Invitation to LA 3rd round of the NPPT in Hata

Dear fans of ultralight flying,

The Model Club Hať invites you to a navigation competition held at the Model Club Hať Airport. This is the 4th round of the Petr Tuček Navigation Cup 2021. The date of the event is 19/6/2021. In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to Sunday 20/6 or Saturday 26/6/2021. Information about the change will be published no later than Friday at 19:00 on the Model kubu Hať website and the LAA website. The competition is open for both the recreational and sports categories. Please make the most of advance crew registration on the website Please register no later than Friday, June 18, 6 at 2021:20 p.m. Please register in advance even if you are not sure whether you will arrive at the competition, for example due to bad weather etc.
Briefing at 9:15, schedule to start competition flights at 10:30 LOC.
Entry fee 150 CZK/person.
Accommodation is possible in the village of Hať in the nearby guesthouse Hostinec u sv. Nicholas. Attention, the capacity of the rooms is limited, so it is necessary to make your own accommodation reservation well in advance
on phone +420 597 589 340, 420 739 405 566, +420 605 272 337. Boarding house website: Je také možné stanování ve vlastních stanech na ploše letiště. Letiště nedisponuje možnosti hangáru.  Stravování během celého soutěžního bude zajištěno.
A member of the UL Association who flies more than half of the competition course will receive 20 liters of petrol for the plane.
In the event that the competitor has not passed the deadline for applying for an exemption on the basis of having been vaccinated against the COVID‑19 disease, the competitor is required to provide proof of an affidavit of the absence of symptoms of the COVID‑19 disease and a negative PCR/antigen test, not older than 7 days for the COVID‑19 virus, or proof that he has been infected in the past 180 days and now shows no signs of infection. The current situation of the measures may change and the competition will take place in compliance with the currently valid epidemiological measures.
Airport information:
Hať u Hlučín GPS 49.9501111N, 18.2648056E (In the airport database 2021 on page AD10 Czechia)
Frequency: Hať RADIO 125,830
Runways: 01/19 One-way airport due to traffic restrictions over the village of Hať, landing 19, take-off 01. If necessary, due to strong wind, it is possible to use the runways as needed on the day of the competition.
Size of the airport: 600 x 20 m, total including the apron, which is maintained as a RWY 1100 x 45 m.
Other information: The airport is located under TMA I. Ostrava – Mošnov, close to the border with Poland.
plant manager: Martin Mikolajek +420 776 144 417
site operator: Günther Gajda +420 776 264 419
Model Club Hať is looking forward to your participation!