Date 6/11/2008
- Antonin Kulisek
- Jiří Šramek
- Vladimir Proček
- Zdenek Andrlík
- Petr Matoušek
- Tomas Berka
- Jaroslav SuraAfter the resignation of two members (Mr. Březina, Mr. Koudela), the board agreed to add two new members so that the board would be seven members. The new members of the MPG board are Petr Matoušek and Jiří Šrámek.
A draft of the organizational rules of the MUnion PG, a draft of LA 2009 League rules, minutes of the meeting of the old and new chairman of the union and a financial overview for 2007-2008 were presented.
Submitted information about the MPG representative tent (damaged during LA 2008 MČR). Currently at the manufacturer Svitap Svitavy, who submitted a price estimate for the repair. The LAA Council approved a subsidy for its repair. Mr. Kulíšek, Mr. Andrlík are responsible for communication with the manufacturer. After repair, it will be stored in Jaroměř with Mr. Šrámek. Submitted a proposal for the insurance of the representative tent. P. Šrámek will provide a draft of the conditions for the insurance.
The tangible property of the MPG representation – laptop, projector, tripod and camera including tapes will be taken over by the new president of the union and will ensure its storage and possible subsequent use.
The loggers in the number of 10 pieces, which are the property of the MUnion PG, will be taken over by the new chairman from Mr. Salava, and their use will continue to be decided by the presidency of the MUnion PG.
P. Kulíšek informed about the returned motorized backpack from the deceased user, which is the property of LAA CR and is intended for training. The current chairman will take over the loom and ensure its storage. It has not yet been decided on its further use.
The Board orders Mr. Salav to submit the final account of the representation for the EC 2008 by 18/11/2008 at the latest.
The Board has delegated as its representative at the CIMA meeting Mr. Jiří Koudela, who will submit the written result of this meeting to the Board within 14 days after its conclusion.
At the same time, the board requests Mr. Koudela to document the information on WAG 2009 - Turin in writing.The board asks Mr. Koudela to handle the complaints regarding Mr. Kousal's flight indiscipline.
The Presidium discussed the working version of the Organizational Rules of the MPG LAA CR union.
The board discussed the working version of the Liga 2009 rules.
The LAA conference on 22 November 11 will be attended by 2008 delegates representing the MUnion PG - Z. Andrlík, J. Sura, substitutes: L. Kuna, R. Pavlík.
Due to the absence of Mr. Kulíšek, the board appointed Mr. Andrlík as his substitute for the meeting of the Executive council, which will take place on November 10, 11.
There was a preliminary distribution of tasks to the members of the presidency resulting from the resolution of the general meeting.
The Presidium of the MUnion PG has announced and will publish in the Pilot magazine a selection procedure for those interested in organizing LA 2009 WRC. In the application for organizing, the applicant must indicate the location, background, etc. The WRC must be organized at least 1 month before the date of the WC 2009 (the date and location of the WC 2009 will be announced after the CIMA commission meeting).
The board discussed the proposal to create calendars for 2009 or to create patches for members of the MUnion PG and decided to create a proposal for patches for members of the MUnion PG for 2009.
He wrote: Jaroslav Sura