PGA Czech Open 2024 ACC

On August 16-18.8.2024, XNUMX, the PGA Czech Open competition, a competition in landing accuracy, takes place at the Beskydy starting points Ondřejník Skalka, Velký Javorník, Odry and Děhylov. This is a race of the Czech League, MČR and European League.

Race page here

Site of the CIVL plant here

Results here


#1. day

🢢PGA Czech Open 2024 – MČR ACC🢢
Today begins a three-day marathon in landing accuracy. This is a race where pilots will fight in the next round of the ACC Czech League, they will fight for the title of Champion of the Czech Republic and it is also a round of the European PGA Cup.
The entire race will take place on the Beskydy terrain, specifically on Velké Javorník, Ondřejník - Skalka, or on the Odry or Děhylov starting points. Landing accuracy competitions are very favorable for spectators, you can watch the landings of individual competitors right on the spot. So if you want to watch a PGA race, go under Velký Javorník and enjoy the landing of 56 registered pilots at the moment.
Competitors had the option of evening registration, which continued in the morning at the target site. Every competitor has traditionally received beautiful T-shirts, and not only the competitors, but also the drivers are preparing for the start of the race and the exports for the first starts.
It's on the spot Kamil Konecny, together with his family, race organizer, Owned by Kricnar – Team leader of the Czech national team and then, of course, the Czech rep.
Everything about the race can be followed on the LAA - Sports results page
We'll bring you a link to the live results, and we'll also bring you updates on today's portion of the race in the comments throughout the day.

#2. day

🢢PGA Czech Open 2024 – MČR ACC🢢
Yesterday there were 4 rounds, two and a half of which were on Velký Javorník. Unfortunately, due to too much heat and unfavorable conditions (wind direction reversed), LA 3rd round was canceled or suspended (it can still be completed on the same hill, but unfortunately the conditions will probably no longer be there) and the next two rounds were completed on Skalka - Ondřejník .
Of course, the pilots would like to fly five laps, because if the fifth lap is completed, they can cancel the result of the worst lap and this will fundamentally change the results of the race.
Today the pilots were taken out again to Skalka and they are waiting for the wind to turn to the SW. Immediately after that, yesterday's final lap from Skalka, which was not finished yesterday, will be flown in and the race will continue.
As this is a European Cup race, the top European landings are present - the two Schubert brothers from Germany along with their father, Matjaz Sluga, Sergej Usanov and others.
The Czech national team is in the top 15, and the talents are landing very well. It can be seen that the race is being flown in challenging conditions, a minimum of pilots avoided at least one worse landing, longer than 20 cm from the center, and unfortunately many pilots do not count the excellent result from Velké Javorník, because not all of them finished the round.

#3. day

🢢PGA Czech Open 2024 – MČR ACC#3🢢
MČR in landing accuracy 2024 is behind us! The organizers in the Beskydy did not have an easy race. The wind was spinning, thermals were coming, it was raining and storming. Sunday was supposed to be completely non-flying and ended up flying all day.
The results were mixed up today by a fast last lap as many very good drivers had 500's on this last lap and thus moved quite a bit further down the leaderboard than they were before.
However, in the first places of the race and the European Cup, everything remained the same - both Schubert brothers and their excellent second, better said third ACC matador - Radek Václavík. Radek was the one who stepped on the first 0 ever in the race and the whole race was very balanced for him.
Among women, Markéta Tomášková won the race and the European Cup ahead of Lucka Martínková and Spela Krnc.
Among the European juniors, the Schubert brothers took the first two places.
(I.e.And what about the Czech league and MČR? (I.e.
(I.e.A huge surprise at the MČR is also a junior pilot with great progress this year – Jirka Novák. Stable every round finally brought him a beautiful 3rd place in the Open! Unfortunately, both of our Vlastimils were punished in the last round, they did not reach the medal and they let a new promising generation in front of them.
(I.e.In the Hobby category, the very young pilot Lukáš Karlík excelled and at the same time took home the medal for the second place of the European teams together with Vlasta Kricnar, Hugo Hadaš and Sandor Kaszas.
(I.e.In the juniors, it was a fight to the last round. Jirka Novák was the uncontested first, but Lucka, Hugo and Lukáš fought for the next position. In today's first lap, Lukáš was aware that he must not step more than 4 cm to be ahead of Hugo 2. Unfortunately, he stepped 115 cm. Lucka took care of the situation and got to the second place by 2 cm with a total of 106 b. Hugo had two laps ahead of him at the same start yesterday due to his departure for the World Championships and ended up with bronze with 107 b. Lukáš Karlík finally 4th place.
(I.e. The race was accompanied by slight vicissitudes with export cars (malfunction), but the organizer handled the situation very well
(I.e. Everyone found out that communication with the angry TM Vlastík Kricnar does not belong in the comfort zone - when someone makes Vlasta angry, he is strict!
(I.e.The race was attended by a pilot who manages to start at two MCR and one World Championship in one week and spent 2009 km on the way to these three races.
(I.e.The pilots are satisfied and look forward to further successful races - the MČR promises very promising results before the autumn EC
➡️ Overall (all categories)
1. Radek Václavík 18 b.
2. Petr Garbier 39 b.
3. Jirka Novák 75 b.
4. Lucka Martínková 106 b.
5. Hugo Hadaš 107 b.
➡️ Hobby (without representatives)
1. Lukáš Karlík 215 b.
2. Vladimir Rampas 571 b.
3. Miroslav Drábek 756 b.
4. Karol Rumpli 1145 b.
5. Pavel Láznička 1497 b.
➡️ Women
1. Lucka Martínková 106 b.
2. Karolína Koudelová 1058 b.
3. Anabel Slováková 1612 b.
4. Veronika Koňasová 2093 b.
5. Lucie Kepková 2787 b.
1. Jirka Novák 75 b.
2. Lucka Martínková 106 b.
3. Hugo Hadaš 107 b.
4. Lukáš Karlík 215 b.
5. Karolína Koudelová 1058 b.
Reportage in CT