At the General Meeting in Jihlava on 10.11. In 2007, the following were elected to the SK:
- Michal Šneiberg
- Jakub Havel
- Luděk Procházka
- Miroslav Volný
- Peter Kuhn
SK members elected Miroslav Volné as chairman. On December 5.12.2007, XNUMX, Luděk Procházka resigned from SK, his place was taken over by Milan Abrahám according to the results of the VH elections.
On 16.4. In 2008, Miroslav Volný vacated the position of chairman of the SK, Jakub Havel was elected chairman of the SK.
An internal discussion forum was created for SK in order to conduct year-round discussion and approve points year-round, without the need to call a meeting.
31.10.2007 applicants applied to the VŘ for the organization of the MČR advertised on 2 - Karel Vejchodský and Marcelo Tessieri (Cornizzoloeventi). Marcel Tessieri's offer was chosen and the MČR took place on July 20-26.7. 2008 in Cornizzolo, Italy. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, only one round could be run, in which Tomáš Brauner won. The champion of the Czech Republic in paragliding was not announced.
During the preparation of the MCR, a problem arose with different interpretations of the conditions of the VŘ control by the organizer, which could lead to a limitation of the number of Czech pilots to a maximum of 50. The SC agreed to increase the reserved number of places for Czech pilots to 60 (which corresponds to the participation of Czech pilots in the MCR in the last 4 years, which ranged from 60 to 67). In the end, 52 Czech pilots took part in the MČR in Cornizzolo.
Czech Paragliding League
After discussions about the shape of the Czech League PG, a new concept for the year 2008 was approved:
- 4-5 races, 3-5 days in the Czech Republic, 5-7 days abroad
- for every race there is always an alternate date in case of bad weather forecast
- support for FAI 2 race status where feasible
- support of the central website of the Czech League PG at the url with a complete service (proposals, registration, results service, task center, news, photos).
On January 19.1.2008, 5, a call for tenders for the organizers of the Czech Paragliding League competitions was announced, to which 4 organizers applied. SK decided to organize XNUMX races:
- Michal Šneiberg – Downpour (March)
- Petr Chromec – Early (April)
- Kamil Konečný – Beskydy (June) – at the same time Academic MČR 2008
- Milan Masařík – Karawanki (August) – at the same time Junior MČR 2008
In total, 2008 pilots scored points in the 56 Czech League series.
The winner was Luděk Procházka, 2nd was Michal Šneiberg, 3rd was David Šachl.
The selection process for the ČL races for the year 2009 was announced on October 17.10.2008, XNUMX.
Preliga Všechov CUP 2008
In August, an experimental race started from a winder took place at the Všechov airport. It was the first ever winder/winder race. 17 pilots took part in this race. The aim of this event was to test the new format of the race and verify the changes to the rules (Sports Rules), with the fact that next year the winch race could become part of the league series.
On 12.12. In 2007, a tender was announced for the organizer of the Czech Paragliding Cup 2008. PGweb became the only participant and subsequently the organizer, as is traditional.
For the year 2008, the SK decided on the following changes to the rules:
- start 1.2.2008/30.9.2008/XNUMX and end XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX
- change of undershoot of closed tracks from 800 meters to 5%
- the minimum distance has been cancelled
- the coefficient for the FAI triangle (outside the territory of the Czech Republic) increased to 1.6
- change in the evaluation of the inclusion of pilots in the performance categories Standard and Sport - flights on the PK of the "higher" category do not disqualify the pilot from the "lower" category.
2008 pilots applied for the ČPP 347, of which 325 pilots with at least one public flight. A total of 3352 flights appeared in ČPP and the total number of kilometers flown exceeded 100 km. In all indicators, the ČPP 000 grew compared to the previous year, and it is currently the most popular paragliding competition in the Czech Republic.
Other changes were agreed for the year 2009:
- start 1.10.2008 and end 30.9. 2009 (CPP transition to a year-round regime)
- height record in IGC tracklog is mandatory, flights from old GPS without height record will not be admitted to the competition.
- Reduced favorable coefficient for FAI triangle (2.25) flat triangle (1.8). Favored coefficients not only for CZ, but also for SK, PL, HU (Visegrad 4 states)
Other planned changes to the XContest system, which will also be reflected in the ČPP this year:
- tracklogs without G-record, with more than 2 gaps longer than 1 minute or with a gap longer than 15 minutes will also be accepted. These flights will be shown in the flight list and in the daily score with a special highlight, however they will NOT count towards the score (so they will not have any effect on the ranking of the competition).
Due to the nature of the organization of the ČPP, the conditions under which the VŘ will be announced in the coming years have been changed. VŘ will be listed only if:
- the current organizer will not be interested in organizing the next year of the ČPP. This fact must be announced no earlier than 1 month before the beginning of the following year.
- a competitive bid(s) for organizing the next year will be submitted no earlier than 1 month before the start of the next ČPP year.
Cross Country Representation
The European Championship was held in Niš, Serbia. The national team consisted of Brauner, Ohlídal, Slívová, Kuhnová, the injured Vrbenský and Orlík were replaced by substitutes Pavloušek and Šneiberg. With this composition, the team managed to take 6th place in the competition of nations, and Petra Slívová took the same position in the women's category, and David Ohlídal took 11th place in the men's category.
Representation Accuracy of landing
The European Championship in Landing Accuracy in Serbia was attended by a team consisting of Kamil Konečný, Tomáš Lednik, Markéta Tomášková, Libor Jiroušek, Radek Václavík, Kateřina Pánková, Martin Ondrášek.
Kamil Konečný placed 7th overall, Kateřina Pánková 2nd among women.
Representation of Acrobatics
Unfortunately, the World Cup in Norway was canceled due to organizational problems.