing the glider. The exercise of the task will be analyzed theoretically by the pupils. Draws students' attention to the inverted function of the hands when controlling the PK.
It is forbidden to teach students how to start, in which it is necessary to fumble or let go and re-catch female drivers.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is able to control the PK during the start.

4.3.3. Take-off practice

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Take-off elevation: max. 50 m - flight height up to 15 m AGL

The goal of the task is to teach the students how to detach and land with a PK. The instructor will theoretically explain to the students the start of the glider with the release of the pilot from the ground, a short flight and landing. Students will be introduced to the three basic phases of the start: 1. pull out the canopy, 2. check and correction, 3. acceleration and disengagement.
When landing, it warns of the need to land against the wind at optimal (lower) speeds.

Terms of fulfillment: The student knows the take-off phases and can take off and land with the PK.



5.1. Requirements for inclusion in training

1) age at least 15 years, up to 18 years only with the written consent of the student's legal representatives
2) a valid medical certificate of medical fitness,
3) issued identity card

5.2. Before starting flight training, the student must be familiarized with the operation of the rescue system.

5.3. During flight training, students must be introduced to the practical use of the speed system. Practice is performed as part of another task at a height of min. 100 m AGL, while the stepped speed system se maintains for min. 10 seconds.

5.4. Mandatory tasks

5.4.1. Training in straight flight and turning by 90° and 180°

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Starting elevation: 30 - 250 m or lifts up to 50 - 250 m
Mandatory equipment: radio connection for the first 5 flights (further depending on the student's individual abilities)

The instructor will explain to the students the method of turning the PK, the correct coordination of transferring the center of gravity and steering interventions, he will point out the effect of the wind on the PK in flight. The student takes off and, after unfastening, steers the glider towards the landing area. The student gradually maneuvers through turns of 90° and 180°.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is able to independently perform take-off, flight and landing, including maneuvering through turns.

5.4.2. Confined space landing practice

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Size of the designated area: 50 x 50 m
Mandatory equipment: radio connection for the first 2 years (further depending on the individual abilities of the student)

The instructor will explain to the students the principles of correctly estimating the landing budget and post-landing activities. Before starting the practical training, he will define a designated and limited space. Then the students perform flights in which they try to use turns in the designated areas to adjust the budget so that they land in a limited area.
Pupils must be made aware of the necessity to always fly and approach, primarily with regard to flight safety and the prevention of collision situations.


Designated space

These are two places where pilots lower altitude before landing. In the first place, they descend in a suitable way to a suitable height for the downwind position, before LA 3rd turn (this space must not be in the landing axis). The second place is in the axis of the landing and it is a rectangle determined by the instructor on the ground, above which the final descent takes place.

Limited space

Restricted space means a marked area measuring 50 x 50 m.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is repeatedly able to land independently from the designated space, with approach phases: flight downwind, across the wind and against the wind.

5.4.3. Practice turning 360° and figure eights

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Starting height: min. 100 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 50 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

Before practice, the instructor explains to the students how to perform a 360° turn. The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice. Landing in this mission must be done from a designated confined space.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is able to perform a steady turn of 360° and a figure of eight within 35 seconds.

5.4.4. Practice folding the outer parts of the canopy

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Starting height: min. 100 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 50 m AGL

The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice. The student must be warned of the danger during the transition from the PK to the turn in the event of spontaneous asymmetric blowing of the outer parts of the canopy and the possibility of the leading edge tipping over in case of incorrect execution of the initial phase of the maneuver.
Training can be done using the speed system.
Landing in this mission must be done from a designated confined space.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is able to fold the outer parts of the canopy in flight, make a 90° turn, return to the original direction and bring the canopy into normal flight configuration.

5.4.5. Practice of asymmetric folding of the canopy up to 1/3 of the canopy span

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor explains the importance of the maneuver for flying, theoretically breaks down its execution by pulling one or more end lines. Incorrect execution is if the student does not maintain the original flight direction, goes into a spiral or excessively brakes the PK and also if he continuously follows the canopy during the entire maneuver. In this task, it is possible to fold up to 1/3 of the canopy span.
The landing must be made from a designated restricted area.

Terms of fulfillment: After asymmetric folding, the student is able to maintain a straight flight direction, is able to control the flight with an asymmetrically folded PK canopy and can return it to its original state.

5.4.6. Slope flying practice

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s, undemanding thermal conditions
Starting height: min. at a safe distance from the slope
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor will explain the basics of downslope flying, point out the dangers of flying too close to the downslope and repeat the principles of avoidance and downslope flying according to the ZL 1 flight rules. After that, the students take off and try to stay in the upslope flow. If it is too weak, they will only use it partially and leave the slope at a safe height.
The student can perform the task only if it is possible to meet the condition of keeping a safe distance from the slope and other gliders.
Landing in this mission must be done from a designated confined space.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is familiar with the method of flying in downslope flow and is able to safely control a PK in these conditions.

5.4.7. High altitude flight

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s, undemanding thermal conditions
Starting elevation: min. 300 m or lift to a height of min. 300 m
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor familiarizes the students with the flight terrain and the location of the take-off and landing areas. The flight terrain must not be extremely demanding and the thermal conditions can only be moderate for the task.
The importance of this task lies in familiarizing the student with flying on a more demanding flight terrain than the training slope.
Landing in this mission must be done from a designated confined space.

Terms of fulfillment: The student will perform the flight according to the instructor's instructions and will independently manage the budget for landing from the designated limited area.

5.5. Optional tasks

5.5.1. Practice of performing a B stall

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor will explain the meaning of the maneuver and point out errors leading to dangerous flight modes and demonstrate the maneuver. It is carried out at a safe distance from the slope. The student must make sure in advance that the space in which he will perform the maneuver is free.

Terms of fulfillment: The student can safely introduce the PK into this maneuver and then restore normal flight mode.

5.5.2. Practicing asymmetric folding of the canopy

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice. Theoretically, he breaks down its execution by pulling two or more outer cords and points out the mistakes that they can make. The maneuver is performed at a safe distance from the slope. The student must make sure in advance that the space in which he will perform the maneuver is free. After this maneuver is well mastered, the instructor may allow the student to perform a flip using one "A" strap.
The goal of the task is to acquaint the student with the correct reaction to unexpected asymmetric tilting, which is caused by the effect of turbulence on the canopy.

Terms of fulfillment: After an asymmetrical tilt of more than 1/3 of the canopy, the student is able to maintain a straight flight direction and can return the PK canopy to its original state.

5.5.3. Practicing front stall

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is introduced to the behavior of the PK and the correct reaction in the case of a frontal snap.

5.5.4. Landing practice while folding the outer parts of the canopy

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Starting height: min. 50 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice.

Terms of fulfillment: The student is able to land safely when the outer parts of the canopy are folded.

5.5.5. Supervised flight practice

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s
Flight height and elevation: not limited, heights must be maintained according to the task being practiced
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

Completion of this task is recorded by the instructor in the OL notes. The instructor determines the flight task and authorizes the take-off. The task serves, after completing the other flight training tasks, to create and consolidate correct flying habits under the supervision of the instructor.



6.1. The test can be taken after completion of theoretical and practical training, after completion of all mandatory training tasks. The theoretical exam is valid for 90 days. After the expiration date, a theoretical one is needed repeat the exam. The test is conducted by a traffic inspector whose share of practical training did not exceed 50% in the following range:

6.1.1. Theory

by a trial test approved by the chief traffic inspector. The traffic inspector will confirm the result of the theory test in the personal sheet. The theoretical part precedes the practical. In case of failure, it can be repeated after 14 days at the earliest.

6.1.2. Practice

Max. wind speed: 5 m/s, undemanding thermal conditions
Starting elevation: min. 150 m or lift to a height of min. 300 m

The student independently selects the take-off area, performs pre-flight preparation and chooses the moment of take-off.
During the flight, it will fold the outer parts of the canopy and turn by min. 90° with PK in this mode.
He switches to the standard flight mode and performs a figure of eight within a time limit of up to 35 seconds. He performs a landing from a designated area to a restricted area. If the conditions or elevation of the starting point do not allow performing all the required elements during one flight, it is possible to divide the examination into several flights.

Condition of fulfillment: He passed in the practical part of the exam, in the theoretical part the prescribed number of points achieved.
The inspector records the result of the exam in the pupil's personal sheet.



7.1. Requirements for inclusion in training

1) holder of a valid pilot qualification for at least 6 months,
2) flight experience for min. 5 different flight terrains,
3) a raid of at least 50 hours.

7.2. Tasks No. 7.10 – 7.13 can be completed in any order.

7.3. The training must take place on PK category EN C, EN D.

7.4. Theoretical preparation takes place during training. They must ensure a complete mastery of the issue within the scope of the provisions of Chapter 2, but a deeper knowledge of the same areas in a broader context. Participation for this preparation is recorded in the pupil's personal sheet. Completion of the minimum scope of instruction must be confirmed in the personal sheet by the signature of both the instructor and the pilot.

7.5. Syllabus of theoretical training.

Aerodynamics 1,5 h
Meteorology 1,5 h
Flying lesson 1,5 h
Air navigation 2,0 h
Construction and construction of PK 0,5 h
Emergency procedures 1,5 h
Regulations 2,0 h
Health science 0,5 h
Total 11,0 hours

7.6. Syllabus of the sports pilot qualification training

7.7. The instructor always practically demonstrates the procedure and execution of the task to the pilot. For demonstration flights, the instructor can also use a pilot trained by him with a sports pilot qualification.

7.8. Retraining for a paraglider category EN C, EN D

Max. wind speed: 6 m/s
Recommended equipment: radio connection

This task enables the retraining of the pilot to PK category EN C, EN D. The instructor will explain to the pilot all the differences resulting from the increased performance of the PK and draw attention to changes in the piloting technique.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot is theoretically familiar with flying on PKs of category EN C, EN D and knows the differences compared to flying on PKs of categories EN A, EN B. The pilot practically controls the control of PKs of category EN C, EN D.

7.9. Flight training in thermals

Max. wind speed: 7 m/s, mild to moderate thermal conditions
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor will repeat the theory of the formation of updrafts and introduce the pilots to the factors that influence their intensity and frequency. He draws attention to the rules of flying in an updraft and explains the technique of piloting in it.
It will also draw attention to the dangers of flying in thermal turbulence and the terrain on which it is practiced.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot will demonstrate practical skill in the active use of thermal updrafts.

7.10. Practicing asymmetric folding of the canopy

Max. wind speed: 6 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor explains the importance of the maneuver for flying, theoretically breaks down its execution by pulling two or more outer lines, causing a flap exceeding 1/3 of the canopy span, and warns the pilot of mistakes he could make during training. After a good mastery of this maneuver, the instructor may allow the practice of tipping with one "A" strap.

Terms of fulfillment: After an asymmetrical tilt, the pilot is able to maintain a straight flight direction, is able to control the flight with an asymmetrically folded PK canopy and can return the PK canopy to its original state.

7.11. Practicing front stall

Max. wind speed: 6 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot is familiar with the behavior of the PK and controls the correct reaction to the front snap.

7.12. The downward spiral exercise

Max. wind speed: 6 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection - the pilot must have an earpiece

The instructor will theoretically analyze and demonstrate the execution of the spiral with an emphasis on the correct operation when ending this mode and transitioning to straight flight.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot can safely bring the PK into a spiral and then resume straight-line steady flight.

7.13. Practice of performing a B stall

Max. wind speed: 6 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: radio connection

The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot can safely bring the PK into the B stall and then resume straight-line steady flight.

7.14. Test for obtaining the qualification of sports pilot

7.14.1. Theory

by a trial test approved by the chief traffic inspector. The traffic inspector will confirm the result of the theory test in the personal sheet. The theoretical part precedes the practical. In case of failure, it can be repeated after 14 days at the earliest.

7.14.2. Practice

Max. wind speed: 6 m/s
Starting elevation: min. 350 m, or lift to a height of min. 350 m

The pilot independently selects the take-off area, performs pre-flight preparation and chooses the moment of take-off. In the course of the flight, he will demonstrate asymmetric folding of the PK canopy and the correct reaction for its withdrawal, frontal folding of the canopy and the correct reaction for its withdrawal, descending spiral and B-Stall. Lands from a designated area into a restricted area. If the conditions or elevation of the starting point do not allow all the required elements to be carried out during one flight, it is possible to divide the flight program of this task into several flights.

7.15. Condition of fulfillment: Passed the practical part of the exam, achieved the prescribed number of points in the theoretical part.

7.16. The inspector records the result of the exam in the pupil's personal sheet.



8.1. Qualification requirements:

1) valid sports pilot's license min. 6 months,
2) documented 2 flights min. 30 km FAI triangle or 2 overflights min. 50 km with a return to the territory of the Czech Republic, documented according to the rules of the ČPP,
3) knowledge of current FAI rules

8.2. The qualification of a competitive pilot is obtained by a pilot on the basis of two documented flights of min. 30 km FAI triangle or 2 overflights min. 50 km with a return to the territory of the Czech Republic, documented according to the rules of the ČPP chief traffic inspector.



9.1. Requirements for inclusion in training

1) holder of a valid pilot qualification min. 5 years or more sports pilot qualification min. 2 years, or holder of valid MPK instructor qualification and sports pilot qualification min. 2 years,
2) air raid at least 200 hours,
3) completion of a course in non-standard flight situations (extent see Chapter 12),
4) knowledge of the Czech language, spoken and written,
5) successful examination of theoretical knowledge and verification of practical skills,
6) recommendation of PL operation inspector.

9.2. Examination of theoretical knowledge before inclusion in training

The examination of theoretical knowledge is carried out by a test approved by the chief inspector of PL operation. It is carried out by the chief traffic inspector or the traffic inspector authorized by him.

Condition of fulfillment: reaching the prescribed number of points.

9.3. Verification of practical skills before inclusion in training

The verification of practical skills within the scope of the sports pilot qualification test is carried out by the chief traffic inspector or the PL traffic inspector authorized by him.

Condition of fulfillment: Rating 1 to 2 in all evaluated indicators.

9.4. Holders of the MPK instructor qualification are eligible based on an assessment of the applicant's knowledge and abilities by the decision of the chief traffic inspector to shorten the scope of training.

9.5. Syllabus of instructor qualification training

9.6. Theoretical training

The theoretical training is organized by the chief traffic inspector and carried out by persons with qualifications in the given field

9.6.1. Syllabus of theoretical training

1) Interpretation of work with PL 3 outline.
2) Practice examples of exercises according to PL 3.
3) Aerodynamics.
4) Meteorology.
5) Construction, materials and technology of PK production.
6) Air navigation.
7) Emergency procedures
8) Regulations.
9) Health science.
10) Basics of didactics and methodology.

9.7. Instructor practice

During practice, the instructor-in-training will conduct at least 2 complete pilot qualification courses at 2 different pilot training centers or PL operation inspectors. The selection of a pilot training center is subject to prior approval by the Chief Inspector.
The internship is completed after a positive evaluation by the PL operation inspector in all criteria:

1) participation in training
2) level of theory knowledge
3) level of knowledge of practice
4) pedagogical skills

9.8. Exam for obtaining the instructor qualification

9.8.1. Theory

By a trial test approved by the Chief Operating Inspector. In case of failure, it can be repeated after 14 days at the earliest. The result of the theory test will be confirmed by the chief traffic inspector in the personal sheet.

9.8.2. Didactic skills and practice

An exam before an examination board consisting of 3 traffic inspectors determined by the chief traffic inspector. The result of the theory test will be confirmed by the chief traffic inspector in the personal sheet.

Condition of fulfillment: Rating 1 to 2 or "passed" in all evaluated indicators.

9.9. Method of awarding the qualification

The chief traffic inspector will grant the qualification to the instructor based on the fulfillment of all requirements documented by a personal letter. Based on it, the LAA CR register will enter the qualification in the pilot's license.



10.1. Requirements for inclusion in training

1) age at least 18 years,
2) sport pilot qualification min. 2 years or pilot min. 3 years and sports pilot min. 1 year (min. 4 years in total),
3) air raid at least 200 hours,
4) completion of a course in non-standard flight situations (extent see Chapter 12).

10.2. Tandem pilot qualification training syllabus

10.3. The theoretical preparation and testing of the pilot for the tandem pilot qualification takes place during the training and is within the scope of the preparation for the sports pilot qualification.

10.4. For a PPG T qualification holder or a PL instructor, the PL instructor conducting the training may reduce the scope of ground training and flight training according to the student's knowledge and skills. He will make an entry in the personal sheet about the concessions granted.

10.5. Tandem pilot qualification training can be conducted by an instructor who holds a tandem pilot qualification.

10.6. The role of the passenger during the training must be a PL instructor, with the exception of exercise 10.9.10, when the role of the passenger can be a pilot with the qualification of at least a pilot or an MPK pilot.

10.7. Only tandem gliders with an issued type certificate can be used for training.

10.8. The passenger's harness must be equipped with a foam or air back protector at least in the seat area. The requirements for the protector are the same as for pilot qualification training.

10.9. Flight training

10.9.1. An introduction to tandem flying

The goal of the task is to theoretically familiarize the pilot with the difference between flights with a tandem and single-seat PK with regard to his own and passenger safety.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot knows the differences between flying with a single and tandem PK and is aware of his responsibility for the safety of the passenger.

10.9.2. Practicing putting the canopy into flight position with a load

Max. wind speed: 9 m/s
Mandatory equipment: one-seater PK, tandem fork, load weighing at least 3 kg

Practicing the setting of the canopy is performed at least 3 times in front and 3 times across. The goal of the task is to teach the pilot to raise the canopy to the flight position with regard to the use of a tandem fork with a load. The pilot must be familiar with the change in steering position due to the length of the tandem forks used. The pilot practices tasks without detaching himself from the ground, focusing on controlling and maintaining the PK in the flight position and on adequate maneuvering.
The instructor will explain the importance of the task for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its implementation in practice. During the exercise, the limits given by the manufacturer for the single-seat PK used must not be exceeded

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot must demonstrate faultless control of the PK during the take-off with regard to the use of the tandem fork with the load.

10.9.3. Take-off training with a load

Max. wind speed: 9 m/s
Mandatory equipment: single PK, tandem fork, load

The goal of the task is to teach the pilot to disengage and land with regard to the use of a tandem fork with a load.
The exercise is performed with a single PK, to which a tandem fork with a load is added.
The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot is able to take off and land safely, considering the use of a tandem fork with a load.

10.9.4. Practicing putting the canopy into flight position with a tandem PK

Max. wind speed: 9 m/s
Mandatory equipment: two-seat PK

Practicing the setting of the canopy is performed at least 5 times in front and 5 times across. The goal of the task is to teach the pilot to raise the canopy to the flight position with regard to the safety of the passenger. The pilot must be familiar with the change in steering position due to the length of the tandem forks used. The task is performed without detaching from the ground.
The pilot must be familiar with the method of aborting the take-off at any stage.
The instructor and the pilot will analyze the task training theoretically and demonstrate the exercise practically.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot must demonstrate faultless control of the PK during the take-off taking into account the safety of the passenger. The pilot can abort the take-off at any stage of the take-off.

10.9.5. Take-off practice with tandem PK

Max. wind speed: 4 m/s
Mandatory equipment: two-seat PK

The goal of the task is to teach the pilot how to take off and land with the safety of the passenger in mind.
The instructor and the pilot will analyze the task training theoretically and demonstrate the exercise practically.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot can safely take off and land with the safety of the passenger in mind.

10.9.6. Take-off practice in winds over 4 m/s

Wind speed: from min. 4 m/s to max. 9 m/s
Mandatory equipment: two-seat PK

The goal of the task is to teach the pilot how to take off and land with the safety of the passenger in mind. The instructor will explain the specifics of take-off and landing in strong winds and demonstrate the exercise practically.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot can safely take off and land under the given conditions with the safety of the passenger in mind.

10.9.7. Take-off practice in no wind

Max. wind speed: weak variable up to 1m/s
Mandatory equipment: two-seat PK

The goal of the task is to teach the pilot how to take off and land with the safety of the passenger in mind.
The instructor and the pilot will analyze the task training theoretically and demonstrate the exercise practically.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot can safely take off and land under the given conditions with the safety of the passenger in mind.

10.9.8. Confined space landing practice

Max. wind speed: 9 m/s
Area size: max. 50 x 50 m
Mandatory equipment: two-seat PK
Starting elevation: min. 150 m

The goal of the exercise is to land safely in a limited space and control the PK during flight and landing with regard to different (min./max.) loads.
The instructor familiarizes the pilot with the different PK behavior at different take-off weights. He will teach the pilot how to land on his feet and in a sitting position and explain the appropriateness of their use.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot can safely control the PK during the landing maneuver and land in a limited space with different loads, he controls all methods of landing with respect to the safety of the passenger.

10.9.9. Spiral exercise

Max. wind speed: 9 m/s
Starting height: min. 300 m AGL
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL
Mandatory equipment: two-seat PK

The goal of the exercise is to acquire habits for safe execution and termination of the downward spiral on the tandem PK.
The pilot learns to initiate and terminate a downward spiral on a two-seater PK, taking into account the differences compared to flying on a single-seater PK. The instructor will explain the significance of the maneuver for flying, break it down theoretically and demonstrate its execution in practice.
According to the instructor's decision, it is possible to perform one flight first, when the instructor is in the pilot's position and performs a sharp spiral with the pilot.
It is recommended to try entering the spiral at max. and min. take-off weight.

Terms of fulfillment: The pilot can safely control the PK during the spiral, controls the safe exit of the PK from the spiral.

10.9.10. Tandem pilot qualification practice in training

Max. wind speed: 9 m/s
Starting elevation: min. 10 flights with elevation min. 300 m

The condition for the performance of the passenger position is occupied by a pilot with a qualification of min. pilot
The pilot performs practical flights with a two-seater PK and a PL pilot in the passenger position.

10.10.Examination for obtaining the tandem pilot qualification

10.10.1. Theory

by a trial test approved by the chief traffic inspector. The traffic inspector will confirm the result of the theory test in the personal sheet. The theoretical part precedes the practical. In case of failure, it can be repeated after 14 days at the earliest.

10.10.2. Practice

It is carried out by the chief traffic inspector or an inspector designated by him with a tandem pilot qualification. The test flight is carried out on a two-seater parachute, with the test inspector in the role of passenger. The content of the flight is determined by the examining inspector.



11.1. Requirements for inclusion in training

1) age at least 18 years,
2) air raid at least 500 hours,
3) completion of the NLS course,
4) video recording of the departure of the test program according to EN or PL 2 in full at PK min. category EN C.

11.2. The test pilot course is organized by a commission of inspectors appointed by the chief traffic inspector.

11.2.1. Theoretical preparation

1) Aerodynamics
2) PK construction

11.3. Test for obtaining a test pilot qualification

11.3.1. Theory

Oral examination before a committee of at least three members appointed by the chief traffic inspector.

11.3.2. Practice

Fulfillment of the test program departure conditions according to the EN standard or the PL 2 regulation is confirmed by the commission appointed by the chief traffic inspector based on the evaluation of the video recording of its progress. The Commission may order an additional flight and determine its content.



12.1. Requirements for inclusion in training

1) minimum pilot qualification

12.2. Training for non-standard flight situations must be carried out over a water surface with a sufficient altitude reserve.

12.3. Training can be conducted by a PL instructor with a test pilot qualification.

12.4. A record must be kept of the execution of the NLS training, in which the completed tasks, the place where they were performed and the PK that was used are listed.

12.5. Exercise performance conditions:

Starting height: min. 300 m AGL.
Finishing height: min. 200 m AGL.
Mandatory equipment: radio link, reserve parachute, knife for cutting straps and cords, life jacket.
Safety during training: radio communication, boat with person to provide rescue, indicator of wind direction and strength, telephone or means of communication with the emergency medical center.

12.6. Flight training

12.6.1. Rocking stabilizers (big ears)

12.6.2. B stall

12.6.3. Front stall

12.6.4. Asymmetric folding of the canopy

12.6.5. Full stall

12.6.6. Spiral

12.6.7. Negative turn

12.6.8. Opening the reserve parachute

12.7. Terms of fulfillment

The pilot is able to switch to the standard flight mode after performing the training task.



13.1. Personal letter

13.1.1. Personal certificate of pilot qualification

13.1.2. Sports pilot qualification personal sheet

13.1.3. Personal certificate of the qualification of a competitive pilot

13.1.4. Personal certificate of PL instructor qualification

13.1.5. Tandem pilot qualification personal sheet