Record of SK 18.10.2024

Record of SK 18.10.2024

present: Dlasková, Kricnar, Jareš, Hanč, Polách
start at 20:30 on skype
end at 21:45 (fastest this year!)

  • Report by TL V.Kricnar on the progress of ME ACC in Albania
    Kricnar informed SK about the progress at the European Championship in Albania. He discussed with SK the evaluation of team results as voted on at the first TL briefing. Kricnar SK has already informed the ME about this issue. He also informed about the performance of the Czech team, explained why the pilots finished below the podium in the individual categories. At the same time, he indicated what kind of team spirit the team had this year.


  • Completion of the Report on SK activities to the General Meeting
    SK completed the final form of the presentation, which will be presented at the general meeting. The report summarizes the work of SK during the year 2024. At the same time, the results of the Czech representatives in the last season are presented here.


  • Nominated for Sportsman of the Year
    SK led a discussion on the proposal of aerial athletes for the year 2024. To decide according to the best results at international competitions. The FAI1 races had the highest priority, followed by the FA2 internationals and their results.
    Nomination: Landing accuracy team from ME in Albania
    Radek Václavik
    Ondřej Pohořelský


  • Publication of XC Representation determination and Nomination rules for FAI1 XC races
    The rules were revised in cooperation with TL XC Michal Talavášek. At today's meeting, SK fine-tuned the final details and sent this wording to TL XC. The rules will be published soon and will be valid from January 1.1.2025, XNUMX

    • Rules published on 19.10.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX in the Sports Commission section/Documents


  • SK is negotiating with the competition organizer a proposal to change the ČPP rules in the Teams category
    The proposal was as follows: "the pilot's flight would be included in the team score only if another team member's flight is registered on the given day and from the same starting point, otherwise not". Everything else (number of pilots in the team, scoring results) would remain the same as before.
    Due to the already underway season, the new rule in its final form will be published in advance and applied from next year.