Record of SK 25.9.2024

present: Dlasková, Kricnar, Jareš, Hanč, Polách

invited: Talavašek

start at 20:30 on skype

end at 23:30 p.m


1. Modification of the nomination rules of the XC representation and extended representation

SK discussed with the new TL XC Michal Talavašek the current rules for determining representation and extended representation in cross-country.

The debate took place mainly over the criterion of the possibility of adding women to the main team. The changes are being incorporated so that they can be approved at the next meeting.

2. Modification of nomination rules for FAI1 race

SK and TL XC Michal Talavašek discussed the current nomination rules for FAI1 races.

After much discussion, SK decided to take more time to think through the suggestions from TL. This topic will be opened again at the next SK meeting, which will take place in the near future.

Amendments to the rules for nomination to the national team and the nomination of pilots to FAI1 will be published when both rules are approved.

3. Proposal for adding pilots to the seniors category

SK discussed the proposal to modify the existing rule for inclusion in the Seniors category, which was sent by a member of the Union PG to SK's email. As this proposal envisages gradual additions every two years, an immediate decision is not necessary. The issue will be consulted with the future SK, which will be given the documents for the decision for possible re-evaluation and application from the year 2026.

4. MČR XC 2025

SK has decided to announce a selection procedure for the MČR in XC in the near future on the subject of a possible organizer. The selection process will be published on the association's website.