Present: Hana Dlasková, Linda Mišková, Kamil Konečný, Vít Šantrůček, Jan Doležal, Jaromír Mašek
Excused: David Bzirský
Guest: Petr Kostrhun
The meeting started at 8:30 p.m.
1/ The Board discussed together with Petr Kostrhun the conditions for the use of the union vehicle.
- the clause about the necessity of reference tests for borrowers will be removed from the terms of use
- the car will be loaned primarily for races to representatives (XC, ACC, H&F, ACRO) and participants of the young talent program, this loan will be free of charge
- car rental for the training of national team members and participants of the young talent programme will be with a deductible of CZK 2 per kilometre, as it was before
- the annual operating costs will be covered by the representation
The Board appointed Peter Kostrhun as vehicle manager. The terms and conditions are being updated, the primary use will be for representation for transport to races, the car will not be used as a collection vehicle for races.
2/ The Board discussed the method of selling the old union vehicle. After consultation with the service technician, a price will be set and an advertisement for the sale will be placed.
3/ The Board approved the contract for the rental and operation of the reeling machine, which was purchased with the investment grant. Radek Václavik will be responsible for the operation of the reel.
4/ The Board approved the Sports Commission's proposal for two-tier championship competitions as required by the NSA.
Proposal for a two-stage championship competition - setting qualification criteria:
A pilot qualifies for the Czech Championship by fulfilling one of the following conditions:
- He placed in the top 50% of the PPP standings in the previous season.
- He placed in the 90% of the XC League standings the previous season.
- He placed in the 90% of the XC Championship in the previous season.
- If the qualification criteria are not met, an individual exemption can be requested from the SK.
5/ The Board discussed changes to the new website, adjusting the menu, simplifying access to contacts and tasked Jan Doležal with revising the content.
6/ Linda Mišková informed the Board about the meeting of the LAA CR Board. New Pilot design, Pilot magazine must be a minimum of 60 pages due to technical reasons. If you have a suitable article contact
7/ Linda Mišková informed the Board about the development of parachute equipment theft insurance. The Board approved the draft insurance policy and forwarded it to the LAA administration for action. The insurance policy will be available on the LAA website in the near future. Please read the insurance policy carefully.
Meeting adjourned at 11:31 p.m.